Amazon' empire

[Word & Phrase]

Extraordinary :adj.  very unusual; very different from what is normal or ordinary; extremely good or impress (非凡的,特别的,非常奇特的)

Cable: noun.  a thick, strong rope made of wires that are twisted together (绳索)

              transitive verb  to send a message by telegraph(发电报)

              intransitive verb  to communicate by a submarine cable(海底电缆)

Cable channel -----------------------------------------------

HBO: Home Box Office(是总部位于美国纽约的有线电视网络媒体公司,其母公司为时代华纳集团                Time Warner Inc)

Almond: noun a nut that has a sweet flavor; also; the tree that produces almonds(杏树,杏仁/杏仁制的,杏色的)

Link to: 与...连接,联系

Virtual: adj very close to being something without actually being it; existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet (实质上的,事实上的;(计算机)虚拟的,虚像的)

Voice-activated 声控的

Sprinkle : transitive verb to drop or spread small pieces or amounts of something over something; to put small drops of liquid on (someone or something); to rain lightlym

                       Intransitive verb  to scatter at intervals in or among; to wet lightly

Sprinkler 洒水器  喷洒器 (建筑物内的)自动喷水灭火装置

Shareholder: noun  someone who owns shares in a company or business (股东,股票持有者)

Premise: noun  a building and the area of land that it is on; a statement or idea that is accepted as being true and that is used as the basis of an argument (前提, 房屋)

Capitalize:  transitive verb  to use a capital letter to write, print, or type; to being (a word or name)with a capital letter(用大写字母写或印刷);to provide the money that is needed to start or develop(a business )(利用,积累资本,使资本化)

Capitalisation: noun  the act or process of capitalizing 资本化

Anticipate: transitive verb  to think of(something that will or might happen in the future); to expect or look ahead to (something)with pleasure: to look forward to(something); to do something before someone else(预感,预见,先于...行动,预言,预测)

Revenue: noun money that is made by or paid to a business or an organization; money that is collected for public use by a government through taxes(国家的)税收(土地,财产等的)收入,收益,所得,(个人)固定收入,<美俚>税务局,税务官)

Scepticism: 怀疑态度 ,怀疑论,怀疑主义=skepticism

Fertile: adj producing many plants or crops; able to support the growth of many plants; producing a large amount of something; producing many ideas (肥沃的,可繁殖的,想象力丰富的)

Tick off: 用记号勾出,列举,简单地描述   (英口)责备

Pitfall : noun  a danger or problem that is hidden or not obvious at first  (陷阱,圈套,诱惑)

Nudging: tansitive verb  to touch or push( someone or something) gently; to push(someone)gently with your elbow in order to get that person's attention; to encourage(someone) to do something

                    Intransitive verb  to give a nudge

Beef up: 加强,补充

Unprecedented: adj  not done or experienced before前所未有的,空前的,史无前例的,崭新的


Dimension: noun  the length,width,height,or depth of something; a measurement in one direction(such as the distance from the ceiling to the floor in a room) ; the amount or number of things that something affects or influences; a part of something(尺寸,面积,范围

Principal: adj  most important

                      noun  the person in charge of a public school; the person in charge of a university or college; an amount of money that is put in a bank or lent to someone and that can earn interest (最重要的,主要的,资本的/首长 校长,负责人,委托人,本金)

Entice: tansitive verb  to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire(诱惑,怂恿)

Virtuous: adj  morally good; having or showing virtue 有道德的,有德行的,善良的

Prophecy: noun  a statement that something will happen in the future; the power or ability to know what will happen in the future 预言,预言能力

Sustain:transitive verb  to provide what is needed for(something or someone)to exist, continue,etc; to hold up the weight of (something); to deal with or experience (something bad or unpleasyre) 维持 支撑 遭受 忍受 供养

Crank out 制成

Crank up 用曲柄开动,加快,做好准备

Conglomerate: adj  made up of parts from various sources or of various kinds联合大企业,合成物,组合物,成团的,使聚结的

Warehouse:noun  a large building used for storing goods 仓库,货栈

Freight: noun  goods that are carried by ships,trains,trucks,or airplanes; the system by which goods are carried from one place to another; the amount of money paid for carrying goods货物 货运 运费 货运列车)

             Transitive verb to send (goods)from one place to another; to copause (something)to have or carry many things; to load or burden(something)

Presumably:adv  very likely 可能 据推测

Antitrust: adj  law:protecting against unfair business practices that limit competition to control prices 反垄断的

Pristine: adj.  in perfect condition; completely clean ,fresh,nest,etc. not changed by people;left in its natural state 太古的,原始状态的,纯洁的,新鲜的

Adjacent: adj  close or near; sharing a border,wall,or point

Predatory:adj  living by killing and eating other animals;wrongly harming or using others for pleasure or profit 掠夺成性的,食肉的,捕食生物的

Utility:noun  the quality or state of being useful; a service(such as a supply of electricity  or water)that is provided to the public; a company that provides electricity,water,etc.功用,效用,公用事业

               adj  designed for general use sports;able to be used in several different positions or roles;made to be useful rather than decorative多种用途的

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