(1)0Bunit5 Handy Dandy拓展部分、0Bunit6 dinosaur 汉语:牙牙学语下第七单元拾果果、第八单元 开大船
(2)视频0Bunit6-unit10 中文:牙牙学语下7-12单元、《peppa pig 》第一季 16-20集
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《peppa pig 》16-20
(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 10 本,绘本《 Does the kangaroo have mother too》,《brown bear what do you see 》《Handy Dandy》《Dinosaur》小书。
汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第七第八单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本、《宫西达也》恐龙系列 5本 《世界恐龙百科》(科普霸王龙、肿头龙、腕龙、剑龙、雷龙、鸭嘴龙、三角龙、甲龙、迅猛龙、跳龙、薄片龙、棘龙、翼龙。)
(4)重点句型:Handy dandy riddle ro ,which hand will you choose ,high or low、dinosaur 、wave your tail ,give a roar ,thump
(5)field trip:补上周超市,认8-12种常见生活小物品、海边
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw
3.1英语:Unit6 Dinosaur 、unit7Witch in the jar 、unit8 egg fun
3.2 汉语:第七单元拾果果、第八单元 开大船、 两只瘦狗抬竹篓、河马宽嘴巴
5、Game time
5.1Different dinosaur
Its back was covered with thick plates.Its tail was covered with sharp spikes .Its name was stegosaurus .that means "covered lizard" It was one of the early dinosaurs.
2、Tyrannosaurus Rex
What dinosaur had the biggest teeth of all? Tyrannosaurus Rex .Its teeth were as long as pencil and very very sharp .the word rex weans "king".this dinosaur was the king of hunters .what did it hunt ?other dinosaurs!
This dinosaurs used its sharp horns for fighting .when it came running ,everyone got out of the way !it name is Triceratops .That means"Three horns on the face "
M:Look,waylon ,this dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus Rex .R-A-R-O,What does the Tyrannosaurus Rex like to eat ?Does it like plant ?
W:No 他喜欢小恐龙
M:Yes,right,The Tyrannosaurus Rex likes other dinosaur .Look ,this is the Tyrannosaurus Rex .l am coming ,I like to hunter other dinosaurs !
M:Tyrannosaurus Rex can stomp stomp ,dinosaur has great big feet can stomp stomp ,dinosaur have a great big teeth chomp chomp chomp .
M:Triceratops it has three horns on the face ,when it came running ,other dinosaur said :run away ,triceratops is coming ,hunrry hunrry ,run away .run away " what does the triceratops like to eat ?
M:Yes ,right ,Triceratops likes plant ,does the triceratops likes meat ?
M:Do you like plant ? Triceratops can stomp stomp stomp,triceratops have great big feet stomp,triceratops have great big teeth chomp chomp chomp .
M:What 's this ?
M:Stegosaurus,Look ,Its back covered with thin plate ,its tail covered with sharp spilker .give a roar ,give a super roar !
M:stegosaurus ,have a great big feet stomp stomp stomp,stegosaurus have a great big feet chomp chomp chomp.Does it like meat ?
W:不, 是草食恐龙
M:Yes,it likes to eat plant .
5.2 Family time
M:look,what’s this ?
M:what kind of dinosaur is it?
W:霸王龙(this is the tyrannosurus rex )
W/M:dinosaur dinosaur wave your tail .
Dinosaur dinosaur give a roar
Thump thump thump thump thump
M:Wow ,very good ,can you give a roar ?
M:Haha ,give a super roar .short arms ,two fingers
今日总结:小姐姐来,一心来想去玩,游戏什么的都不想搭理我,卡通也无心看,分级也不愿意读,被我强迫读玩,游戏进行的很少,就急忙又去玩了。为了我让他早点去玩,很配合的唱了儿歌。因为一直很喜欢恐龙,所以大致知道今天拓展的霸王龙、剑龙、三角龙外形特征,也知道食性,为英文的学习铺垫了基础,不过感觉词很长,应该需要多听几遍,才能记得住,明天继续Tyrannosaurus Rex !