Linux | 课程设计 ftp配置文件内容


# 用户限制在主目录
DefaultRoot         ~

# Umask是要修改的
Umask 000 # 解决学生作业子目录无法上交的权限问题


Umask 000 # 解决学生作业子目录无法上交的权限问题

DenyGroup student

Umask 000 # 解决学生作业子目录无法上交的权限问题

DenyGroup student


$ /etc/init.d/proftpd restart


# /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf -- This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file.
# To really apply changes, reload proftpd after modifications, if
# it runs in daemon mode. It is not required in inetd/xinetd mode.

# Includes DSO modules
Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf

# If set on you can experience a longer connection delay in many cases.
IdentLookups            off

ServerName          "niracler FTP Server" 

ServerType          standalone 

DefaultServer           on 

# Set off to disable IPv6 support which is annoying on IPv4 only boxes.
UseIPv6                 off

Port                21 

PassivePorts            60000 65535

Umask               000 000

DefaultRoot         ~

DeferWelcome            off 

DisplayLogin            welcome.msg 

DisplayChdir                .message true

TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
SystemLog   /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log

MultilineRFC2228        on
ShowSymlinks            on

TimeoutNoTransfer       600
TimeoutStalled          600
TimeoutIdle         1200

ListOptions                 "-l"

DenyFilter          \*.*/

# DynMasqRefresh 28800

User                proftpd

Group                   nogroup

# (such as xinetd)
MaxInstances            30

# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
AllowOverwrite          on

QuotaEngine off

Ratios off

# Delay engine reduces impact of the so-called Timing Attack described in
# It is on by default. 

DelayEngine on

ControlsEngine        off
ControlsMaxClients    2
ControlsLog           /var/log/proftpd/controls.log
ControlsInterval      5
ControlsSocket        /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock

AdminControlsEngine off

Umask 000 # 解决学生作业子目录无法上交的权限问题

DenyGroup student

Umask 000 # 解决学生作业子目录无法上交的权限问题

DenyGroup student

# Include other custom configuration files
Include /etc/proftpd/conf.d/

Linux | 课程设计 ftp配置文件内容_第1张图片
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