


这是2006年启动的一个开源项目(C++),包括Sector和 Sphere两个子系统,分别对应到Hadoop的HDFS和MapReduce两个子系统,对外的接口也比较类似。不过,该系统在设计之初就考虑了跨多个数据中心的数据处理需求,因此在slave/master之间的安全以及client和系统之间的数据传输安全方面都提供了安全机制。这一点是hadoop没有考虑的。



(2)在使用系统时,client直接将数据传输到slave节点。 hadoop的机制与其类似;

(3)Sector中数据传输采用UDT协议,这是一个增加了流控的UDP协议,传输效率比目前hadoop采用的TCP高;目前Hadoop MR中采用HTTP,效率更低;



(6)在Sphere中,Map任务有错误恢复机制,但Reduce不支持错误恢复,即如果Reduce Task 失败了,整个作业就失败了。

从Sector/Sphere网站上发布的terasort结果来看,其性能比hadoop高出不少(http://sector.sourceforge.net/benchmark.html ):

64节点(主节点:Dell 1950, dual dual-core Xeon 3.0GHz, 16GB RAM   / 子节点:Dell 1435s, single dual core AMD Opteron 2.0GHz, 4GB RAM, and 1TB single disk):

Sector/Sphere为1361妙,Hadoop(1副本)为 2617秒,而在我们的labs上测试的结果是...... 秒。

he performance value listed in this page was achieved using the Open Cloud Testbed. Currently the testbed consists of 4 racks. Each rack has 32 nodes, including 1 NFS server, 1 head node, and 30 compute/slave nodes. The head node is a Dell 1950, dual dual-core Xeon 3.0GHz, 16GB RAM. The compute nodes are Dell 1435s, single dual core AMD Opteron 2.0GHz, 4GB RAM, and 1TB single disk. The 4 racks are located in JHU (Baltimore), StarLight (Chicago), UIC (Chicago), and Calit2(San Diego). The inter-rack bandwidth is 10GE, supported by CiscoWave deployed over National Lambda Rail.

                             Sphere    Hadoop (3 replicas)   Hadoop (1 replica)

UIC                           1265        2889                       2252

UIC + StarLight               1361        2896                       2617

UIC + StarLight + Calit2      1430        4341                       3069

UIC + StarLight + Calit2 + JHU 1526       6675                       3702
