0413,The Secret Life of America's Last True Hermit





3、bump into

4、Except,in this case,the yeti shaved,and some people wistfully thought they might want to live like him—to run off into the woods,hear birds sing,watch water ripple,see snow drop,and rediscover the ideal of unalloyed individualism.

5、These six made us do a double take.

6、Knight had a fairly normal childhood in an unusually resourceful,slightly reclusive New England family.

7、No one expected it,not his school friends or even his brother,who had helped fund the Subaru and would be saddled with the debt for it.

8、If there were hermits who’ve never had to interact with society,we’ve never heard of them (for obvious reasons).

9、He remembered how on the warmest days of the year,the pond would be warm and he would strip and float in it,gazing at the stars.

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