【调用IP宏文件进行仿真】modelsim仿真时出现 Instantiation of 'xxx' failed. The design unit was not found.

modelsim 仿真fifo时出现 Error: (vsim-3033) E:/Programs/ModelSim/fifo/ps2_fifo.v(75): Instantiation of 'scfifo' failed. The design unit was not found.
例子:调用了一个shift register,然后仿真的时候三个抽头没有数据输出,只有白色虚线而且是一直拉低

【调用IP宏文件进行仿真】modelsim仿真时出现 Instantiation of 'xxx' failed. The design unit was not found._第1张图片

【调用IP宏文件进行仿真】modelsim仿真时出现 Instantiation of 'xxx' failed. The design unit was not found._第2张图片


    Verilog HDL语言的仿真库文件为220model.v和altera_mf.v;

【调用IP宏文件进行仿真】modelsim仿真时出现 Instantiation of 'xxx' failed. The design unit was not found._第3张图片





你可能感兴趣的:(【调用IP宏文件进行仿真】modelsim仿真时出现 Instantiation of 'xxx' failed. The design unit was not found.)