【Book】Born a Crime 10.10笔记

go down to延伸想到的一些分享:

英美剧电影中有时会遇到down here,over there之类的,什么意思呢?

举例:-- where are you?-- I am down here.

简单解释[ in / out / up / down / over ] [ here / there ]=[inside / outside or away from / upward from / downward from / across a distance from] [where I am / away from where I am]

具体解释:As you knock on a door you might be wondering if anyone is "in there" (inside, away from you). The person in the house may be wondering who is "out there" (outside, away from him) at the door. As you are knocking on the door, you are "out here" and the other person is "in there". From the viewpoint of the person answering the door, you are "out there" and he is "in here".        延伸:By extension, anyone who isn't making a lot of sense is "out there", as if at an extreme distance away, out in space. Sometimes we say that a person's ideas are "out there" if they are very impractical or far from the ideas of most people.有时我们说一个人的想法是"out there",如果他们想法是非常不切实际或脱离大多数人的想法。

You would like someone on the other side of the room to come to you. You ask him to "come over here" (come across a distance to where you are). He does. He was "over there" (across a distance away from you); now he's "over here" (having crossed a distance, he is now where you are).

up and down are used literally. If you are at the top of the stairs, and I am at the bottom, you are up there and I am down here from my point of view. From your point of view, however, I am down there and you are up here. You can ask me to toss something "up here" (to me), and I then toss it, from my viewpoint, "up there" (to you). Or you can toss something "down there" (to me). I see it as your tossing it "down here" (to me).

up and down are also used figuratively. Geographically, including on a map, north is "up", and south is "down". (East and west are both "over".) So if I live in Paris, for example, I can go "down" (south) to Rome. If I live in Atlanta, I can go "up" (north) to New York.

Also, along rivers, "up" may mean "toward the source of the current" while "down" means "in the direction of the current"    例如: 如果指船,go down(船)顺着(江河即 a river)而下

Chapter 7-8 


We picked up right where we’d left off.

pick (something) up where (one) left off

To resume or start (something) again from the last point where one had previously stopped. 


例句     If it's OK with you, I'd like to go out on a date and try to pick up where we left off

OK, now that the rain's stopped, let's pick this game up where we left off!


第三季Okay. I'm afraid to say this, but let's pick up where we left off.我实在很不想说 不过我们继续排吧

第八季-Shall we pick up from where we left off? -I'm still tired from this afternoon.我们要继续吗? -我还因为今天下午的事觉得很累

But at the same time he was a closed book.



比如 a open book.  还有这里的a closed book

read sb like a 'book (informal)对某人了如指掌;看透某人:

be in sb’s 'good/'bad books (informal) 得到/得不到某人的好感﹙或赞许﹚:

例句‘Why are you cleaning her shoes?’ ‘I’m trying to get into her good books!’


例句Chemistry is a closed book to me. In my book, nothing is more important than football.


in 'sb’s book (spoken)依某人的观点;照某人看:

by the 'book循规蹈矩; 严格按照规章办事:

cook the 'books (informal)篡改账目;造假账:

bring sb to 'book (for sth) (formal,especially BrE)要求某人﹙为某行为﹚作出解释;﹙因某事﹚惩罚某人:

don’t judge a book by its cover 

black South Africans with money in turn exploited that loophole to frequent those hotels and restaurants.

frequent,这里是动词: 常到;常去;常出入于 [Formal]

例句:I hear he frequents the Cajun restaurant in Hampstead.


But even as a kid, looking at these dead, mutilated animals, I was like, “Well, there you have it.

mutilate  可以+人或物  让我想到maim

 to damage severely, especially by violently removing a part 使残缺不全;使伤残

----Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition.她的尸体严重毁损,根本无法辨认。

to destroy an idea or a piece of art or entertainment 毁坏,使支离破碎

---They have mutilated a beautiful film by making these changes.他们的这些改动平白把一部好看的电影搞得支离破碎

That‘s what we do. Tough luck.

Tough luck.常用于口语  tough还可以替换 为 bad/hard luck

Tough luck can be used to show sympathy for someone who has failed or has been disappointed, but it is more commonly used in an ironic way to show that you do not feel sympathy for someone.


例句:‘I think I’ve damaged my back.’ ‘Oh bad luck!’

I can’t do anything about it, so tough luck.

When an African dad buys his kid a present, the last thing he’s going to do is give some fat white man credit for it.

the last thing  最不愿意做的事情;最不想要的事物;最不适宜的事

例句 Well, poor Mags is stuck with me all day, I'm sure the last thing she wants to do when she gets home is to talk about me.


give someone credit for something  给予承认、称赞或赞许

例句 She’s a much better actor than people give her credit for.

One must give credit where it is due.该称赞的就应该称赞。


延伸give credit(tobelieve;credit with相信;信以为真

例句 Few of us gave credit to his story.我们中间没什么人相信他讲的话。


Once we reconnected, I was overcome by this drive to make up for all the years we’d missed. I decided the best way to do it was to interview him. I realized very quickly that that was a mistake. Interviews will give you facts and information, but facts and information weren’t really what I was after. What I wanted was a relationship, and an interview is not a relationship. Relationships are built in the silences. You spend time with people, you observe them and interact with them, and you come to know them—and that is what apartheid stole from us: time. You can’t make up for that with an interview, but I had to figure that out for myself.


Relationships are built in the silences.关系是需要通过时间自然慢慢发展的,而不是采访或是刻意短时就能弥补的。所以他父亲也这样审问他,他才认识到“ I had to figure that out for myself.


在我看来,亲密关系不是所有事都一起做,什么都共同分享,也是需要沉默和一点距离的,距离产生美,每个人都需要一点独立自主的空间。所以一段有着控制欲和占有欲的关系也是注定不会幸福的。他前面也说You do not own the thing that you love.



Trevor and his mother raised two cats before, but these cats were cruelly killed by unknown people who thought cats were jinxes. Then they had two dogs named Panther and Fufi. Panther was his mother's dog and Fufi was his.  Fufi was kinds of dumb, but Trevor loved Fufi very much. One day,  Fufi went to another boy's house, and she was locked inside boy's house. Trevor's mother and the boy's mother had quarrels about the ownership of Fufi. Although Fufi was back home after Trevor's mother paid, Fufi made Trevor's sad. Years later Fufi died when a burglar was trying to break into their house. Then he knew Fufi was deaf from a vet and Fufi didn’t cheat on him with another boy. That experience shaped what he’ve felt about relationships for the rest of his life: You do not own the thing that you love.

Trevor called his father Robert but not dad ,avoiding being overheard and caught under apartheid. His father was reserved and rational while his mom was wild and impulsive. They were opposites that attracted, and he was a mix of them both. He ran an integrated restaurant in the early eighties which allowed businesses to serve both black and white. But in the end, The restaurant closed only because a few people in the neighborhood took it upon themselves to complain.

Trevor used to spend Sunday afternoons, his birthdays and Christmas with his dad, but When he was thirteen his dad moved to Cape Town, and they lost touch.

When he turned twenty-four, his mom made him track down his father. Ultimately, he reconnected him with the help of Swiss embassy. They picked up right where they’d left off. Knowing that his father had a scrapbook of him, He was deeply moved. They spent a weekend together, and he found his father is still secretive.

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