Test with a daily 25,000 sale order lines

Test with a daily 25,000 sale order lines

The objective of this test is to test odoo performance with huge volume.
Suppose we

  • have simple warehouse operation under that
  • do not have MRP operation for this project.
  • do not use complex UoM calculation in (all unit for the moment)
  • use picking + delivery 2 step policy
  • one payment method, journal, account

Test Background

  • odoo version: 8.0 github 0906 version commit to add
  • 8,000 order, 25,000 order lines
  • 8,000 outgoing shipment + 8,000 picking order, 50,000 * 2 stock moves for outgoing
  • 2 years volume
    • 8,000 sale order * 770,
    • 50,000 stock move * 770,
    • 8,000 purcha,

performance problems expected

  • quantity_available calculation
  • procurement, (scheduelr running)
  • workflow
  • account move

Datbase Preparetion

create database

Use xml rpc to create database

  • prepare warehouse workflow with 2 steps. (push locations)

  • create partner "tech sapce", supplier "google", "inWatch", "BeTwine"

  • create product "Moto 360", "Wreist Band", "inWatch Pi", "3D printer"

  • Create sale order: partner "tech space"

  • create delivery order (should be done)

  • create account move. (open invoice, doing payment)

Test Script & Result

based on different machine and Host.

Test on interface:

Client Machine Spec:

| Function / Machine | Ucloud 4G| Ucloud, 8G | Ucould 16G|Aliyun 8G|Aliyun 16G|
| ------ | -- | -- | -- | --|
| 1. Create Sale Order| |
| 2. Conform Sale Order| |
| 3. deliver picking order| |
| 4. deliver delivery order| |
| 5. check stock level| |

Purchase test

Test on xmlrpc

| Function / Machine | Ucloud 4G| Ucloud, 8G | Ucould 16G|Aliyun 8G|Aliyun 16G|
| ------ | -- | -- | -- | --|
| 1. Create Sale Order| |
| 2. Conform Sale Order| |
| 3. deliver picking order| |
| 4. deliver delivery order| |
| 5. check stock level| |

Solution and test with solution

Please Check another post.

Other notes

  • back up disk and database after database preparation

    • Create Product, Partner, Sales
    • Create 1st sale order workflow with xmlrpc
    • Create sale order
    • create purchase order
  • Use 磁盘快照 for retest。

  • Creation script link

  • Test script link

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