.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务)




有考虑过 “FluentScheduler” ,使用简单,但是管理配置也很麻烦,我希望能做到配置简单,管理方便,高性能。最后想到了以前听过的hangfire,它的好处就是自带控制面板,在园子里看了很多相关资料,偶然发现了有人拓展过hangfire通过调用api接口来执行任务,这种方式可以避免依赖本地代码,方便部署,在此基础上,我用空闲时间拓展了一下现在已经基本可以满足需求。





由于更新到最新版hangfire 1.7支持秒级任务,使用的在线表达式生成部分表达式有问题,注掉了秒级任务表达式生成,有时间需要详细测试更改,可以参考(hangfire官方提供的表达式)


1,部署及调试:只需要配置数据库连接,然后编译即可运行,无需建表,支持(redis,mysql, sqlserver)其他数据库暂时用不到没测试。推荐使用redis集群。项目中直接添加了redis的存储包,已经更新StackExchange.Redis到最新版本方便拓展,调试时可以直接调试。部署,只需要发布项目,运行创建windows服务的bat命令,命令已经包含在项目中,或者发布至Linux。



.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务)_第1张图片.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务)_第2张图片.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务)_第3张图片




.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务)_第4张图片 


 1  //只读面板,只能读取不能操作
 2             app.UseHangfireDashboard("/job-read", new DashboardOptions
 3             {
 4                 AppPath = "#",//返回时跳转的地址
 5                 DisplayStorageConnectionString = false,//是否显示数据库连接信息
 6                 IsReadOnlyFunc = Context =>
 7                 {
 8                     return true;
 9                 },
10                 Authorization = new[] { new BasicAuthAuthorizationFilter(new BasicAuthAuthorizationFilterOptions
11                 {
12                     RequireSsl = false,//是否启用ssl验证,即https
13                     SslRedirect = false,
14                     LoginCaseSensitive = true,
15                     Users = new []
16                     {                    
17                         new BasicAuthAuthorizationUser
18                         {
19                             Login = "read",
20                             PasswordClear = "only"
21                         },
22                         new BasicAuthAuthorizationUser
23                         {
24                             Login = "test",
25                             PasswordClear = "123456"
26                         },
27                         new BasicAuthAuthorizationUser
28                         {
29                             Login = "guest",
30                             PasswordClear = "123@123"
31                         }
32                     }
33                 })
34                 }
35             });
View Code




 1   catch (Exception ex)
 2             {
 3                 //获取重试次数
 4                 var count = context.GetJobParameter<string>("RetryCount");
 5                 context.SetTextColor(ConsoleTextColor.Red);
 6                 //signalR推送
 7                 //SendRequest(ConfigSettings.Instance.URL+"/api/Publish/EveryOne", "测试");
 8                 if (count == "3")//重试达到三次的时候发邮件通知
 9                 {
10                     SendEmail(item.JobName, item.Url, ex.ToString());
11                 }
12                 logger.Error(ex, "HttpJob.Excute");
13                 context.WriteLine($"执行出错:{ex.Message}");
14                 throw;//不抛异常不会执行重试操作
15             }
View Code
 1 /// 
 2         /// 邮件模板
 3         /// 
 4         /// 
 5         /// 
 6         /// 
 7         /// 
 8         private static string SethtmlBody(string jobname, string url, string exception)
 9         {
10             var htmlbody = $@"





13 {DateTime.Now} 14


16 任务名称: {jobname}


19 请求路径:{url} 20


22 执行结果:


25 {exception} 26

"; 27 return htmlbody; 28 }
 1  //使用redis
 2                         config.UseRedisStorage(Redis, new Hangfire.Redis.RedisStorageOptions()
 3                         {
 4                             FetchTimeout=TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
 5                             Prefix = "{hangfire}:",
 6                             //活动服务器超时时间
 7                             InvisibilityTimeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
 8                             //任务过期检查频率
 9                             ExpiryCheckInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
10                             DeletedListSize = 10000,
11                             SucceededListSize = 10000
12                         })
13                         .UseHangfireHttpJob(new HangfireHttpJobOptions()
14                         {
15                             SendToMailList = HangfireSettings.Instance.SendMailList,
16                             SendMailAddress = HangfireSettings.Instance.SendMailAddress,
17                             SMTPServerAddress = HangfireSettings.Instance.SMTPServerAddress,
18                             SMTPPort = HangfireSettings.Instance.SMTPPort,
19                             SMTPPwd = HangfireSettings.Instance.SMTPPwd,
20                             SMTPSubject = HangfireSettings.Instance.SMTPSubject
21                         })


6,signalR 推送:宿主程序使用的weapi,因此可以通过webapi推送,这样做的好处是可以将服务当作推送服务使用,第三方接口也可以利用此来推送,


 1  /// 
 2        ///用户加入组处理
 3        /// 
 4        /// 用户唯一标识
 5        /// 组名称
 6        /// 
 7         public Task InitUsers(string userid,string GroupName)
 8         {
 9             Console.WriteLine($"{userid}加入用户组");
10             Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, GroupName);
11             SignalrGroups.UserGroups.Add(new SignalrGroups()
12             {
13                 ConnectionId = Context.ConnectionId,
14                 GroupName = GroupName,
15                 UserId = userid
16             });
17             return Clients.All.SendAsync("UserJoin", "用户组数据更新,新增id为:" + Context.ConnectionId + " pid:" + userid);
18         }
19         /// 
20         /// 断线的时候处理
21         /// 
22         /// 
23         /// 
24         public override Task OnDisconnectedAsync(Exception exception)
25         {
26             //掉线移除用户,不给其推送
27             var user = SignalrGroups.UserGroups.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);
29             if (user != null)
30             {
31                 Console.WriteLine($"用户:{user.UserId}已离线");
32                 SignalrGroups.UserGroups.Remove(user);
33                 Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, user.GroupName);
34             }
35             return base.OnDisconnectedAsync(exception);
36         }
 1  /// 
 2         /// 单个connectionid推送
 3         /// 
 4         /// 
 5         /// 
 6         [HttpPost, Route("AnyOne")]
 7         public IActionResult AnyOne([FromBody]IEnumerable groups)
 8         {
 9             if (groups != null && groups.Any())
10             {
11                 var ids = groups.Select(c => c.UserId);
12                 var list = SignalrGroups.UserGroups.Where(c => ids.Contains(c.UserId));
13                 foreach (var item in list)
14                     hubContext.Clients.Client(item.ConnectionId).SendAsync("AnyOne", $"{item.ConnectionId}: {item.Content}");
15             }
16             return Ok();
17         }
19         /// 
20         /// 全部推送
21         /// 
22         /// 
23         /// 
24         [HttpPost, Route("EveryOne")]
25         public IActionResult EveryOne([FromBody] MSG body)
26         {
27             var data = HttpContext.Response.Body;
28             hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("EveryOne", $"{body.message}");
29             return Ok();
30         }
32         /// 
33         /// 单个组推送
34         /// 
35         /// 
36         /// 
37         [HttpPost, Route("AnyGroups")]
38         public IActionResult AnyGroups([FromBody]SignalrGroups group)
39         {
40             if (group != null)
41             {
42                 hubContext.Clients.Group(group.GroupName).SendAsync("AnyGroups", $"{group.Content}");
43             }
44             return Ok();
45         }



 1 /*健康检查配置项*/
 2   "HealthChecks-UI": {
 3     /*检查地址,可以配置当前程序和外部程序*/
 4     "HealthChecks": [
 5       {
 6         "Name": "Hangfire Api 健康检查",
 7         "Uri": "http://localhost:9006/healthz"
 8       }
 9     ],
10     /*需要检查的Api地址*/
11     "CheckUrls": [
12       {
13         "Uri": "http://localhost:17600/CityService.svc/HealthyCheck",
14         "httpMethod": "Get"
15       },
16       {
17         "Uri": "http://localhost:9098/CheckHelath",
18         "httpMethod": "Post"
19       },
20       {
21         "Uri": "http://localhost:9067/GrtHelathCheck",
22         "httpMethod": "Get"
23       },
24       {
25         "Uri": "http://localhost:9043/GrtHelathCheck",
26         "httpMethod": "Get"
27       }
28     ],
29     "Webhooks": [], //钩子配置
30     "EvaluationTimeOnSeconds": 10, //检测频率
31     "MinimumSecondsBetweenFailureNotifications": 60, //推送间隔时间
32     "HealthCheckDatabaseConnectionString": "Data Source=\\healthchecksdb" //-> sqlite库存储检查配置及日志信息
33   }



1  //添加健康检查地址
2             HangfireSettings.Instance.HostServers.ForEach(s =>
3             {
4                 services.AddHealthChecks().AddUrlGroup(new Uri(s.Uri), s.httpMethod.ToLower() == "post" ? HttpMethod.Post : HttpMethod.Get, $"{s.Uri}");
5             });
 1  app.UseHealthChecks("/healthz", new HealthCheckOptions()
 2             {
 3                 Predicate = _ => true,
 4                 ResponseWriter = UIResponseWriter.WriteHealthCheckUIResponse
 5             });
 6             app.UseHealthChecks("/health", options);//获取自定义格式的json数据
 7             app.UseHealthChecksUI(setup =>
 8             {
 9                 setup.UIPath = "/hc"; // 健康检查的UI面板地址
10                 setup.ApiPath = "/hc-api"; // 用于api获取json的检查数据
11             });



.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务)_第5张图片


 1 [{
 2     "id": 1,
 3     "status": "Unhealthy",
 4     "onStateFrom": "2019-04-07T18:00:09.6996751+08:00",
 5     "lastExecuted": "2019-04-07T18:05:03.4761739+08:00",
 6     "uri": "http://localhost:53583/healthz",
 7     "name": "Hangfire Api 健康检查",
 8     "discoveryService": null,
 9     "entries": [{
10         "id": 1,
11         "name": "http://localhost:17600/CityService.svc/HealthyCheck",
12         "status": "Unhealthy",
13         "description": "An error occurred while sending the request.",
14         "duration": "00:00:04.3907375"
15     }, {
16         "id": 2,
17         "name": "http://localhost:9098/CheckHelath",
18         "status": "Unhealthy",
19         "description": "An error occurred while sending the request.",
20         "duration": "00:00:04.4140310"
21     }, {
22         "id": 3,
23         "name": "http://localhost:9067/GrtHelathCheck",
24         "status": "Unhealthy",
25         "description": "An error occurred while sending the request.",
26         "duration": "00:00:04.3847367"
27     }, {
28         "id": 4,
29         "name": "http://localhost:9043/GrtHelathCheck",
30         "status": "Unhealthy",
31         "description": "An error occurred while sending the request.",
32         "duration": "00:00:04.4499007"
33     }],
34     "history": []
35 }]
 1 {
 2     "status": "Unhealthy",
 3     "errors": [{
 4         "key": "http://localhost:17600/CityService.svc/HealthyCheck",
 5         "value": "Unhealthy"
 6     }, {
 7         "key": "http://localhost:9098/CheckHelath",
 8         "value": "Unhealthy"
 9     }, {
10         "key": "http://localhost:9067/GrtHelathCheck",
11         "value": "Unhealthy"
12     }, {
13         "key": "http://localhost:9043/GrtHelathCheck",
14         "value": "Unhealthy"
15     }]
16 }
 1  //重写json报告数据,可用于远程调用获取健康检查结果
 2             var options = new HealthCheckOptions
 3             {
 4                 ResponseWriter = async (c, r) =>
 5                 {
 6                     c.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
 8                     var result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
 9                     {
10                         status = r.Status.ToString(),
11                         errors = r.Entries.Select(e => new { key = e.Key, value = e.Value.Status.ToString() })
12                     });
13                     await c.Response.WriteAsync(result);
14                 }
15             };



  1  /// 
  2         /// 添加一个队列任务立即被执行
  3         /// 
  4         /// 
  5         /// 
  6         [HttpPost, Route("AddBackGroundJob")]
  7         public JsonResult AddBackGroundJob([FromBody] Hangfire.HttpJob.Server.HttpJobItem httpJob)
  8         {
  9             var addreslut = string.Empty;
 10             try
 11             {
 12                 addreslut = BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Hangfire.HttpJob.Server.HttpJob.Excute(httpJob, httpJob.JobName, null));
 13             }
 14             catch (Exception ec)
 15             {
 16                 return Json(new Message() { Code = false, ErrorMessage = ec.ToString() });
 17             }
 18             return Json(new Message() { Code = true, ErrorMessage = "" });
 19         }
 21         /// 
 22         /// 添加一个周期任务
 23         /// 
 24         /// 
 25         /// 
 26         [HttpPost, Route("AddOrUpdateRecurringJob")]
 27         public JsonResult AddOrUpdateRecurringJob([FromBody] Hangfire.HttpJob.Server.HttpJobItem httpJob)
 28         {
 29             try
 30             {
 31                 RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(httpJob.JobName, () => Hangfire.HttpJob.Server.HttpJob.Excute(httpJob, httpJob.JobName, null), httpJob.Corn, TimeZoneInfo.Local);
 32             }
 33             catch (Exception ec)
 34             {
 35                 return Json(new Message() { Code = false, ErrorMessage = ec.ToString() });
 36             }
 37             return Json(new Message() { Code = true, ErrorMessage = "" });
 38         }
 40         /// 
 41         /// 删除一个周期任务
 42         /// 
 43         /// 
 44         /// 
 45         [HttpGet,Route("DeleteJob")]
 46         public JsonResult DeleteJob(string jobname)
 47         {
 48             try
 49             {
 50                 RecurringJob.RemoveIfExists(jobname);
 51             }
 52             catch (Exception ec)
 53             {
 54                 return Json(new Message() { Code = false, ErrorMessage = ec.ToString() });
 55             }
 56             return Json(new Message() { Code = true, ErrorMessage = "" });
 57         }
 58         /// 
 59         /// 手动触发一个任务
 60         /// 
 61         /// 
 62         /// 
 63         [HttpGet, Route("TriggerRecurringJob")]
 64         public JsonResult TriggerRecurringJob(string jobname)
 65         {
 66             try
 67             {
 68                 RecurringJob.Trigger(jobname);
 69             }
 70             catch (Exception ec)
 71             {
 72                 return Json(new Message() { Code = false, ErrorMessage = ec.ToString() });
 73             }
 74             return Json(new Message() { Code = true, ErrorMessage = "" });
 75         }
 76         /// 
 77         /// 添加一个延迟任务
 78         /// 
 79         /// httpJob.DelayFromMinutes(延迟多少分钟执行)
 80         /// 
 81         [HttpPost, Route("AddScheduleJob")]
 82         public JsonResult AddScheduleJob([FromBody] Hangfire.HttpJob.Server.HttpJobItem httpJob)
 83         {
 84             var reslut = string.Empty;
 85             try
 86             {
 87                 reslut = BackgroundJob.Schedule(() => Hangfire.HttpJob.Server.HttpJob.Excute(httpJob, httpJob.JobName, null), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(httpJob.DelayFromMinutes));
 88             }
 89             catch (Exception ec)
 90             {
 91                 return Json(new Message() { Code = false, ErrorMessage = ec.ToString() });
 92             }
 93             return Json(new Message() { Code = true, ErrorMessage = "" });
 94         }
 95         /// 
 96         /// 添加连续任务,多个任务依次执行,只执行一次
 97         /// 
 98         /// 
 99         /// 
100         [HttpPost, Route("AddContinueJob")]
101         public JsonResult AddContinueJob([FromBody] List httpJobItems)
102         {
103             var reslut = string.Empty;
104             var jobid = string.Empty;
105             try
106             {
107                 httpJobItems.ForEach(k =>
108                 {
109                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobid))
110                     {
111                         jobid = BackgroundJob.ContinueJobWith(jobid, () => RunContinueJob(k));
112                     }
113                     else
114                     {
115                         jobid = BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => Hangfire.HttpJob.Server.HttpJob.Excute(k, k.JobName, null));
116                     }
117                 });
118                 reslut = "true";
119             }
120             catch (Exception ec)
121             {
122                 return Json(new Message() { Code = false, ErrorMessage = ec.ToString() });
123             }
124             return Json(new Message() { Code = true, ErrorMessage = "" });
125         }




 通过特性来添加任务重试时间间隔(hangfire 1.7 新增,单位/秒),重试次数,队列名称,任务名称,以及分布式锁超时时间

 1 /// 
 2         /// 执行任务,DelaysInSeconds(重试时间间隔/单位秒)
 3         /// 
 4         /// 
 5         /// 
 6         /// 
 7         [AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 3, DelaysInSeconds = new[] { 30, 60, 90 }, LogEvents = true, OnAttemptsExceeded = AttemptsExceededAction.Fail)]
 8         [DisplayName("Api任务:{1}")]
 9         [Queue("apis")]
10         [JobFilter(timeoutInSeconds: 3600)]


 1 //设置分布式锁,分布式锁会阻止两个相同的任务并发执行,用任务名称和方法名称作为锁
 2             var jobresource = $"{filterContext.BackgroundJob.Job.Args[1]}.{filterContext.BackgroundJob.Job.Method.Name}";
 3             var locktimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_timeoutInSeconds);
 4             try
 5             {
 6                 //判断任务是否被暂停
 7                 using (var connection = JobStorage.Current.GetConnection())
 8                 {
 9                     var conts = connection.GetAllItemsFromSet($"JobPauseOf:{filterContext.BackgroundJob.Job.Args[1]}");
10                     if (conts.Contains("true"))
11                     {
12                         filterContext.Canceled = true;//任务被暂停不执行直接跳过
13                         return;
14                     }
15                 }
16                 //申请分布式锁
17                 var distributedLock = filterContext.Connection.AcquireDistributedLock(jobresource, locktimeout);
18                 filterContext.Items["DistributedLock"] = distributedLock;
19             }
20             catch (Exception ec)
21             {
22                 //获取锁超时,取消任务,任务会默认置为成功
23                 filterContext.Canceled = true;
24                 logger.Info($"任务{filterContext.BackgroundJob.Job.Args[1]}超时,任务id{filterContext.BackgroundJob.Id}");
25             }


1  if (!filterContext.Items.ContainsKey("DistributedLock"))
2             {
3                 throw new InvalidOperationException("找不到分布式锁,没有为该任务申请分布式锁.");
4             }
5             //释放分布式锁
6             var distributedLock = (IDisposable)filterContext.Items["DistributedLock"];
7             distributedLock.Dispose();




1 public void OnStateApplied(ApplyStateContext context, IWriteOnlyTransaction transaction)
2         {
3             //设置过期时间,任务将在三天后过期,过期的任务会自动被扫描并删除
4             context.JobExpirationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(3);
5         }




.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务)_第6张图片

你可能感兴趣的:(.NET Core下开源任务调度框架Hangfire的Api任务拓展(支持秒级任务))