超短小说:The Diamond Bracelet 《钻石链疑云》原创

    The story of TheDiamond Bracelet unfolds on a sunny Sunday afternoon; the sun was awesomelybrighter than ever as if this lovely weather would last forever. Things,however, always go against people’s wish.

All of a sudden,the hidden dark clouds gathered at an amazing rate .Before any preparationscould be made, it’s now raining cats and dogs, which is, sure enough, a biggift for the farmers longing for rain, but indeed, a disaster for someone else.

“Oh, Jesus!” cried Kelly, as shrilly as thecalling from hell.

Kelly, a studentof Neville High School, is nowhere but her bravery and sense of justice areremarkably adorable. With two shopping bags slung over both her arms, she wasrunning madly to the nearest bus station.

“Uh...uh…uh…”Kelly,out of breath and wet all over, eventually rushed to the bus station .Immediatelyshe crouched to tidy her new dress for the ball tonight.

No sooner thanshe could react when a luxury car ----“Poo~~~” roaring by, setting up dirtywater in the plash, and, once again, soiled Kelly’s precious dress. The ladygot off her car to apologize, but when she saw Kelly’s face, she anxiously turnedback and intended to escape. Agitated and desperate, Kelly tried to catch her bythe arm but in vain, only to grasp the lady’s Diamond Bracelet .Thewell-dressed lady fled like a thief, who had just robbed the bank.

Oddlyenough, Kelly assumed the lady’s face was quite familiar to her. It must be Mrs.Houghton, her beloved head teacher.

“But …but…butit doesn’t make any sense!!!” murmured Kelly. Because Mrs. Houghton, thoughbeing a widow for nearly 10 years, is well respected by her students and isvery thrifty, especially in the way she dresses herself .The only thing worthmentioning is The Diamond Bracelet, which is known to be the only valuablehanded down from her grandma .

Kellysmelt the rat and timely wrote down the ID of the car, determined to rake outthe ugly truth disguised in the cover of beauty.

Wet all over andwith her hair loosely hanging down, Kelly truly became the stray dog, almost starvedto death. How hideous!!! Instead of feeling sorry for all the mess for herself,her face is lightened with a flicker of determination and the air of an ancientheroine of the old tale. So inquisitive is Kelly that she decisively set out toher Uncle’s, walking proudly as if Sherlock Holmes had come to life again, thefemale version, though.

Perfectly enough,her uncle works in a Secret security office for the region, so she offered theID of the car, and so efficient is the investigation-----“Marry Houghton, widowfor 10 years, total property worth $ 100 million…” Kelly said with a tremor inher voice, “Thank you, Uncle...So long!”

She grasped herbelongings and returned to school, bitterly struggling in this appalling truththat her respectable teacher turns out to be the biggest liar without beingmuckraked.

It was deep into the night. And with thebreeze murmuring in her ears, Kelly was wandering around under the starry sky .Lookinginto the distance, her thoughts lingered over where Mrs. Houghton got so largea sum of money without making herself suspicious.

Walking back to dorm,Kelly overheard a queer sound from the office that should have been closedbefore 11:00.Kelly hid a little bit under the cover of the door to see what wasgoing on. “Oh my Gosh…”almost cried out Kelly, “it is the Principal and Mrs. Houghton...”Loud and clear, they have an affair!!! Because Kelly was so shocked to discoverthe 8/9 of truth of the ugly iceberg that the sound she made betrayed her andshe was discovered by the principal. Meanwhile all of this instantly makes suchthings as the loss of school’s charity fund and why POOR Mrs. Houghton couldafford luxury car all connected,

It is ratherself-evident that the principal’s hard-earned reputation will be ruinedovernight and both he and Mrs. Houghton will summoned by court. The principalcaught Kelly and threatened her to take the secrets with her to grave and willbe given scholarship, which is quite tempting for a poor student like her.

Otherwise, shewill be expelled. Kelly fooled them and left while the COUPLE seems to be safeforever, but is that so?

The night Kellyreturned to her dorm, her roommates are all sleeping sound, but she is goingthrough the life –and –death struggle within. It is a battle between conscienceand material temptation.

The clock is tickingon the wall, like the calling from the evil, and finally Kelly made her own decision.

With the insectsecho outside, the night seems to be in endless gloom

On the nextmorning, Kelly rose rather early. Along the way to the local police station,Kelly took a tremendous breath and felt the breeze singing in her ears, thebirds twittering on the tree and sunshine was never brighter before.

It seems that Kelly has grown up overnight, brightly marching to her 18 year-old birthday.

writen in 2014 at HQU

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