
以下为节选自正面管教创始人简.尼尔森2013年的访谈(Jane Nelsen)


答: In PD discipline means “to train” (not punishment). The basis of training should be encouragement and teaching skills—not shame or pain.



答: The same as I think of them in the US. There is something better. Being both kind and firm helps children feel capable and learn social and life skills without loss of self-worth (belonging and significance).

译: 与我对在美国看到的想法相同,有更好的为人父母的方式,和善与坚定并行帮助孩子感到自己有能力,帮助他们学习社会和生活技能,而不丧失自我价值(归属感与价值感)。


答: If you mean parenting education, we have similar struggles and similar desires. The commonality is that we all love our children.

译: 如果你的问题是关于父母教育,我们有类似的困扰和需求。共同点是我们都爱孩子。

4. 您对中国教育同美国教育的差别怎么看?中国教育体系和美国教育体系培养出来的人在今后的生活中会有怎样的分化?

答: I wish both would focus more on the joy of learning than the pressure and discouragement of passing tests.I think most children will be okay in spite of the education systems. They will have healthier self-esteem if they also learn good character and social skills.

译: 我希望两个国家都能更重视学习的乐趣而不是考试的压力和挫败。 我认为无论任何教育体制,大部分孩子都能正常成长,如果他们同时能学习到优良的品格和社会技能他们会拥有更健康的自尊。

5. 怎么样才能使中国的家长思维开放起来,从而使孩子健康的成长?

答: Parenting education helps parents make the paradigm shift, especially when they participate in PD activities that help them “get into the child’s world” to understand what works and what doesn’t.

译: 父母教育能帮助父母改变思维模式,特别是当父母参与正面管教的互动活动时,它能帮助父母“进入到孩子的世界”,理解哪些方式有效哪些不管用。

6. 如何用正面管教方法消除孩子的不良行为?

答:  By teaching parents about the “belief behind the behavior” and how to use encouragement and skills to motivate improved behavior.

译: 我们会教给家长如何识别“行为背后的信念”、如何运用鼓励和各种方法去激励孩子改善自己的行为。

7. 我想听一下博士对未来几年内,家庭教育的看法,会有什么变化,朝哪个方向变化?

答: The elimination of extremes (too controlling or too permissive) and the emphasis of teaching children to be capable and respectful (of self and others) citizens of the world.



答:  I guess I still think I’m 67.

译: 我猜认为我才67。

9. 您觉得父母和孩子之间是应该成为朋友一样的关系吗?还是严厉一点好?前者会不会有点放纵孩子,毕竟他们有点缺乏自我控制力,后者又会不会打压孩子成长?

答: My definition of a friend is someone who loves and encourages me, and also expects mutual respect and doesn’t allow me to take advantage and does not take advantage of me. I love being friends with my children. Children need lots of guidance. They also need to learn many skills that will help them be capable, responsible, contributing members of their family and their community.

译: 我对朋友的定义是她爱我、鼓励我,期待相互尊重,不允许我占便宜,也不占我的便宜。我喜欢和我的孩子成为朋友,孩子需要引导, 孩子也需要学习很多技能,帮助他们成为有能力、负责任、为家庭和社会做出贡献的成员。

10. 博士您好,您觉得对于父母来说,什么样的教育导向才是正确的?举个例子,是该让孩子学会应对竞争,还是要让他们做一个绅士?

答: Positive Discipline teaches children to be respectful in all situations.


11. 是什么促使您创立了正面管教体系?

答: I wanted to be a good parent and didn’t know how. I would go back and forth between too strict and too permissive. I was studying Child Development when I discovered the theories of Alfred Adler and Rudolp Dreikurs about being kind and firm at the same time.


12. 正面管教是什么样一种教育模式呢?他与中国传统教育有什么差别吗?是否是美国教育的改进模式呢?该种教育体系在现实生活中起到什么样的具体作用呢?

答:  PD is based on dignity and respect for parents, children, and community. It teaches children to do what is right when no one is looking—not just because they fear punishment or want Rewards.

译: 正面管教基于对父母、孩子和社会的尊严和尊重,它教孩子在没有人看着的时候仍然做正确的事情– 而不是因为害怕惩罚或想得到奖励。

13. 家长作为孩子的第一任老师,对孩子树立正确的世界观,人生观,价值观有举足轻重的作用。相比于美国,您觉得中国的应试教育应如何改进?

答: I don’t agree with the test focused education system. It takes the joy out of learning.

译: 我不认同应试教育,它剥夺了学习的乐趣。

14. 中美两国有着不同的文化背景和国情,请问Janenelsen女士,您觉得中美在“正面管教”上有没有相通点,有没有相互借鉴的地方呢?另外,您是怎样看待中国两种极端的家庭教育(过分溺爱及狼爸虎妈式)的呢?谢谢。

答: When it comes to parenting we have much in common. In the US we have the extremes of “too strict” and “too permissive.” The foundation of Positive Discipline is Kindness and Firmness at the same time, and involving children in solutions as soon as possible.

译: 在为人父母方面我们有很多共通之处,在美国我们也有过分严厉和过分溺爱的家长,正面管教的核心是和善与坚定并存,尽可能让孩子参与解决问题。

15. 有句话说的好:父母是孩子最好的老师,你是怎么看的呢?一个孩子的家庭教育也包括孩子的素质教育吗?

答: Positive Discipline helps parents help children develop social and life skills based on internal motivation—not fear of punishment or external rewards.

译: 正面管教帮助家长学会如何帮助孩子发展他们的社会技能和生活技能,这些是基于内在动力,而不是因为害怕惩罚或者依赖外部奖励。

16. 中国有句古话:打是亲骂是爱。其实感觉我们在教育的时候需要采取严厉的措施。但是咱们把握这个度?怎么样既可以起到严厉的手段让孩子知晓错误又不损伤他们的身体和心理?怎么样的措施才是有效的呢?我们怎么样才可以摆脱溺爱或是过于严酷?

答: PD parenting classes teach skills to avoid both extremes and to be kind and firm at the same time. There are many tools to accomplish this.

译: 正面管教父母培训课教授了避免两种极端、和善而又坚定的技巧,有很多的正面管教工具可以帮助我们有效的实施教育。

17.  做家长的总为如何教育孩子而犯愁,管松了怕放纵孩子,管严了又怕伤了孩子,真是左右为难,怎么办?

答: The magic for me was learning that there is something in between those two extremes. Positive Discipline teaches the in-between — many tools for being both kind and firm at the same time.



答:  In these modern times, many children rebel against Tiger Moms and Wolf Dads (or they become approval junkies). It is more effective to get children involved in finding solutions to problems that are respectful to everyone.

译: 在现代社会,很多孩子会反抗虎妈狼爸,或者他们也可能变成讨好者,更有效的方法是让孩子参与寻求尊重所有人的问题解决方案。

19. 您好,您认为“正面管教”家庭教育现对于现在的中国教育有哪些优势?

答: PD does not include external motivators such as punishment and rewards. It teaches internal motivators such as problem-solving skills, contribution, and resiliency.


20. 我想问一下简博士,中国现在普遍遇到小孩玩电脑游戏的问题,而且是屡教不改,在这种情况下我们的正面管教要怎样做才比较好呢?因为我弟弟就是游戏迷中的一员。

答: This is a huge problem in the US. If children don’t want the responsibility of using video games wisely, they should lose the privilege.


21. 父母如何发挥自己性格中的优点,避免缺点给孩子造成的不良影响?

答: Parents need to learn to control their own behavior the same way they want children to control their behavior. It helps to have the skills than can be learned in parenting classes.


22. 有一句话叫做父母是孩子最好的老师,但是在中国有好多家长都不知道该怎样去教育自己的孩子,而且特别是在孩子青春期的时候还容易产生逆反的心理,您觉得在孩子的这个时期家长应该用怎么样的一种“身份”去教导孩子呢?

答: This is difficult in most countries. This is why we have parenting classes and books to help parents. PD focuses on getting children involved in solutions instead of punishment. Tinalue is now translating a whole book on Positive Discipline for Teenagers.

译:这对于大部分国家的家长来说都很难,所以我们才有家长课和书籍来帮助家长,正面管教强调让孩子一起寻找解决方案,而不是惩罚。天略出版社正在翻译“青春期的正面管教”(Positive Discipline for teenagers)。

23. 家庭教育给孩子带来的影响有多大?家庭教育与学校教育有何不同?良好的家庭教育有没有共同点?曾经听说,高考状元的家庭教育都很优秀。这是有依据的吗?另一点就是,希望你能解释下你的书籍。谢谢~~~

答: It is best when parents and teachers use the same methods, but that usually isn't the case. We teach Positive Discipline to both parents and teachers who are interested in helping children succeed in respectful ways. There is a series of Positive Discipline books available in China. Many will be available at the public lectures I will be doing in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen.

译: 父母与老师都能够使用相同的方法是非常好的,但通常不是如此,我们为那些愿意以尊重的方式帮助孩子成功的父母和老师都提供了正面管教课程的教授。 现在中国已经引进的正面管教系列书籍包括《正面管教》《管教有方》《生命中最重要的前三年》《杰瑞的冷静太空》,其中有些在我即将进行的北京,上海,深圳的公众讲座上可以购买到。

24. 您对中国教育同美国教育的差别怎么看?中国教育体系和美国教育体系培养出来的人在今后的生活中会有怎样的分化?

答: I wish both would focus more on the joy of learning than the pressure and discouragement of passing tests.I think most children will be okay in spite of the education systems. They will have healthier self-esteem if they also learn good character and social skills

译:我希望两个国家都能更重视学习的乐趣而不是考试的压力和挫败。 我认为无论任何教育体制,大部分孩子都能正常成长,如果他们同时能学习到优良的品格和社会技能他们会拥有更健康的自尊。

25. 要做到既不惩罚也不骄纵其实是很难把握的。尝试正面管教之后,如果孩子在外面(学校或者其他公共场所)翻了极其严重的错误,我们应当如何去做呢?

答: Positive Discipline offers many parenting tools that are not permissive or punitive. There is a deck of 52 Positive Discipline Tools available in China. We like to use mistakes as opportunities to learn and teach children how to solve problems.

译: 正面管教提供很多非惩罚非娇纵的工具给家长,在中国有正面管教工具卡销售(http://www.joytoexcellence.com)我们希望错误能成为学习的好机会,它能教会孩子如何解决问题。

26. 中美两国有着不同的文化背景和国情,请问简女士,您觉得中美在“正面管教”上有没有相通点,有没有相互借鉴的地方呢?

答: We have in common our love for our children. We can always learn from each other. A benefit of PD classes is the experiential activities so the learning comes from what the participants discover for themselves by getting into the child's world.

译: 我们对于孩子的爱是相同的,我们总是可以相互学习,正面管教课程的一个优势就是体验式的活动,参与者可以通过进入孩子的世界去领悟和学习。

27. 我想请问一下简博士,当赏识教育过了头,孩子变得虚荣,自尊心极强,只能听表扬和好话,听不得半点批评,容不得说半句不好,受不得一丝挫折时,该怎样教导孩子呢?

答: In PD we do not advocate praise because children might learn to depend on it from others. We teach encouragement that helps children feel capable from within.

译: 在正面管教里,我们不提倡赞扬,因为赞扬使孩子依赖于他人的评价,我们教授鼓励从而帮助孩子自信。

28. 在中国会有很多家庭都和孩子的爷爷奶奶生活在一起,但是面对爷爷奶奶的溺爱,真的是束手无策,说得多了就会吵架,导致孩子非常任性,我想在美国应该不会有此类情况吧,而且中国的学校、幼儿园都不是“正面管教 ”的,这样孩子两个方面教育会不会起冲突呢?很期待您的回答

答: There isn't an easy answer to this. It helps if the grandparents are open to learning about child and brain development. There is so much research that educates us about what works to help children learn to be the best they can be.

译: 这个问题没有简单的答案,最好爷爷奶奶能有开放的心态去了解孩子以及他们的大脑发育,现在有很多这方面的研究能帮助我们如何让孩子成为最好的他自己。

29. 如何对待孩子反复的行为?比如好几天坏几天呢?

答: Children need our guidance over and over. Every problem provides an opportunity to keep involving kids in focusing on solutions. This is one reason we suggests weekly family meetings for compliments and then focusing on solutions.

译: 孩子需要我们反复的引导,每个问题都是一个好的机会让孩子学习如何一起解决问题,这也是我为什么非常建议家庭每周召开家庭会议,让家庭成员互相感谢,然后大家一起关注如何解决问题

30. 我是一个正在学习和使用正面管教的妈妈,在刚开始的时候我就想着要自己去当讲师,把这个很好的方式分享给我们的亲人,朋友,更多的爸爸妈妈们,唯独有些担心怎么样才能做好这些?也有些迷惑是以个人去做还是公司去做?尼尔森博士有什么好的建议吗?

答: We cover both DVD training and live training to become a Positive Discipline Parent Educator. We don't expect people to be experts. The more you teach, the more you learn.

译: 有两种方式可以成为一个正面管教讲师:DVD学习或者参加正面管教讲师班。我们不期待你们马上成为专家,你教得越多,学会的就越多。

31. 我的堂妹现在上小学五年级,整天不爱看书就喜欢玩,最喜欢玩电脑,现在成绩也不太好,马上就升初中了。请问家长要如何引导她才能改变她现在的状况呢?

答: Parents can set guidelines about what is a reasonable amount of time for video games, and that doing what we want comes after doing what is needed, such as school work.

译: 家长可以对电脑的合理使用时间设立规则,先做应该做的事比如作业,再做想做的事情。

32. 小学课堂中,美国学生表现好像没有中国学生那么遵守纪律,请问简•尼尔森这是否从侧面反映出两国在教育观念上的根本不同之一。为了维护课堂纪律,中国老师一般的策略是评分、小红旗或者物质奖励,请问这样会有什么不良影响吗?

答: Stars and rewards are external motivators. PD advocates children having classroom jobs, opportunities to contribute, and using problem solving class meetings so that children find belonging, connection and capability through internal motivation.

译: 星星和奖励都是外在的激励,正面管教提倡由孩子分担课堂的工作,让孩子们有机会去贡献,并且用专注于解决问题的班会等方式使孩子通过内在激励的方式去找到归属感,联结和能力。



答: I just kept sharing it because I was so excited about how well it worked for me. I would do lectures for small groups and soon larger groups invited me to speak. I have been doing this for 35 years.  I'm coming to China for three weeks in May and will be giving lectures in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Information will be posted soon. I hope to see you there.

译: 我喜欢分享正面管教因为我激动地发现它确实对我有效,我有时会做小型演讲,后来有一些大型团体邀请我去演讲,我已经做了35年了。 我五月将到中国访问三个星期,在北京、上海、深圳公共讲座,希望在那里见到你。
