4.13 Interaction 交互 - Scrollaway

Calculate the progress off a scroll away navigation element.

4.13 Interaction 交互 - Scrollaway_第1张图片


Scroll Position 滚动位置
The current scroll position from a Scroll patch.

Scrollaway Offset 滚动距离偏移
The offset the element should be scrolled away by.

Bottom Bound 底部边界
A number representing the lowest bound of the Scroll (ex: -1500). Get this by scrolling the layer to the top and looking at the Scroll position. Used to limit the scrollaway effect within a certain range.
表示滚动的最低界限 (例:-1500)。通过滚动图层到顶部查看Scroll位置。用于有范围限制的滚动。

Top Bound 顶部边界
A number representing the highest bound of the Scroll (ex: 1500). Get this by scrolling the layer to the bottom and looking at the Scroll position. Used to limit the scrollaway effect within a certain range.
表示滚动的最高界限 (例:1500)。通过滚动图层到底部查看Scroll位置。用于有范围限制的滚动。


Progress 进度
A number from 0-1 that represents the progress of the scrollaway. Connect to Transition patches to convert it to the position, scale, opacity or any other property.

Related Patches 相关模块


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