
        Intent intent = this.getIntent();





















      //Get the Bundle from an Intent

      Bundle extraBundle = intent.getExtras();

      // Place a bundle in an intent

      Bundle anotherBundle = new Bundle();

      //populate the bundle with key/value pairs


      //set the bundle on the Intent




      putExtra(String name, boolean value);

      putExtra(String name, int value);

      putExtra(String name, double value);

      putExtra(String name, String value);

      And here are some not-so-simple extras:

      //simple array support

      putExtra(String name, int[] values);

      putExtra(String name, float[] values);

      //Serializable objects

      putExtra(String name, Serializable value);

      //Parcelable support

      putExtra(String name, Parcelable value);

      //Add another bundle at a given key

      //Bundles in bundles

      putExtra(String name, Bundle value);

      //Add bundles from another intent

      //copy of bundles

      putExtra(String name, Intent anotherIntent);

      //Explicit Array List support

      putIntegerArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList arrayList);

      putParcelableArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList arrayList);

      putStringArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList arrayList);


      setComponent(ComponentName name);

      setClassName(String packageName, String classNameInThatPackage);

      setClassName(Context context, String classNameInThatContext);

      setClass(Context context, Class classObjectInThatContext);

      后三种方法实际最终都是调用setComponent方法。ComponentName 将一个包名和类名包装在一起。

      new ComponentName("com.android.contacts","com.android.contacts.DialContactsEntryActivity“)


      CATEGORY_DEFAULT: An activity can declare itself as a DEFAULT activity if it wants to be invoked by implicit intents. If you don’t define this category for your activity, that activity will need to be invoked explicitly every time through its class name. This is why you see activities that get invoked through generic actions or other action names use default category specification.

CATEGORY_BROWSABLE :An activity can declare itself as BROWSABLE by promising the browser that it will not violate browser security considerations when started.

CATEGORY_TAB: An activity of this type is embeddable in a tabbed parent activity.

CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE: An activity can declare itself as an ALTERNATIVE activity for a certain type of data that you are viewing. These items normally show up as part of the options menu when you are looking at that document. For example, print view is considered an alternative to regular view.

CATEGORY_SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE:An activity can declare itself as an ALTERNATIVE activity for a certain type of data. This is similar to listing a series of possible editors for a text document or an HTML document.

CATEGORY_LAUNCHER: Assigning this category to an activity will allow it to be listed on the launcher screen.

CATEGORY_HOME: An activity of this type will be the home screen. Typically, there should be only one activity of this type. If there are more, the system will provide a prompt to pick one.

CATEGORY_PREFERENCE :This activity identifies an activity as a preference activity, so it will be shown as part of the preferences screen.

CATEGORY_GADGET: An activity of this type is embeddable in a parent activity.

CATEGORY_TEST :This is a test activity.

CATEGORY_EMBED :This category has been superseded by the GADGET category, but it’s been kept for backward compatibility.


        Intent mainIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);


        PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();

        List list = pm.queryIntentActivities(mainIntent, 0);


        action:如果Intent 过滤器没有定义任何action,则匹配所有Intent

        data:如果Intent 过滤器没有定义任何data,那么只匹配没有指定任何data的Intent








        PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, ...)

        PendingIntent.getService(context, 0, intent, ...)

        PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, ...)

        PendingIntent.getActivity(Context context, //originating context

int requestCode, //1,2, 3, etc

Intent intent, //original intent

int flags ) //flags


