
  • arid adj.干旱的(barren, dry)
    The desert is an arid place.
  • atmosphere 气氛;大气层
    The Smith's favorite restaurant has a friendsly, releaxed atmosphere.
  • balmy adj 温和的(mild, temperate, moderate)
    The Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean, hav a balmy climate.
  • barometer n. 气压计(indicator)
    A barometer is useful in predicting the weather.
  • blast n 一阵(风)(gust, blow)
    The leaves were lifted into the air by a sudden blast of wind.
  • blizzard n. 大风雪
  • breeze 微风
  • chill vt.使变冷 n.寒冷
    There a quite chill in the air this morning.
  • climate n.气候(weather); 气氛(atmosphere)
    Britain has a temperate climate
  • condense v.(使)浓缩,精简
    Soup condeses when boiled.
  • convection zone 对流层
  • crystal 水晶
  • current n.气流
  • damp n.潮湿 adj.潮湿的,有湿气的(wet, moist)
    Do not stay outside in the damp.
  • dank adj.阴湿的(damp, clammy)
    The cave is dank and dark.
  • dew n.露,露水般的东西
  • downpour n.倾盆大雨
  • drizzle v.下细雨
    It drizzles quite often in southern China around May.
  • dropet n.小滴
  • drought n.干旱(aridity, dry period, prolonged lack of rain)
  • frigid adj.严寒的(icy, freezing); 冷淡的
    Student who come from southern China are not used to frigid weather.
  • frost n霜,霜冻,严寒v.结霜
    frost heaving
  • funnel n.漏斗云
  • geil n.大风(storm, tempest)
  • greenhouse effect n.温室效应
    The greenhouse effect leads to global warming.
  • hail n.冰雹;致敬;招呼
  • humid adj.潮湿的(damp, moist)
    People from northern China could not adapt to the humid weather in sourth China.
  • humidity n.潮湿(moisture)
  • hurrifcane n.飓风
    The hurricane caused huge caused huge damage to the village.
  • meteorology n.气象学;气象状态
  • oxygen n.氧气
    The main parts of the air are composed of oxygen and nitrogen.
  • ozone layer n.臭氧层
  • precipitate v.加速
  • precipitation n. 降水
    The annual precipitation of the region this year is higher than that of last year.
  • saturate v.使饱和,浸透,使充满
    I went out in the rain and got saturated.
  • fog n.雾
  • serene adj.晴朗的;平静的
    It is a dream of the white collars to go to the serene countryside in the weekends.
  • smog n.烟雾
  • temperature n.温度
  • tempest n.暴风雨
    The tempest brough water to the crops.
  • tepid adj. 微温的(lukewarm, warm)
    The water is tepid,./ Their performance only received tepid applause.
  • tornado n.旋风,龙卷风, 大雷雨
  • troposphere n. 对流层
  • typhoon n.台风
  • vapor n.水汽, 水蒸汽
  • whirlwind n.旋风

You will never have what you like until you learn to like what you have.
