听译练习| ChinaDaily专访《战狼2》女主@卢靖姗CelinaJade

听译练习| ChinaDaily专访《战狼2》女主@卢靖姗CelinaJade_第1张图片


Q: What do you think of success of Wolf Warriors II ?

你怎么看《战狼 II》的成功?

A: I don't think any of us were quit expecting such an incredible box office.However we are extremely proud to be the first foreign language film to make it into the top 100  world wild box office movies of  all-time.We beat Avatar already and we're  just second to Star Wars in terms of  number of viewers right now and world wild and in the history of movies, I thinks it's very proud moment for China for Wu Jing for our entire crew who worked  monday to sunday. It's really really hard to achieve this. I'm just excited and I'm proud and I'm grateful to be part of the movie. 

我想我们任何人都没有预期到有这样不可思议的票房。然而我们超级自豪,我们是进入史上最卖座电影 Top100 中的唯一外语片。现在根据观看人数,我已经打败了《阿凡达》,仅仅次于《星球大战》,在电影史上以及全球范围内位居第二。



Q: What do you think about the director Wu Jing?


A: I really really admire Wu Jing. Because he is not only acting in it, he is director, he is producer, he put his own money into the movie.The pressure is tremendous.He really risked his life.He doesn't use stunt double,as a friend I was very concerned about his safety for a long time. Because for example the first scene the six minute twenty we were shot under water fighting and holding his breath and freediving.It's very dangers and Hollywood never attempt to that.We are the first people to attempt that. We are the first people to attempt tank races.So I think it's a proud moment for China and it's just  show the power of the munber of the people.and it's a really exciting time.


Q: How did Chinese culture and Western culture influence you ?


A: Well I'm half-half.So I guess it effected  me half-half my father is always been in love with Chinese culture.He as an American has been in HongKong for many many years.He speaks fluent Mandarine,he knows Chinese xxxx he knows fengshui,he knows KongFu, he was in old xxx Jacky Chan's movies. I was was brought up with the Chinese education and I went to full-time Chinese school I was only mixed girl in full Chinese system.I remember learning ancient Chinese.I think it's a beautiful mix,you know the world is a beautiful place,I don't think races should ever be an issue,we are all human beings of this beautiful  planet,we are all brothers and sisters. I'm grateful been influent by both cultures.



你可能感兴趣的:(听译练习| ChinaDaily专访《战狼2》女主@卢靖姗CelinaJade)