Feedback to Dr. Jiwat Ram Speech

Hi, Dr. Jiwat Ram
I have to say your speech is the best one i have ever heard today.Not only because of your interesting and attractive opening, but also because you provide us a lot of useful knowledge, such as 7 Cs framework for enhancing knowledge bandwidth, but also 'Things To Do' and 'Things To Avoid'.
Personally i knew knowledge management is very important, while unfortunately i have put this mindset aside for quite a long time. And your speech did remind me of the importance.

At the same time, i have some ideas to share with you.

  • Speech Structure
    As we all know, a clear speech structure could help the audiences easily understand what the speaker wants to delivery. Your speech delivered lots of contents within limited time. While we audiences may know Knowledge bandwidth concept first time, we could not get all your points in such short time. If our speech structure could be like this: What... Why...How...And emphasize them at the beginning of our speech. Do you think it will be better?
  • Storytelling
    I could fully understand that you want to delivery as much content as possible to audiences. You put a lot of knowledge bandwidth theories.How about if we use storytelling skill. which is very useful for the audience to remember what you told even out of the room. Because they may forget what you said, but they will never forget the storied you told them. For example, when we want to say knowledge management's importance. ex. in my company we had written a software program around 5 years ago, however at that time no one had the thought of knowledge management. Thus that software source just kept in local computer. More worse, the programmer left 2 years ago. Nowadays, we had to re-write it again.Do you think it will benefit our speech?
  • Connection With Audience
    Your opening is quite powerful, because you asked a question to audience 'do you believe that i could finish my speech in Chinese ?' which could easily attract our attention. Question is a very useful skill to connect with audiences. Only the audiences are attracted, those knowledge could be understood. How about if we have more connections , such as questions with audiences?

Thanks for your speech, which inspires me much, and urge me to digest it afterwards.Wish we could grow together either in public speak skills or knowledge management.

你可能感兴趣的:(Feedback to Dr. Jiwat Ram Speech)