

OpenCV is computer vision a library written using highly optimized C/C++ code. It makes use of multiprocessing in the background. It has a collection of a large number of algorithms tested and verifiend by the developers. The best thing about this is it's FREE under the BSD license.

OpenCV是一个计算机视觉库,使用高度优化的C/ c++代码编写。它利用后台的多处理。它集合了大量经过开发人员测试和验证的算法。最好的一点是它在BSD许可下是免费的。

libopencv is only a metapackage. These packages do not contain actual software, they simply depend on other packages to be installed. So libopencv is a metapackage which simply references one or more related packages which are loosely grouped together. It is dedicated for installing OpenCV in Ubuntu and Debian OS.

libopencv只是一个元数据包。 这些软件包不包含实际软件,它们只依赖于要安装的其他软件包。 所以libopencv是一个元数据包,只是引用一个或多个松散组合在一起的相关包。 它专门用于在Ubuntu和Debian OS中安装OpenCV。

Python-OpenCV is the OpenCV library available as a wrapper with bindings for python. The link also shows how to install OpenCV in Ubuntu OS.

Python-OpenCV是OpenCV库,可用作包含python绑定的包装器。 该链接还显示了如何在Ubuntu OS中安装OpenCV。

英文部分来自What's the difference with opencv, python-opencv, and libopencv? - Stack Overflow
