Bilingual Diaries - 从谷歌到去寿司店端盘子


事情再回到一年多以前,一来想要突破工作上的瓶颈,二来想给闷着头自学了好久日文的自己一个正式的交待,我辞去谷歌的工作,义无反顾的把自己放飞去日本,来了个迟到的“gap year”。刚开始没想着要打工,更没想着要去餐厅里打工,毕竟都三十出头的人,已经沾染上好吃懒做的世俗恶习,想说靠着这几年的积蓄,只要控制住不买包包,日常开销一年应该过得去。



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p.s. 谢谢所有在寿司店曾经帮助过我的小伙伴们!虽然我最年长,但七七八八也给大家拖了不少后腿,下次再相约大阪走一个!



I am always attracted to articles titled with "From Harvard elite to dock worker", or "From wall street to the doctor in Aids village", very dramatic yet meaningful life. Who'd thought I could steal that title one day too, "From a Googler to a waitress in a sushi bar", just that my story doesn't have a noble purpose, only to make a living.

Back in a year, I was feeling a bit trapped at work, and going to Japan to polish my Japanese has been on top of my to-do list for a while. "Why not today?" That's what I was thinking about. So I quit my job, applied school in Japan, ready for my be-lated "gap year", "midlife crisis prep year" might be more accurate. I wasn't considering working at all, my sole task in Japan was to balance and build in rest. The money in the bank should be good to support my life here as long as I live with less.

After going through a lot of troubles dealing with immigration, school, real estate agent, I finally settled down in Osaka. 6 months just passed, I expanded my social circles, hanging out with friends or going for hiking at weekends. Not that my life wasn't comfortable, just when things slow down and you are alone in the middle of the night, suddenly you found yourself unemployed for 6 months and without a solid plan for the future, can be a bit scary, isn't it? Plus, I wanted to test my Japanese level in the job market by applying for customer facing roles,, and didn't even pass the Starbucks barista interview… or Mister Donuts baker one.I allowed myself to be down with waterfalls of tears for three or four days, and that’s it, time to dig myself out of this self-loathing period. The best solution for me and my ego would still be try again and get a part time job. I need something keeps me busy, on the other hand I need to further practise my Japanese and know the society better. Fortunately, I am way past my puberty embarrassing moments and my previous experiences had helped me build some anti-embarrassment muscles; I would go in and ask if they need a zero experience but passionate waitress when I see (legit) stores with "staff wanted". Thanks to a friend's recommendation, I finally scored an interview with a small but quite busy sushi bar - 魚心 Uoshin.

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A baito interview can be nerve wracking for a foreigner in Japan. Coming from China made me forgot sometimes this is a country with OCD,where its people can maintain social order even as civilisation seemed to crumble above them (e.g. the victims patiently queued for toilet after the earthquake). And of course, the baito interview process is formatted.

Firstly, get the バイト履歴書 (applications) in any convenience stores or stationery. They all drafted in the same way. Basic info and a photo with suits. Think about it, they are gonna see you in person soon enough, but you still have to paste up the photo! The interview is considered over if you failed to bring along this piece of paper.

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I don’t think I was this nervous when I interviewed with Google. It's just in Japan, interviews are beyond linguistic pointers, they require "correct interview behaviours" (there are hundreds of thousands of videos teaching you how to knock the door properly on YouTube). Here it goes:

Knock on the door three times firmly and do not go in until you heard PLEASE;
Enter, turn around to close the door, and turn back, say "sorry for bothering";
Bow and walk to your chair;
Stand straight and say "I am xxx. Thank you in advance";
Bow again, and do not sit until you heard PLEASE.

There are also videos showing where to place your hands and legs during the interview. But I seriously couldn't remember that much or control myself in that way, so I let go…The actual interview was not that hard, guess it had something to do with my trustworthy face. There are also etiquette to follow when you leave the room, and once you are out, congratulations, you've made it!

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This is what our shop looks like, 35 seats in total including table and bar seats. At the first day, I was just absolutely overwhelmed by all the names on the menu. Fish names can wait, the first thing I need to conquer is the drinking menu. Drink order is placed as soon as you sit down in a izakaya. And then you can take your time eyeballing the food menu while sipping on something. Since 80% of customers would go for a draft beer at the beginning, my first mission was to figure out how to pour a perfect draft beer. Forward, beer; backward foam; and you need to hold the glass at a certain angle to make it with the golden ration 3:7 for foam and beer. After that, I had to learn formulate different shochu drinks. Not as hard as bartending in cocktail bar, but It's still simply enlightening.

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Basically, there are 8 kinds of shochu served in our restaurant, rice, barley, sweet potato, soba (buckwheat), awamori (okinawa rice), perilla leaf, brown sugar and traditional shochu type called Kasutori. There are also ways of drinking them

Straight up
On the rocks
Water mixed
Hot water mixed
Soda mixed
Add in plum

Language is such an amazing creature. The simplest request can just make absolutely no sense to someone who don't understand it. I was basically stood there like an idiot at the beginning when taking the orders. I thought I remembered, but the words sound ridiculously different when you hear them from someone else…

Well, what can I say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Now I am way past the amateur drinks-maker bar, advanced to the food order taker level:

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It took me more than 2 hours to study all the fish names on the menu for the first time. I had Chinese names written down, English names written down. Yellowtail! Baby yellowtail! The second-youngest stage of the Yellowtail! Farmed yellowtail! Yellowtail's relative Amberjack!!…??? The vastness of those fish names awed me. It made our sushi bar seem like an aquarium. I can see me like a cartoon character being knocked down, and left a hole on the ground. It's a 6 hours long shift in average. But I must admit that finding things which demand your efforts and devotion to do has been exceedingly fun.

I am not sure how am I going to apply those fish "knowledge" to my future work, but for that moment, I did believe there is nothing I can't do! Maybe sushi chef for the next step? (A dazzling smile inserted).

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