代做Consensus Programming Project 语言、R代写、代写R设计、R代做、调试R、R程序代做

Introduction In this assignment youwill continuetohoneyour distributedsystems development skills. Youwill implement a distributed consensus protocol and use it as a building block for a distributed application. Assignment Your task is to implement the​Raft distributedconsensus protocol andthenuseit toimplement a distributedversionof​Rock ‘EmSock ‘Emrobots​. Notethat althoughtherearemanyRaft implementation available on the internet, you will need to implement yours fromscratch - undue similarity to publicly available code will be seen as plagiarism. Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots From Wikipedia we learn: “Rock Em Sock EmRobots is a two-player action toy and game. It features two dueling robot boxers, Red Rocker and Blue Bomber, mechanically manipulated by the players, and the game is won when one player knocks the head off of the opponent.” You canseea lifesize version the game in action ​here​! Your distributed program should allow human players on two different computers as either Red Rocker and BlueBomber. Eachrobot canbedirectedtoperformthefollowingactions (slightly modified from the original game): ● punch_with_left()​ [Q] ● punch_with_right()​ [W] ● block_with_left()​ [A] ● block_with_right()​ [S] When a robot blocks, it enters a​blocking_with_left​, or ​blocking_with_right state, which persists until another actionis taken. When​blocking_with_leftopponent’s puncheswiththeright are blocked. Analogously for ​blocking_with_right​, punches with opponent’s left are blocked. Whenpunchinganopponent whois not blocking, arobot has 10%chanceof landingahit. If ahit lands, the opponent’s head is knocked off and the the match is over. A robot can only punch oncea second. After being blocked, a robot cannot punch for three seconds with either hand. One of your tasks will be to define a user interface that lets a user take actions and receive feedback as toits effect. Becauseyour systemincludes twoplayers, youmay needtowritescripts that trigger their actions. Raft You will host your gameonusingtwoclients andfiveservers. Wewill assumethat clients donot fail, but theservers andcommunicationbetweenthemcan. Theroleof theservers is tomain代做留学生Consensus Programming Project 语言、R实验代写、代写留学生R课程设计、R实验作业taingame state and arbiter the order of player actions. The five servers will run the Raft consensus protocol to maintain between them log of player actions. To implement the game, the servers will also need to use this log to maintain game state, specifically whether a player is currently blockingandwhether they areallowedyet todispatchanother punch. In addition to normal Raft operation, your servers need support the following operations: ● fail()​ - the server ‘crashes’ and loses all local state ● recover()​ - the server ‘recovers,’ rejoins the Raft protocol, and recovers the log and state ● timeout()​ - the server decides that it has not heard from the coordinator within a timeout You will use these operation to demonstrate the robustness of your Raft implementation. Deployment Youmust implement asystemwithfiveservernodes. Eachnodewill berunonadifferent machine. Thelogshouldbewrittentopermanent storage, sothat it will survivenodecrashes. Youneedtoprovide, at least, aminimal user interface(UI) for players totakeactions. Atext-basedUI isfine. Thecontentsof the log must also be viewable, for example by reading a file, so long as the file is human readable. You will deploy your project on Amazon EC2, on fivemachines indifferent regions. Youwill use micro-instances. Youshouldsignupfor AWSEducatetoget your $35credit for useof Amazon’s cloud infrastructure. This should be enough for you to deploy and demo theproject. Youshouldnot doyour development inAWS, but pushyourcodefromarepository(GitHub, BitBucket)toyourAWSinstancesto test and demo. Please be careful to use a private repository, or otherwiseprotect privatekeys sothat your AWS accounts are not hacked. Grading Your gradewill bebasedonascreencast that demonstratesthefunctionalityof yourcode. I expect the demonstration to show the different types of events that players may take. You also need to demonstratethecorrect operationof yourRaft implementationthroughservercrashesandtimeouts. I will be looking for functionality and correctness of your mechanisms. What to submit? 1. A link to a YouTube video showing your code running on AWS instances. 2. Your source code (unzipped) for D2L plagiarism check & 转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018060769870008.html

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