标签(空格分隔): 经济学人
Part 1
Apocalypse, but no deliverance
Cults and coronavirus to do not mix—or perhaps mix only too well.
Take South Korea which, until recently overtaken by Italy, had the highest number of covid-19 infections outside China. Of 7,869 diagnosed cases, three-fifths trace back to a sect called the Shincheonji Church of Jesus.
- apocalypse n./ə’pɒkəlɪps/天启,启示录,世界末日
比如玛雅人预言2012年为世界末日,就是“the Mayan apocalypse”玛雅末日论
Film-makers may have to find a new apocalyptic location.而制片人也许得找一个新的末日似的拍摄地点了。[经济学人]
deliverance n./dɪ’lɪv(ə)r(ə)ns/救赎,解脱
But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. [ Or save you as a great band of survivors ]神差我在你们以先来,为要给你们存留余种在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你们的生命。[圣经Bible] -
cult n./ kʌlt /A cult is a fairly small religious group, especially one which is considered strange. 异教团体
Oh my God! He's in a cult! 哦, 我的天啦! 他入了邪教了!
- take sth 相当于take sth as an example,后面可以跟非限制性定语从句:Take sb / sth, which… [写作优选]
Take inequality of income, which in China marched upwards between 1980 and about 2010. 比如收入不平等——中国在1980年至2010年左右呈上升趋势。[经济学人]
Consider insulin, which used to be harvested from pig carcasses, and these days is made in vats of genetically modified yeast or bacteria…… Or consider Genzyme, the maker of Cerezyme and Fabrazyme, drugs for treating rare genetic disorders, which are produced in vats of hamster-ovary cells.以胰岛素为例,以前需要从猪的尸体中提取它,现在可以在转基因酵母或细菌容器中生产。或者再看看健赞公司的例子。它生产的治疗罕见遗传疾病的药物思尔赞和 Fabrazyme 是在放有仓鼠卵巢细胞的容器中制造的。[经济学人]
- overtake v.超越, 外刊常见用法为overtake sb as sth 指“超越某人成为…” 比如“电子支付很快超过现金,成为中国人最常用的支付方式”:Electronic payments soon overtook cash as the most popular ways to pay for things in China.[写作优选]
The number of international students choosing to study in Australia has surged over the past few years to the point that Australia is overtaking the UK as the world’s second-biggest destination for international students, behind the US, according to researchers at University College London’s Centre for Global Higher Education.伦敦大学学院全球高等教育中心的研究人员称,过去几年,求学澳大利亚的留学生数量大幅增长。澳大利亚正取代英国,成为仅次于美国的全球第二大留学目的地。[金融时报]
类似的表达还有:surpass sb as… 也指“超越…成为…”,比如《经济学人》一篇关于大兴机场的文章提到:The International Air Transport Association predicts that by the mid-2020s China will surpass America as the world’s largest aviation market.。国际航空运输协会预测,到2020年代中期中国将超过美国成为世界上最大的航空市场。
- trace作名词指“踪迹”,作动词也就是“追踪,追溯”,trace back to 追溯到...
比如《经济学人》一篇关于美国枪支的文章提到:Gun Control has been a perennial issue in America, which can even be traced back to the founding of the United States. 美国的控枪问题由来已久,而且是老大难 的问题,可以追溯至建国初。[写作优选]
leave /disappear without a trace指“消失得无影无踪”
Somebody made two cops disappear without a trace. 有人让两名警察凭空消失。
- religious sect 宗教派别
Sect 派系:宗教上的派系称为教派,通常不同派系的产生都是由不同一些原本存在的较大派系所分裂出来,并订下相异的规则和理念。这个词语有时会用在从传统派系分裂的有负面意味的派别,例如「邪教」。
在文中与上文的 cult 做同义替换使用。
Part 2
Shincheonji’s 88-year-old founder, Lee Man-hee, is said to descend from ancient Korean kings. As the “Promised Pastor”, he is uniquely able to interpret the Book of Revelation and to foresee the apocalypse it describes. He will take 144,000 followers with him to Heaven on the Day of Judgment, apparently.
- descend from … 由…传下来的;起源于
The Westerners said that the Spirit was descended from the Father and the Son.天主教认为圣灵是由圣父和圣子传下来的。
descendant n. [dɪˈsendənt] a person's descendants are their children, their children's children, and all the people who live after them who are related to them 后裔;后代;子孙
They could easily be Slytherin's descendants.他们很可能是斯莱特林的后代。[Harry Potter]
offspring n.[ˈɒfsprɪŋ] a child of a particular person or couple 孩子;子女;后代
Parents who worry about their teenage offspring (which is to say, all parents) can do something, however.然而,那些为青春期子女忧心的父母(基本上就等于说所有父母了)还是可以有所作为的。[经济学人]
subsequent generations 后代
If reproductive cells were affected, any such modifications will be passed on to subsequent generations.如果生殖细胞受到影响,任何此类的基因编辑都将遗传给后代。[经济学人]
sb. be uniquely able to do sth. 唯有某人有能力做某事
Lolo is uniquely able to heal my wounds. Lolo是唯一能治愈我伤痛的人。 -
the Book of Revelation《启示录》,是《圣经》新约的其中一卷预言书,也是圣经中唯一一篇讲述未来的文字,来源于使徒约翰所见的异象,结构跳跃但主线清晰不乱;其次,大量使用象征手法,文意飘忽,场面和气势惊心动魄,其中大量对后世预言式的启示和神秘的表述常常被运用到各类作品中。【文化拓展】
revelation是名词“透露, 揭露”,原型是“reveal”。
【文化拓展】the Day of Judgment 审判日,又译作最后的审判,概念源于基督教教义。指世界将要结束,决定人类命运的一天。失丧者会从坟墓中复活,所有人被召集在上帝的审判台前,按各人生前所行的受审判。使徒保罗在哥林多前书中说过圣徒要(参与)审判世界,还要审判(堕落的)天使。
基督教认为,在世界终结前,上帝和耶稣将要对世人进行审判,这就是末日审判。凡信仰上帝和耶稣基督并行善者可升入天堂,不得救赎者将被投入硫磺火湖中永远灭亡。《启示录》中对末日审判进行了描述。 -
follower n. 仿效者;追随者,在文中翻译为“信徒,教徒”
我们平常说的“粉丝”也是follower,比如《纽约时报》一篇关于范冰冰的文章提到:She has more than 62 million followers on China’s equivalent of Twitter, Weibo, and appears in ads for products around the world. 她在微博上拥有逾6200万粉丝,也常常出现在世界各地的产品广告上。
- apocalypse n. (尤指世界末日的)启示, 天启
Part 3
Other Christian leaders call Shincheonji a cult. Many of its 245,000 adherents hide their membership from family and workmates. At church they worship sitting on the ground in serried ranks, are not allowed to wear glasses—or, at least until recently, face masks—and are encouraged to attend even when ill. In February one congregant with undiagnosed covid-19 infected dozens of worshippers in Daegu, a southern city.
adherent n. / ədˈhɪərənt / An adherent is someone who holds a particular belief or supports a particular person or group. 拥护者
This idea is gaining adherents. 这个想法正得到拥护者的支持。 -
hide … from…对…隐瞒…
No, no. I am not gonna hide it from Phoebe.不要,我才不要对菲比遮遮掩掩的。[Friends老友记]
拓展一个地道短语:be nowhere to hide 指“无处可藏”
Websites track your interests and purchases. Mobile phones give away your location. Video cameras record what you are up to. Lose mental privacy as well, and there really will be nowhere to hide. 网站可以追踪到你的兴趣爱好和所购商品。移动电话会泄露你的方位。摄像头记录下你的一举一动。同样地,失去精神隐私实际上将会让您无处可藏。[经济学人]
关于hide还有一个生动表达:hide/stick one’s head in the sand,字面义是“把脑袋埋到沙子里”,引申为“逃避现实,采取鸵鸟心态”。Countries can adapt to an ageing population—by welcoming more immigrants and making it easier for mothers to do paid work—or they can stick their collective heads in the sand.各国可以通过接纳更多移民、让妈妈们更容易从事有偿工作来适应老龄化,或者也可以集体逃避现实。人口结构是一股强大的力量。[经济学人]
membership n.会员身份
membership fee/dues 就是“会费”
membership application 入会申请;会员申请表 -
worship v.[ˈwɜ:ʃɪp] the practice of showing respect for God or a god, by saying prayers, singing with others, etc.; a ceremony for this (对上帝或神的)崇拜,敬仰,礼拜
an act/a place of worship 礼拜;礼拜场所
worshipper n. [ˈwɜ:ʃɪpə(r)] a person who worships God or a god 崇拜上帝(或神)的人;做礼拜的人;敬神者;拜神者
regular worshippers at St Andrew's Church 经常到圣安德魯斯教堂做礼拜的人
serried adj./ ˈsɛrɪd / Serried things or people are closely crowded together in rows. (人或事物)密集的; 排紧的
...the serried ranks of fans...一排排密密麻麻的粉丝。 -
congregant n. /'kɒŋgrɪg(ə)nt/宗教团体的成员
到此,作者已经用了四种不同的词汇来表达“教徒” :follower, adherent ,worshipper和congregant。英语比较忌讳重复,因此常使用替代、省同义替换等方法来避免不必要的重复,大家在自己的写作中也记得用不同的同义词进行替换,尽量不要重复。比如需要多次提到“求职者”这个词,可以选用job-seeker, job-hunter, candidate等替换使用。
Part 4
Mr Lee, who has a taste for videos of white chargers and for mass games performed by his followers in stadiums, has become the butt of nationwide invective. He has therefore had to abase himself. Not long ago he blamed the epidemic on evil types jealous of Shincheonji’s success. But at a press conference last week he was on his knees apologising for his church’s role in spreading the virus. Shincheonji, he said, would do everything to help the authorities check its spread. Meanwhile, politicians are grandstanding. The mayor of Seoul wants prosecutors to investigate Mr Lee for murder through negligence. A provincial governor and presidential hopeful showed up with 40 officials at Shincheonji’s headquarters demanding a full list of members.
李万熙喜欢看白色坐骑的视频( 耶稣有一个白色坐骑,这里引用圣经故事),也喜欢信徒们在体育馆里的聚会,如今他已经成为全国范围内的攻击对象,因此他不得不低头。不久前,他说“这次疾病是魔鬼嫉妒新天地的成功,为阻止新天地迅速成长挑起的。”但在上周的新闻发布会上,他双膝跪地,为新天地教引起病毒爆发而道歉。他说,新天地将尽一切努力帮助当局检查其传播情况。与此同时,政府人员的做法安抚人心。韩国首尔市长以过失杀人罪向检方起诉李万熙。京畿道知事李在明(相当于中国省长级别)和总统候选人带着40名官员亲临新天地总部,逼其交出完整的京畿道会员名单。
taste 爱好, 嗜好
chargers 坐骑
- be the butt of nationwide invective 成为全国的攻击对象[写作优选]
be the butt of sth相当于be the target of sth 受到嘲讽(或批评);是笑柄(或话柄等) to be the person or thing that other people often joke about or criticize
She was the butt of some very unkind jokes. 她受到了刻薄的嘲弄。
It discourages you from packing a speech with sarky, teasing asides which, though possibly amusing to you, might be less so to those who are the butt of them.恐惧会让你打消在演讲中夹带挖苦、戏弄性的离题话的念头,尽管这些调侃对你可能很好玩,但对那些被当成笑柄的人来说可能就没有那么幽默了。[金融时报]
- invective n.辱骂;咒骂
A woman had hurled racist invective at the family... 一个女人对那家人大骂有种族歧视的脏话。
abuse和 revile也都指“辱骂;斥责”
Use no reproachful language against any one; neither curse nor revile. 不要对任何人出言不逊, 切忌诅咒、辱骂他人.
abase v. 表现卑微,卑躬屈膝;使……降低(身份、地位等)
【记忆方法】我们知道base是名词“底部,基础”,前面加“a”就成为动词“使……降低” -
epidemic n. 流行病;传染病;风尚等的流行
not long ago…but now…不久前还…现在就…[写作优选]
Not long ago children used to rile their parents by declaring they were bored, but now “being bored is something that never has to be tolerated for a moment”, writes Sherry Turkle ofMIT, an expert on digital culture.麻省理工学院的数字文化专家雪莉图克尔(Sherry Turkle)写道,不久前,孩子们还会常常宣称自己感到无聊来气他们的父母,但现在无聊没有片刻需要被容忍”。[经济学人] -
jealous of sth. 嫉妒
Who's gonna be jealous of me now?现在谁还会对我羡慕嫉妒恨?[破产姐妹台词]
jealousy n.[ˈdʒeləsi] 忌妒;妒羡;羡慕
I felt sick with jealousy. 我羡慕得要死。
a press conference 新闻发布会,记者见面会,the press 原义“印刷机”,现在用来借代“新闻界”。
on one’s knees 和on bent knees 都指“双膝跪地”,比如:He proposed to her on bent knees.他跪着向她求婚。 beg on one’s Knees 则是“跪在地上乞求”
play a crucial role in (doing)sth. 对于做某事起着关键性作用
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. 父母对孩子做好上学的准备起着至关重要的作用。
sth/sb has a vital role to play …发挥重要的作用;…扮演关键的角色 ,写作中可以替换sth/sb is important[写作优选]
Because education is a public good whose benefits spill over to all of society, governments have a vital role to play—not just by spending more, but also by spending wisely.因为教育是一种公益事业,其益处会延及整个社会,各国政府要发挥重要作用——不仅要增加投入,还得把钱花得明智。[经济学人]
- do everything to 尽一切努力做某事,不遗余力做某事
But this is a guy who does everything to separate and frighten people.他尽他所能去分裂群众、恐吓群众。[VOA]
更高级一些的表达:spare no/little effort to do sth 表示“不遗余力做某事” 。spare 义为“ 剩下”,little表示否定含义,还有spare no costs to do sth 同样义为“不惜一切代 价做某事”。
Propaganda authorities have spared little effort.宣传部门对此竭力全力。[经济学人]
Meanwhile adv. 同时; 其间
grandstanding 哗众取宠; 讨好观众(或媒体)
prosecutors n. 检举人;告发人;起诉人;公诉人;原告
investigate vt. 调查; 审查
murder through negligence 过失杀人罪
presidential hopeful 总统候选人
hopeful 多作为形容词“有希望的”,他还可以作名词义为“有希望成功的人”,也就是“候选人”,相当于candidate -
show up 出现
demand vt. 要求