

Leon and Amy:


数量,quantity. 多,many、much. 少, few、little. 大,big、large. 小,small、little.

我们做外贸时,经常要问客户:你需要多少数量?What is the quantity? 或者How many pieces do you need? piece,个、件。

有一次股神巴菲特在一间大学做演讲,有学生问他:How many mistakes did you make?你以前犯过多少错误?巴菲特回答:How much time do you have?你有多少时间听我说?(意思是犯的错误太多了,一时半会说不完。)many是指可数的东西,很多个苹果、杯子等。much是指不可数的东西,比如很多水、爱、空气等等。

很多人周末来这里,有几个人会去那里。 Many people come here on weekends, and a few people will go there. 周末, weekend. 一些、几个,a few. 这里,here. 那里,there.

你想要喝水吗?好的,一点点。Would you like some water? Okay, a little. 一些,some. 水, water. 少量、一点点,a little.

一个人要走过多少路,才能称为真正的男子汉? How many roads must a man walk down, before they call him a man? 其实这是一首歌的歌词。路,road. 走,walk. 在。。。之前,before. 叫、称为, call. 男人、男子汉,man.

给我一些钱,越多越好。Give me some money, the more the better. 给,give. 钱,money. 更多,more. 更好,better.

你有多爱我?多到我说不出口。 How much do you love me? More than I can say.

这个房间好大。This room is so big. 房间,room.

这种鱼生活在大江大湖中。 This fish lives in large rivers and lakes. 江、河,river. 湖泊,lake.

这个苹果太小了,还吃不了。 The Apple is too small to eat. 苹果,apple. 吃,eat.

