58. Knock,knock! 请敲门。

1. 单词部分

anyone 任何人

knock 敲、打

knock at the door 敲门

The policeman knocked the thief to the ground. 这个警察把小偷打倒在地。

everything 一切事物

quiet 宁静的,安静的

Please be quiet ! 请保持安静!

impossible 不可能的

possible adj. 可能的

invite 邀请

invite somebody to something 

They invited me to the party / their wedding.

invite somebody  to do something  邀请某人做某事。

anything 任何东西

nothing 什么也没有

lemonade 柠檬水

lemon 柠檬

joke 开玩笑 

You must be joking. 你一定是在爱开玩笑。

2. 课文部分

Isn't there anyone at home? 没有人在家吗?

I'll knock again,Helen. Helen. 我在敲敲门。

Everything's very quiet.  还是这么安静。

every,no,any,some 等代词以及有他们构成的代词如everything.everyone,everybody等做主语的时候, 谓语大多要代用单数的形式。

I'm sure there's no one at home. 我确定这里没有人在家。

But that's impossible. 但是那是不可能的。

Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.  Carol 跟 Tom 邀请我们吃午饭。

Look through the window.  在窗户边上看看吧。

through 穿过,通过,透过

Can you see anything? 你看到了什么?

Nothing at all.  什么也没有。

at all  压根,根本

Let's try the back door.  我们去后门吧!

Look! Everyone's in the garden. 瞧, 每个人都在花园。

Hello, Helen. Hello Jim.

Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden. 大家都想在花园里吃午饭。

It's nice and warm out here. 这里挺暖和的。

nice and + 形容词  表达满意或称赞

Your bedroom looks nice and tidy.  你的卧室看起来很干净。

The boy's shirt is nice and clean. 男孩的衬衫很干净。

The french test was nice and easy.  这次法语考试还是挺容易的。

Come and have something to drink. 来喝点什么?

May I have a glass of beer please?  给我一杯啤酒,好吗?


There's none left. 在哪?

You can  have some  lemonade.   你能看到柠檬水吗?


Don't believe her,Jim.  别信他的

She's only joking.  他只是在开玩笑。

Have some beer!  喝点啤酒吧!

I believe in god.

I believe in you .

3. 语法部分

every,no,any,some 等代词以及有他们构成的代词如everything.everyone,everybody等做主语的时候, 谓语大多要代用单数的形式。

Everything is very quiet.

I am sure there is no one at home.

Every is in the garden.

Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.

There is none left.


There are many apples in the refrigerator.

Some are fresh, some are stale. 

Some of homework is difficult for me. 一些作业对我来说是比较困难的。

Is there any beer in the bottle? 在瓶子还有啤酒吗?

Are there any tomatoes in the basket.


All si gone . 一切都过去了。

All have arrived, 所有的人都到了。

a few

I think there are a few in the box. 盒子里还有几根。

I think there is a little in the bottle. 瓶子里还有些水。


This is my book.


These are my books.


That is my shirt.


4. 单词句型讲解

asleep 睡觉,睡着

He is asleep.

glasses n. 眼镜

a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

Every 每一, No 无, any 若干 , some 一些。

Everyone  No one  Anyone  Someone

Everybody 每一个人 , Nobody 没有人, anybody 任何人, somebody 某些人

Everything , Nothing, Anything, Something

Everywhere 到处, Nowhere没有地方, Anywhere 任何地方, somewhere 某些地方

He looked for his pen everywhere.

5. 知识拓展

你可能感兴趣的:(58. Knock,knock! 请敲门。)