国际文凭组织官员Siva Kumari在与高薇校长的来信中写到:
北京新东方国际双语学校IBDP协调员Colin McDonald说:“ 2020年6月19日,是新东方国际双语学校特别值得庆贺的日子。感谢我们社区每个人的努力工作,IB 组织现在已经完全批准我们学校成为 IB 世界学校!我们顺利跻身世界精英国际学校行列!我们期待着下学年为学校第一批IBDP学生正式授课,这是学校全速前进的新方向,我们期待帮助我们的学生迎接 IBDP 的挑战。”
New Oriental Academy has been striving to become a model of bilingual education since the very beginning of its establishment. It has always hoped to provide students with a rigorous, world-class education recognized by the world's top institutions of higher learning. Today, that wish has come true!
June 19,2020
New Oriental Academy
is officially authorized by the
International Baccalaureate Organization Diploma Programme
to become an IB World School
International Baccalaureate Official Siva Kumari wrote in a letter to Director Vivien Gao:
“On behalf of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB), it is my privilege to inform you that New Oriental Academy is now an authorized IB World School for the Diploma Programme.As an IB World School offering the Diploma Programme, you are part of a global community of schools committed to developing knowledgeable, caring young people who will be ready to make contributions resulting in building a more harmonious and peaceful world.We highly commend your school’s educators, administrators, students and families for their active roles in the application process of the Diploma Programme.”
In 2018, New Oriental Academy formally applied to be an IBDP candidate school in order to better implement the core education philosophy of New Oriental: "life-long learning, Global Vision, independent personality, & social responsibility" . The School Management Team and the teachers team have been actively preparing according to the rigorous IBDP implementation standards. They have drawn up a detailed action plan and optimized the curriculum, teachers’ training, teaching and research organization, facilities upgrades, and resources allocation according to the requirements of the IBO. After two years of tireless effort on the part of all members at New Oriental Academy, our school has been successfully authorized to deliver the IB Diploma Programme.
Mr. Colin McDonald, the IBDP coordinator at New Oriental Academy, said:
Today, June 19th, 2020, is a special day for New Oriental Academy. Thanks to the hard work of everyone in our community, the IB Organization has now fully approved our school as an IB World school! Today, we advance our standing and join the ranks of elite international schools around the world. We look forward to hosting our first group of Diploma Programme students starting next school year. This is the start of a momentous new direction of our school and we look forward to helping our students meet the challenges of the IBDP.
Looking into the future, New Oriental Academy will continue to work hard to provide a warm and quality bilingual education, and help more students go out into the world and succeed in the future!
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