
Leon and Amy:



Amy生病了,希望她早日康复。Amy is sick, hope she would get well soon.早日康复,get well soon。Leon用的recover也对,hope she would recover soon.

我昨晚没睡好,今天不太舒服。I did not sleep well last night, and I feel uncomfortable today.昨晚,last night。没睡好,did not sleep well。不舒服,uncomfortable。舒服,comfortable.

我感觉很糟糕,什么都不想做。I feel terrible, there is nothing I want to do.感觉,feel.糟糕,terrible.

生病了要多喝开水,多休息。You need to drink much

boiled water and take some rest if you are sick.喝,drink。开水,

boiled water.水,water.

她明天会呆在家,躺在床上休息。She would stay at home tomorrow, lie in the bed to take some rest.呆在家,stay at home.躺,lie.床,bed.

你脸色看起来不太好,去看看医生吧。You don't look good, go to hospital/see a doctor.看起来不太好,don't look good.去医院、看医生,go to hospital/see a doctor.如果在家里,想把医生请过去,可以说send a doctor here.

问题不大,吃点药就好了。It is no big deal, just take some medicine. 问题不大,no big deal/ not a big problem.药,medicine.

不用担心,你明天就会好了。Don't worry, you are going to be OK tomorrow.担心,worry.

好好休息,明天见。Have a good rest, see you tomorrow.

