1. 进入华为S2300交换机配置界面并给交换机命名
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]vlan batch 2 to 21
Please wait...
Done. // 添加 VLAN 2 到 VLAN 21(VLAN 1 为默认 VLAN)[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]port-group accessmeetingroom //建立端口组accessmeetingroom
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-accessmeetingroom]group-member Ethernet 0/0/1
to Ethernet 0/0/22 //添加组成员1到22号端口
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-accessmeetingroom]port link-type access
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/1] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/2] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/3] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/4] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/5] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/6] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/7] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/8] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/9] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/10] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/11] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/12] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/13] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/14] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/15] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/16] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/17] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/18] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/19] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/20] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/21] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type access ] for port [Ethernet0/0/22] is finished.
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-accessmeetingroom]quit //设置成功后退出端口组配置
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-vlan7]port ethernet 0/0/1 to 0/0/16 //把1到16号口划分给VLAN 7
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-vlan6]port ethernet 0/0/17 to 0/0/22 //把1到16号口划分给VLAN 6
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]port-group trunkmeetingroom
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-trunkmeetingroom]group-member ethernet 0/0/23
to ethernet 0/0/24
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-trunkmeetingroom]port link-type trunk
Error: Link-type trunk conflicts with default VLAN attribute on a port.
Execute command [port link-type trunk] for port [Ethernet0/0/23] is finished.
Error: Link-type trunk conflicts with default VLAN attribute on a port.
Execute command [port link-type trunk] for port [Ethernet0/0/24] is finished.
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-trunkmeetingroom]port trunk allow-pass vlan a
Execute command [port trunk allow-pass vlan all] for port [Ethernet0/0/23] is fi
Execute command [port trunk allow-pass vlan all] for port [Ethernet0/0/24] is fi
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-trunkmeetingroom]negotiation auto
Execute command [negotiation auto] for port [Ethernet0/0/23] is finished.
Execute command [negotiation auto] for port [Ethernet0/0/24] is finished.
Info: Interface Vlanif1 has already been shutdown.
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-Vlanif15]ip address
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]ip route-static preferenc
7. 设置console口
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]user-interface con 0
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-ui-console0]idle-timeout 0 0
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-ui-console0]authentication-mode password
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-ui-console0]set authentication password cipher dabaicai
8. 设置远程登录
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]user-interface vty 0 4
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-ui-vty0-4]idle-timeout 0 0
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode password
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-ui-vty0-4]set authentication password cipher dabaicai
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-ui-vty0-4]user privilege level 15
9. 查看交换机当前配置
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]display current-configuration
Error:Wrong parameter found
sysname Mill2meetingroom-S2300
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 16
vlan batch 1 to 21
bpdu enable
cluster enable-vty0-4]set aut
ntdp enableassword ciph
ntdp hop 16
ndp enable
voice-vlan mac-address 0001-e300-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description Siemens p
voice-vlan mac-address 0003-6b00-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description Cisco pho
voice-vlan mac-address 0004-0d00-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description Avaya pho
voice-vlan mac-address 0060-b900-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description Philips/N
voice-vlan mac-address 00d0-1e00-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description Pingtel p
voice-vlan mac-address 00e0-7500-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description Polycom p
voice-vlan mac-address 00e0-bb00-0000 mask ffff-ff00-0000 description 3com phon
undo http server enable
ip address dhcp-alloc
ip address
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
ndp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 7
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 6
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 6
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 6
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 6
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 6
ntdp enable
port link-type access
port default vlan 6
ntdp enable
port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 to 4094
ntdp enable
port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 to 4094
ntdp enable
ntdp enable
port default vlan 1
ntdp enable
authentication-scheme default
domain default
domain default_admin
ip route-static
set authentication password cipher EJ
user privilege level 15
set authentication password cipher EJ
port-group accessmeetingroom
group-member Ethernet0/0/11
group-member Ethernet0/0/15
group-member Ethernet0/0/20
port-group trunkmeetingroom
出现的错误提示的原因在于设置trunk口时首先需要取消端口默认VLAN(port default vlan), 也就是VLAN 1
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300]port-group trunkmeetingroom
[Mill2meetingroom-S2300-port-group-trunkmeetingroom]undo port default vlan
Execute command [undo port default vlan] for port [Ethernet0/0/23] is finished.
Execute command [undo port default vlan] for port [Ethernet0/0/24] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type trunk] for port [Ethernet0/0/23] is finished.
Execute command [port link-type trunk] for port [Ethernet0/0/24] is finished.
Execute command [port trunk allow-pass vlan all] for port [Ethernet0/0/23] is fi
Execute command [port trunk allow-pass vlan all] for port [Ethernet0/0/24] is fi
Execute command [negotiation auto] for port [Ethernet0/0/23] is finished.
Execute command [negotiation auto] for port [Ethernet0/0/24] is finished.
The current configuration will be written to the device.
Now saving the current configuration to the device.
Jan 1 2008 01:36:17 Mill2meetingroom-S2300 %%01CFM/4/SAVE(l): When deciding whe
ther to save configuration to the device, the user chose Y.................
Info: The current configuration was saved to the device successfully.
interface Ethernet0/0/23
interface Ethernet0/0/24