Lesson A day to remember

Words and expressions

1. Prelude 前奏曲;序幕

2. Unforeseen 意料之外

Synonym: unexpected

Unforeseen circumstance 意外情况

3. Crockery 陶器,瓦器

4. Learner 初学者

E.g. Learner driver 学习驾车者

5. Stray 走失的,无主的

E.g. Stray dogs 流浪狗

6.Devour 狼吞虎咽地吃

Synonyms: gobble; wolf

7. A chain of 一系列(人或事)

E.g. A chain of event

8. Keep an eye on sb/sth 照看,留神

E.g. She asked her neighbors to keep an eye an her do while she is on her travel.

9. Attend to sb/sth 处理,照顾,关怀

E.g. She has some business to attend to.

10. Reduce sb to sth 陷入(更坏的)境地;使沦落

E.g. She was reduced to tears by her boyfriend's bad behavior.

11. Scale 程度,范围;等级,级别;刻度;秤;比例;鱼鳞;音阶;牙垢

On a bit/large scale

On a scale from

A scale of 1:100 1:100 的比例

12. Rush hour 交通高峰期

Morning/ evening rush hour 早、晚高峰

Bet the rush 错峰出行

13. Lorry(英式)卡车


14. Happen to be 碰巧,恰好

E.g. You don't happen to know her?

15. As if/ as though 引导虚拟语气

E.g. It sounds as if he had a good time.

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