7 Habits of Highly Effective People(W2)


Habit2 To Begin With The End


To begin with the end means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you are going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.



更加实际点的方法是:写一个personal mission。或者说是长期目标。先识别一下自己在家庭,公司或者其他组织中自己的角色,再想想自己这个角色上你想达到什么目标。

既然这个目标如此重要,那我们应该如何绘制?要用self-awareness,imagination and conscience,同时应该是principle-centered。这时候我们要充分发挥自己的想象力,要把这个目标想的足够吸引自己。李笑来老师当年就把背单词和自己以后的收入联系起来,在他自己的计算公式中,背一个单词值50块呢!他每天背单词都觉得自己赚大发了,所以动力满满。


Habit3 Put First Things First



What matters most gets buried under layers of pressing problems, immediate concerns, and outward behavior.


In other word, if you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline from within; it is a function your dependent will.



书中给出的建议是以下几个步骤:desired results, guideline, resources, accountability, consequences.其中前两项非常重要,要让被安排工作的人明确知道自己的目标。比如洗碗,应该让要洗碗的人知道洗碗不仅碗要洗干净,没有油渍,锅啊,灶台啊也要全部清理干净。guideline不是要告诉他每一步具体怎么做,而是要根据你自己以前做过的经验告诉他怎么做不对,至于怎么做对可以让他自由发挥,发挥自己的创造性。


Habit 2 and Habit 3 are based on the principle that all things are create twice. The first on is a mental(Habit2), and the second one is a physical(Habit3).

What is the principle to create the mental one? To begin with the end. That means before you do something, you should firstly set a clear destination. Only in this way you can go in the right direction or you will go no where though you are fully occupied. If you want becoming your own creator, use selfawarenee, imagination and conscience to be proactive.

The most effective way to begin with the end is to develop a personal statement. Firstly,  write your personal statement mission in terms of the importance roles in your life; secondly,  think about your long term goal you want to accomplish and  visualize it in rich details.

Habit 3 is the physical creation, the fulfillment and self management. You should focus on the things that are important but not urgent because you are easily get buried under pressing problems. The best way to motivate you to do this is to organize your life on a weekly basis.



Through conscience, we can come in contact with universal laws or principles with our own singular talents and avenues of contribution.

the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong

a guilty/troubled conscience/a clear conscience

a clear conscience (=the knowledge that you have done nothing wrong) I was able to answer his questions with a clear conscience.问心无愧

a guilty/troubled conscience (=the knowledge that you have done something wrong) His guilty conscience kept him awake at night.


But to focus on money-making as a center will bring about its own undoing.

be sb’s undoing to cause someone’s shame, failure etc:失败(或垮台、破产)的原因
例:In the end, drink was his undoing.
造句:The lack of experience is his undoing.


I am alway intrigued whenever I go to IBM and watch the training process there.

to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual or mysterious (尤指因奇怪、不寻常或神秘而)使很感兴趣,迷住

例:Throughout history, people have been intrigued by the question of whether there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.

造句:I am always intrigued when I read the unsolved mystery.


When these deep-seated tendencies combine with the emotional dependency in the marriage, the spouse-centered relationship reveals all its vulnerability.

a deep-seated attitude, feeling, or idea is strong and is very difficult to change ⇨ deep-rooted/implanted
例:The country is still suffering from deep-seated economic problems
造句:The Christian have deep-seated faith in God.


But striving to achieve it will have a phenomenal impact on personal effectiveness.

very great or impressive:

例:the phenomenal success of computer games in recent years

phenomenal growth/rise/increase

例:California had experienced a phenomenal growth in population.

造句:His rise to fame was phenomenal.

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