APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南



In [1]:

from attackcti import attack_client
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)

lift = attack_client()
all_techniques= lift.get_techniques(stix_format=False)



In [2]:

techniques_normalized = pd.json_normalize(all_techniques)
techniques = techniques_normalized.reindex( \
    ['matrix','platform','tactic','technique','technique_id','data_sources'], axis=1)






In [3]:

platform = {'Windows':'Windows',
            'office365':'Office 365',

counts_list = []
for (data_key,data_str) in platform.items():
    counts_df =  techniques[ (techniques['platform'].apply(str).str.contains(data_str)) ]
    counts_list.append( ( data_key, counts_df.shape[0] ) )

platforms_df = pd.DataFrame( counts_list ).sort_values(1,ascending=False)
platforms_df = platforms_df.rename(columns={0:'platforms',1:'techniques'})

ax = platforms_df.plot( kind='bar',figsize=(10,8), fontsize=20 ,x=0, y=1, rot=360 )
for p in ax.patches:
    ax.annotate(str(p.get_height()), (p.get_x() + 0.1 , p.get_height() + 2 ) ,size= 20 )

APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第1张图片



In [4]:

win_data = techniques[ 
win_data = pd.DataFrame(win_data[['technique','data_sources']])
win_data = pd.DataFrame(win_data.explode('data_sources'))
source_data = win_data.groupby(by='data_sources') \
    .count() \




  1. Process monitoring (进程监控)
  2. Process command-line parameters (进程命令参数)
  3. File monitoring (文件读写监控)
  4. API monitoring (API调用监控)
  5. Process use of network (进程网络关联)
  6. Windows Registry (Windows注册表)
  7. Packet capture (本机抓包)
  8. Netflow/Enclave netflow (网络流量)
  9. Windows event logs (windows事件日志)
  10. Authentication logs (身份认证日志)
  11. Network protocol analysis (网络协议分析)
  12. DLL monitoring (DLL加载监控)
  13. Binary file metadata (二进制文件元数据)
  14. Loaded DLLs (已加载dll文件)
  15. SSL/TLS inspection (SSL/TLS检查)
  16. Azure activity logs (Azure活动日志)
  17. PowerShell logs (Powershell日志)
  18. Network intrusion detection system (网络入侵检测系统)
  19. Malware reverse engineering (病毒逆向工程)
  20. AWS CloudTrail logs (AWS云日志)
  21. Anti-virus (杀毒软件)
  22. Network device logs (网络设备日志)
  23. Application logs (程序日志)
  24. Kernel drivers (驱动文件)
  25. Stackdriver logs (Stackdriver日志)
  26. System calls (系统调用)
  27. Data loss prevention (数据泄漏防护)
  28. Web proxy (网页代理)
  29. Email gateway (邮件网关)
  30. Office 365 account logs (Office365账户日志)
  31. Host network interface (主机网络接口)
  32. User interface (用户接口)
  33. Web logs (网页日志)
  34. Mail server (邮件服务器)
  35. Services (服务)
  36. Windows Error Reporting (Windows错误报告)
  37. Web application firewall logs (网页防火墙日志)
  38. BIOS (主板系统)
  39. Third-party application logs (第三方程序日志)
  40. MBR (磁盘主引导记录)
  41. DNS records (DNS记录)
  42. Detonation chamber (引爆作业)
  43. Office 365 trace logs (Office365跟踪日志)
  44. Sensor health and status (传感器健康状态)
  45. Component firmware (固件组件)
  46. VBR (卷引导记录)
  47. Access tokens (访问令牌)
  48. Environment variable (环境变量)
  49. Asset management (资产管理平台)
  50. EFI (可扩展固件接口)
  51. Named Pipes (命名管道)
  52. Disk forensics (磁盘取证)
  53. WMI Objects (WMI对象)
  54. Browser extensions (浏览器扩展)
  55. Digital certificate logs (数字证书日志)
  56. OAuth audit logs (OAuth审计日志)



In [5]:

tlist = source_data['data_sources'].tolist()
ax = source_data.plot(kind='barh',figsize=(110,70),x=0, y=1, fontsize=65)
for i in ax.patches:
    ax.text(i.get_width(), i.get_y(), str(i.get_width()), fontsize=70)
my_x_ticks = np.arange(0, 160, 40)

APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第2张图片



数据来源: https://attackevals.mitre.org

In [6]:

import json,glob,os

files =[]
for infile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join('data', '*json'))):



In [7]:

from natsort import index_natsorted, order_by_index
import copy

all_data = {}

for f_path in files:
    vendor = f_path.split(os.sep, 2)[-1]
    vendor = vendor.split('.', 1)[0]
    with open(f_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:
        obj = json.loads(data)['Techniques']
        df = pd.json_normalize(obj,'Steps', ['TechniqueId','TechniqueName', 'Tactics'])
        all_data.update({ vendor: df }) 



  • 战术Tactics (攻击动作的意图分类)
  • 技术Technique (攻击动作的技术分类)
  • 标准Criteria (攻击动作的详细过程)
  • 程序Procedure (攻击动作的技术细节)

In [8]:

test_data = copy.deepcopy(all_data)    
test_data = test_data.values()
test_data = list(test_data)[0]
eval_step = test_data.reindex(index=order_by_index(test_data.index, 
eval_step.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)   
eval_step['TacticsName']=eval_step['Tactics'].apply(lambda x: x[0]['TacticName']) 
eval_step = eval_step.reindex(['SubStep','TacticsName','TechniqueName','Criteria','Procedure'], axis=1) 


  SubStep TacticsName TechniqueName Criteria Procedure
0 1.A.1 Execution User Execution The rcs.3aka3.doc process spawning from explorer.exe User Pam executed payload rcs.3aka3.doc
1 1.A.2 Defense Evasion Masquerading Evidence of the right-to-left override character (U+202E) in the rcs.3aka.doc process ​OR the original filename (cod.3aka.scr) Used unicode right-to-left override (RTLO) character to obfuscate file name rcs.3aka3.doc (originally cod.3aka.scr)
2 1.A.3 Command and Control Uncommonly Used Port Established network channel over port 1234 Established C2 channel ( via rcs.3aka3.doc payload over TCP port 1234
3 1.A.4 Command and Control Standard Cryptographic Protocol Evidence that the network data sent over the C2 channel is encrypted Used RC4 stream cipher to encrypt C2 ( traffic
4 1.B.1 Execution Command-Line Interface cmd.exe spawning from the rcs.3aka3.doc​ process Spawned interactive cmd.exe
5 1.B.2 Execution PowerShell powershell.exe spawning from cmd.exe Spawned interactive powershell.exe
6 2.A.1 Discovery File and Directory Discovery powershell.exe executing (Get-)ChildItem Searched filesystem for document and media files using PowerShell
7 2.A.2 Collection Automated Collection powershell.exe executing (Get-)ChildItem Scripted search of filesystem for document and media files using PowerShell
8 2.A.3 Collection Data from Local System powershell.exe reading files in C:\Users\Pam\ Recursively collected files found in C:\Users\Pam\ using PowerShell
9 2.A.4 Exfiltration Data Compressed powershell.exe executing Compress-Archive Compressed and stored files into ZIP (Draft.zip) using PowerShell
10 2.A.5 Collection Data Staged powershell.exe creating the file draft.zip Staged files for exfiltration into ZIP (Draft.zip) using PowerShell
11 2.B.1 Exfiltration Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel The rcs.3aka3.doc process reading the file draft.zip while connected to the C2 channel Read and downloaded ZIP (Draft.zip) over C2 channel ( over TCP port 1234)
12 3.A.1 Command and Control Remote File Copy The rcs.3aka3.doc process creating the file monkey.png Dropped stage 2 payload (monkey.png) to disk
13 3.A.2 Defense Evasion Obfuscated Files or Information Evidence that a PowerShell payload was within monkey.png Embedded PowerShell payload in monkey.png using steganography
14 3.B.1 Defense Evasion Component Object Model Hijacking Addition of the DelegateExecute ​subkey in ​HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\​​command​​ Modified the Registry to enable COM hijacking of sdclt.exe using PowerShell
15 3.B.2 Privilege Escalation Bypass User Account Control High integrity powershell.exe spawning from control.exe​​ (spawned from sdclt.exe) Executed elevated PowerShell payload
16 3.B.3 Command and Control Commonly Used Port Established network channel over port 443 Established C2 channel ( via PowerShell payload over TCP port 443
17 3.B.4 Command and Control Standard Application Layer Protocol Evidence that the network data sent over the C2 channel is HTTPS Used HTTPS to transport C2 ( traffic
18 3.B.5 Command and Control Standard Cryptographic Protocol Evidence that the network data sent over the C2 channel is encrypted Used HTTPS to encrypt C2 ( traffic
19 3.C.1 Defense Evasion Modify Registry Deletion of of the HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\Open\command subkey Modified the Registry to remove artifacts of COM hijacking
20 4.A.1 Command and Control Remote File Copy powershell.exe creating the file SysinternalsSuite.zip Dropped additional tools (SysinternalsSuite.zip) to disk over C2 channel (
21 4.A.2 Execution PowerShell powershell.exe spawning from powershell.exe Spawned interactive powershell.exe
22 4.A.3 Defense Evasion Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information powershell.exe executing Expand-Archive Decompressed ZIP (SysinternalsSuite.zip) file using PowerShell
23 4.B.1 Discovery Process Discovery powershell.exe executing Get-Process Enumerated current running processes using PowerShell
24 4.B.2 Defense Evasion File Deletion sdelete64.exe deleting the file rcs.3aka3.doc Deleted rcs.3aka3.doc on disk using SDelete
25 4.B.3 Defense Evasion File Deletion sdelete64.exe deleting the file draft.zip Deleted Draft.zip on disk using SDelete
26 4.B.4 Defense Evasion File Deletion sdelete64.exe deleting the file SysinternalsSuite.zip Deleted SysinternalsSuite.zip on disk using SDelete
27 4.C.1 Discovery File and Directory Discovery powershell.exe executing $env:TEMP Enumerated user's temporary directory path using PowerShell
28 4.C.2 Discovery System Owner/User Discovery powershell.exe executing $env:USERNAME Enumerated the current username using PowerShell
29 4.C.3 Discovery System Information Discovery powershell.exe executing $env:COMPUTERNAME Enumerated the computer hostname using PowerShell
30 4.C.4 Discovery System Network Configuration Discovery powershell.exe executing $env:USERDOMAIN Enumerated the current domain name using PowerShell
31 4.C.5 Discovery Process Discovery powershell.exe executing $PID Enumerated the current process ID using PowerShell
32 4.C.6 Discovery System Information Discovery powershell.exe executing​ Gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem Enumerated the OS version using PowerShell
33 4.C.7 Discovery Security Software Discovery powershell.exe executing​ Get-WmiObject ...​ -Class AntiVirusProduct Enumerated anti-virus software using PowerShell
34 4.C.8 Discovery Security Software Discovery powershell.exe executing Get-WmiObject ...​​ -Class FireWallProduct Enumerated firewall software using PowerShell
35 4.C.9 Discovery Permission Groups Discovery powershell.exe executing the NetUserGetGroups API Enumerated user's domain group membership via the NetUserGetGroups API
36 4.C.10 Execution Execution through API The NetUserGetGroups API function loaded into powershell.exe from Netapi32.dll Executed API call by reflectively loading Netapi32.dll
37 4.C.11 Discovery Permission Groups Discovery powershell.exe executing the NetUserGetLocalGroups API Enumerated user's local group membership via the NetUserGetLocalGroups API
38 4.C.12 Execution Execution through API The NetUserGetLocalGroups API function loaded into powershelle.exe from Netapi32.dll Executed API call by reflectively loading Netapi32.dll
39 5.A.1 Persistence New Service powershell.exe creating the Javamtsup service Created a new service (javamtsup) that executes a service binary (javamtsup.exe) at system startup
40 5.B.1 Persistence Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder powershell.exe creating the file hostui.lnk in the Startup folder Created a LNK file (hostui.lnk) in the Startup folder that executes on login
41 6.A.1 Credential Access Credentials in Files accesschk.exe reading files within %APPDATALOCAL%\Google\chrome\user data\default\ Read the Chrome SQL database file to extract encrypted credentials
42 6.A.2 Credential Access Credential Dumping accesschk.exe executing the CryptUnprotectedData API Executed the CryptUnprotectedData API call to decrypt Chrome passwords
43 6.A.3 Defense Evasion Masquerading Evidence that accesschk.exe is not the legitimate Sysinternals tool Masqueraded a Chrome password dump tool as accesscheck.exe, a legitimate Sysinternals tool
44 6.B.1 Credential Access Private Keys powershell.exe creating a certificate file exported from the system Exported a local certificate to a PFX file using PowerShell
45 6.C.1 Credential Access Credential Dumping powershell.exe injecting into lsass.exe OR lsass.exe reading Registry keys under HKLM:\SAM\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\ Dumped password hashes from the Windows Registry by injecting a malicious DLL into Lsass.exe
46 7.A.1 Collection Screen Capture powershell.exe executing the CopyFromScreen function from System.Drawing.dll Captured and saved screenshots using PowerShell
47 7.A.2 Collection Clipboard Data powershell.exe executing Get-Clipboard Captured clipboard contents using PowerShell
48 7.A.3 Collection Input Capture powershell.exe executing the GetAsyncKeyState API Captured user keystrokes using the GetAsyncKeyState API
49 7.B.1 Collection Data from Local System powershell.exe reading files in C:\Users\pam\Downloads\ Read data in the user's Downloads directory using PowerShell
50 7.B.2 Exfiltration Data Compressed powershell.exe creating the file OfficeSupplies.7z Compressed data from the user's Downloads directory into a ZIP file (OfficeSupplies.7z) using PowerShell
51 7.B.3 Exfiltration Data Encrypted powershell.exe executing Compress-7Zip with the password argument used for encryption Encrypted data from the user's Downloads directory using PowerShell
52 7.B.4 Exfiltration Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol powershell executing Copy-Item pointing to an attack-controlled WebDav network share ( Exfiltrated collection (OfficeSupplies.7z) to WebDAV network share using PowerShell
53 8.A.1 Discovery Remote System Discovery powershell.exe making LDAP queries over port 389 to the Domain Controller ( Enumerated remote systems using LDAP queries
54 8.A.2 Execution Windows Remote Management Network connection to Scranton ( over port 5985 Established WinRM connection to remote host Scranton (
55 8.A.3 Discovery Process Discovery powershell.exe executing Get-Process Enumerated processes on remote host Scranton ( using PowerShell
56 8.B.1 Command and Control Remote File Copy The file python.exe created on Scranton ( Copied python.exe payload from a WebDAV share ( to remote host Scranton (
57 8.B.2 Defense Evasion Software Packing Evidence that the file python.exe is packed python.exe payload was packed with UPX
58 8.C.1 Defense Evasion Valid Accounts Successful logon as user Pam on Scranton ( Logged on to remote host Scranton ( using valid credentials for user Pam
59 8.C.2 Lateral Movement Windows Admin Shares SMB session to Scanton ( over TCP port 445/135 OR evidence of usage of a Windows share Established SMB session to remote host Scranton's ( IPC$ share using PsExec
60 8.C.3 Execution Service Execution python.exe spawned by PSEXESVC.exe Executed python.exe using PSExec
61 9.A.1 Command and Control Remote File Copy python.exe creating the file rar.exe Dropped rar.exe to disk on remote host Scranton (
62 9.A.2 Command and Control Remote File Copy python.exe creating the file sdelete64.exe Dropped sdelete.exe to disk on remote host Scranton (
63 9.B.1 Execution PowerShell powershell.exe​ spawning from python.exe Spawned interactive powershell.exe
64 9.B.2 Discovery File and Directory Discovery powershell.exe executing (Get-)ChildItem​ Searched filesystem for document and media files using PowerShell
65 9.B.3 Collection Automated Collection powershell.exe executing (Get-)ChildItem​ Scripted search of filesystem for document and media files using PowerShell
66 9.B.4 Collection Data from Local System powershell.exe reading files in C:\Users\Pam\ Recursively collected files found in C:\Users\Pam\ using PowerShell
67 9.B.5 Collection Data Staged powershell.exe creating the file working.zip Staged files for exfiltration into ZIP (working.zip in AppData directory) using PowerShell
68 9.B.6 Exfiltration Data Encrypted powershell.exe executing rar.exe with the -a parameter for a password to use for encryption Encrypted staged ZIP (working.zip in AppData directory) into working.zip (on Desktop) using rar.exe
69 9.B.7 Exfiltration Data Compressed powershell.exe executing rar.exe Compressed staged ZIP (working.zip in AppData directory) into working.zip (on Desktop) using rar.exe
70 9.B.8 Exfiltration Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel python.exe reading the file working.zip while connected to the C2 channel Read and downloaded ZIP (working.zip on Desktop) over C2 channel ( over TCP port 8443)
71 9.C.1 Defense Evasion File Deletion sdelete64.exe deleting the file rar.exe Deleted rar.exe on disk using SDelete
72 9.C.2 Defense Evasion File Deletion sdelete64.exe deleting the file \Desktop\working.zip Deleted working.zip (from Desktop) on disk using SDelete
73 9.C.3 Defense Evasion File Deletion sdelete64.exe deleting the file \AppData\Roaming\working.zip Deleted working.zip (from AppData directory) on disk using SDelete
74 9.C.4 Defense Evasion File Deletion cmd.exe deleting the file sdelete64.exe Deleted SDelete on disk using cmd.exe del command
75 10.A.1 Execution Service Execution javamtsup.exe spawning from services.exe Executed persistent service (javamtsup) on system startup
76 10.B.1 Persistence Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder Evidence that the file hostui.lnk (which executes hostui.bat as a byproduct) was executed from the Startup Folder Executed LNK payload (hostui.lnk) in Startup Folder on user login
77 10.B.2 Execution Execution through API hostui.exe executing the\nCreateProcessWithToken API Executed PowerShell payload via the CreateProcessWithToken API
78 10.B.3 Defense Evasion Access Token Manipulation hostui.exe manipulating the token of powershell.exe via the CreateProcessWithToken API OR \npowershell.exe executing with the stolen token of explorer.exe Manipulated the token of the PowerShell payload via the CreateProcessWithToken API
79 11.A.1 Execution User Execution powershell.exe spawning from explorer.exe User Oscar executed payload 37486-the-shocking-truth-about-election-rigging-in-america.rtf.lnk
80 11.A.2 Defense Evasion NTFS File Attributes powershell.exe executing the schemas ADS via Get-Content and IEX Executed an alternate data stream (ADS) using PowerShell
81 11.A.3 Discovery Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion powershell.exe executing a Get-WmiObject\nquery for Win32_BIOS Checked that the BIOS version and serial number are not associated with VirtualBox or VMware using PowerShell
82 11.A.4 Discovery System Information Discovery powershell.exe executing a Get-WmiObject gwmi queries for Win32_BIOS and Win32_ComputerSystem Enumerated computer manufacturer, model, and version information using PowerShell
83 11.A.5 Discovery Peripheral Device Discovery powershell.exe executing a Get-WmiObject query for Win32_PnPEntity Enumerated devices/adapters to check for presence of VirtualBox driver(s) using PowerShell
84 11.A.6 Discovery System Owner/User Discovery powershell.exe executing a Get-WmiObject query for Win32_ComputerSystem Checked that the username is not related to admin or a generic value (ex: user) using PowerShell
85 11.A.7 Discovery System Network Configuration Discovery powershell.exe executing a Get-WmiObject query for Win32_ComputerSystem Checked that the computer is joined to a domain using PowerShell
86 11.A.8 Discovery Process Discovery powershell.exe executing a Get-WmiObject query for Win32_Process Checked that processes such as procexp.exe, taskmgr.exe, or wireshark.exe are not running using PowerShell
87 11.A.9 Discovery File and Directory Discovery powershell.exe executing (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName Checked that the payload is not inside a folder path that contains "sample" or is the length of a hash value using PowerShell
88 11.A.10 Defense Evasion Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information certutil.exe decoding kxwn.lock Decoded an embedded DLL payload to disk using certutil.exe
89 11.A.11 Persistence Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder Addition of the Webcache subkey in HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Established Registry Run key persistence using PowerShell
90 11.A.12 Execution PowerShell powershell.exe spawning from from the schemas ADS (powershell.exe) Executed PowerShell stager payload
91 11.A.13 Command and Control Commonly Used Port Established network channel over port 443 Established C2 channel ( via PowerShell payload over port 443
92 11.A.14 Command and Control Standard Application Layer Protocol Established network channel over the HTTPS protocol Used HTTPS to transport C2 ( traffic
93 11.A.15 Command and Control Standard Cryptographic Protocol Evidence that the network data sent over the C2 channel is encrypted Used HTTPS to encrypt C2 ( traffic
94 12.A.1 Discovery File and Directory Discovery powershell.exe executing (gci ((gci env:windir).Value + '\system32') Enumerated the System32 directory using PowerShell
95 12.A.2 Defense Evasion Timestomp powershell.exe modifying the creation, last access, and last write times of kxwn.lock Modified the time attributes of the kxwn.lock persistence payload using PowerShell
96 12.B.1 Discovery Security Software Discovery powershell.exe executing a Get-WmiObject query for AntiVirusProduct Enumerated registered AV products using PowerShell
97 12.C.1 Discovery Query Registry powershell.exe executing a Registry query for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall Enumerated installed software via the Registry (Wow6432 Uninstall key) using PowerShell
98 12.C.2 Discovery Query Registry powershell.exe executing a Registry query for HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall Enumerated installed software via the Registry (Uninstall key) using PowerShell
99 13.A.1 Discovery System Information Discovery powershell.exe executing the GetComputerNameEx API Enumerated the computer name using the GetComputerNameEx API
100 13.B.1 Discovery System Network Configuration Discovery powershell.exe executing the NetWkstaGetInfo API Enumerated the domain name using the NetWkstaGetInfo API
101 13.C.1 Discovery System Owner/User Discovery powershell.exe executing the GetUserNameEx API Enumerated the current username using the GetUserNameEx API
102 13.D.1 Discovery Process Discovery powershell.exe executing the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API Enumerated running processes using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API
103 14.A.1 Defense Evasion Component Object Model Hijacking Addition of the DelegateExecute subkey in HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\open\command Modified the Registry to enable COM hijacking of sdclt.exe using PowerShell
104 14.A.2 Privilege Escalation Bypass User Account Control High integrity powrshell.exe spawning from control.exe​​ (spawned from sdclt.exe) Executed elevated PowerShell payload
105 14.A.3 Defense Evasion Modify Registry Deletion of the HKCU\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\Open\command subkey Modified the Registry to remove artifacts of COM hijacking using PowerShell
106 14.B.1 Execution Windows Management Instrumentation WMI Process (WmiPrvSE.exe) executing powershell.exe Created and executed a WMI class using PowerShell
107 14.B.2 Discovery Process Discovery powershell.exe executing Get-Process Enumerated and tracked PowerShell processes using PowerShell
108 14.B.3 Command and Control Remote File Copy powershell.exe downloading and/or the file write of m.exe Downloaded and dropped Mimikatz (m.exe) to disk
109 14.B.4 Credential Access Credential Dumping m.exe injecting into lsass.exe to dump credentials Dumped plaintext credentials using Mimikatz (m.exe)
110 14.B.5 Defense Evasion Obfuscated Files or Information powershell.exe executing Set-WmiInstance Encoded and wrote Mimikatz output to a WMI class property using PowerShell
111 14.B.6 Defense Evasion Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information powershell.exe executing Get-WmiInstance Read and decoded Mimikatz output from a WMI class property using PowerShell
112 15.A.1 Discovery System Owner/User Discovery powershell.exe executing $env:UserName Enumerated logged on users using PowerShell
113 15.A.2 Persistence Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription powershell.exe creating the WindowsParentalControlMigration WMI filter, consumer, and binding created in root/subscription Established WMI event subscription persistence using PowerShell
114 16.A.1 Discovery Remote System Discovery powershell.exe making LDAP queries over port 389 via functions from System.DirectoryServices.dll Enumerated the domain controller host NewYork ( using LDAP queries
115 16.B.1 Discovery System Owner/User Discovery powershell.exe executing the ConvertSidToStringSid API Enumerated the domain SID (from current user SID) using the ConvertSidToStringSid API
116 16.B.2 Execution Execution through API powershell.exe executing the ConvertSidToStringSid API function by loading Advapi32.dll Executed the ConvertSidToStringSid API call by reflectively loading Advapi32.dll
117 16.C.1 Execution Windows Remote Management Network connection to NewYork ( over port 5985 Established a WinRM connection to the domain controller host NewYork (
118 16.C.2 Defense Evasion Valid Accounts Successful logon as user MScott on NewYork ( Logged on to the domain controller host NewYork ( using valid credentials for user MScott
119 16.D.1 Command and Control Remote File Copy File write of m.exe by the WinRM process (wsmprovhost.exe) Dropped Mimikatz (m.exe) to disk on the domain controller host NewYork ( over a WinRM connection
120 16.D.2 Credential Access Credential Dumping m.exe injecting into lsass.exe to dump credentials Dumped the KRBTGT hash on the domain controller host NewYork ( using Mimikatz (m.exe)
121 17.A.1 Collection Email Collection outlook.exe spawning from svchost.exe or powershell.exe Dumped messages from the local Outlook inbox using PowerShell
122 17.B.1 Collection Data from Local System powershell.exe reading the file MITRE-ATTACK-EVALS.HTML Read and collected a local file using PowerShell
123 17.B.2 Collection Data Staged powershell.exe creating the file \WindowsParentalControlMigration\MITRE-ATTACK-EVALS.HTML Staged collected file into directory using PowerShell
124 17.C.1 Exfiltration Data Compressed powershell.exe executing the ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory .NET method Compressed a staging directory using PowerShell
125 17.C.2 Defense Evasion Obfuscated Files or Information powershell.exe executing Set-Content Prepended the GIF file header to a compressed staging file using PowerShell
126 18.A.1 Defense Evasion Web Service net.exe with command-line arguments then making a network connection to a public IP over port 443 Mapped a network drive to an online OneDrive account using PowerShell
127 18.A.2 Exfiltration Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol powershell.exe executing Copy-Item pointing to drive mapped to an attack-controlled OneDrive account Exfiltrated staged collection to an online OneDrive account using PowerShell
128 19.A.1 Defense Evasion File Deletion File delete event for C:\Windows\System32\m.exe Deleted Mimikatz (m.exe) on disk using SDelete
129 19.A.2 Defense Evasion Process Injection Injection into PowerShell via Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection Reflectively injected SDelete binary into PowerShell
130 19.B.1 Defense Evasion File Deletion File delete event for C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration.tmp Deleted exfiltrated data on disk using SDelete
131 19.B.2 Defense Evasion Process Injection Injection into PowerShell via Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection Reflectively injected SDelete binary into PowerShell
132 19.C.1 Defense Evasion File Deletion File delete event for C:\Windows\Temp\WindowsParentalControlMigration\MITRE-ATTACK-EVALS.HTML Deleted staged data on disk using SDelete
133 19.C.2 Defense Evasion Process Injection Injection into PowerShell via Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection Reflectively injected SDelete binary into PowerShell
134 20.A.1 Execution Rundll32 rundll32.exe executing kxwn.lock Executed Run key persistence payload on user login using RunDll32
135 20.A.2 Persistence Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription The WMI process (wmiprvse.exe) executing powershell.exe Executed WMI persistence on user login
136 20.A.3 Execution PowerShell SYSTEM-level powershell.exe spawned from the powershell.exe Executed PowerShell payload from WMI event subscription persistence
137 20.B.1 Lateral Movement Pass the Ticket powershell.exe executing Invoke-Mimikatz with command-line arguments to create a golden ticket Created Kerberos Golden Ticket using Invoke-Mimikatz
138 20.B.2 Execution Windows Remote Management Network connection to Scranton ( over port 5985 Established a WinRM connection to the remote host Scranton ( using the Golden Ticket as credentials
139 20.B.3 Persistence Create Account net.exe adding the user Toby Added a new user to the remote host Scranton ( using net.exe


APT29攻击的测试环境工具已经完全开源 https://github.com/mitre-attack/attack-arsenal

厂商的检出结果公开透明,MITRE ATT&CK官方的评估标准颗粒度较细,检出结果类型分主要检测类型和修饰检测类型。修饰检测类型相当于附加描叙,可以算是加分项。

由于MITRE ATT&CK官方只给出统计数据,而各方的评分标准不统一,导致各路分析师和厂商对应检测成绩的评定过于两极化,同时如果过多关注检测类型组合情况反而复杂化了评估,反应不出厂商真实水平,所以我以一线技术人员的理解给出了评估方法。


  • 非None类型都可认为是检出情况,可统计技术矩阵覆盖度。
  • Telemetry和MSSP两种类型告警进行统计,可统计需要分析师运营跟进的模糊告警数据。
  • General、Tactic、Technique三种类型进行统计,可统计明确的恶意告警数据。
  • 按主要检测类型的价值梯度进行打分,以检出结果的运营价值得出厂商排名。


  • None (无检出)
  • Telemetry (遥测型检出,仅作为打点数据,无上下文参考或明确恶意标记的告警)
  • MSSP (安全运营型检出,需要分析师进一步关联分析判断才能确认威胁的告警)
  • General (通用型检出,标记为通用的恶意行为告警,无准确的技战术分类)
  • Tactic (战术型检出,向分析师提供了攻击动作潜在意图信息的告警)
  • Technique (技术型检出,向分析师提供了攻击动作的详细技战术信息的告警)


  • Alert (告警)
  • Correlated (相关)
  • Delayed (延迟)
  • Host Interrogation (主机响应)
  • Residual Artifact (残留工件)
  • Configuration Change (配置更改)
  • Innovative (创新检测)



In [9]:

tech_count = eval_step.reindex(['TechniqueName','SubStep'],axis=1)
tech_count = tech_count.groupby(['TechniqueName']).count(). \


  TechniqueName SubStep
0 File Deletion 10
1 Remote File Copy 7
2 Process Discovery 6
3 PowerShell 5
4 System Owner/User Discovery 5
5 File and Directory Discovery 5
6 Execution through API 4
7 System Information Discovery 4
8 Credential Dumping 4
9 Data Compressed 4
10 Data from Local System 4
11 Obfuscated Files or Information 3
12 Process Injection 3
13 Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder 3
14 Security Software Discovery 3
15 Windows Remote Management 3
16 Data Staged 3
17 Standard Cryptographic Protocol 3
18 System Network Configuration Discovery 3
19 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information 3
20 Service Execution 2
21 Automated Collection 2
22 Remote System Discovery 2
23 Standard Application Layer Protocol 2
24 Query Registry 2
25 User Execution 2
26 Valid Accounts 2
27 Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription 2
28 Permission Groups Discovery 2
29 Data Encrypted 2
30 Component Object Model Hijacking 2
31 Bypass User Account Control 2
32 Modify Registry 2
33 Masquerading 2
34 Exfiltration Over Command and Control Channel 2
35 Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol 2
36 Commonly Used Port 2
37 Windows Management Instrumentation 1
38 Windows Admin Shares 1
39 Web Service 1
40 Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion 1
41 Clipboard Data 1
42 Command-Line Interface 1
43 Uncommonly Used Port 1
44 Timestomp 1
45 Peripheral Device Discovery 1
46 Create Account 1
47 Credentials in Files 1
48 Pass the Ticket 1
49 Software Packing 1
50 Email Collection 1
51 Screen Capture 1
52 Rundll32 1
53 Input Capture 1
54 NTFS File Attributes 1
55 New Service 1
56 Private Keys 1
57 Access Token Manipulation 1

挑一个厂商的File Deletion技术矩阵检出日志查看一下检出类型


In [10]:

from IPython.display import JSON
import warnings

cy = all_data['Cycraft'][ 
    (all_data['Cycraft']['TechniqueName']=='File Deletion') 

['Bitdefender', 'CrowdStrike', 'Cybereason', 'Cycraft', 'Cylance', 'Elastic', 'F-Secure', 'FireEye', 'GoSecure', 'HanSight', 'Kaspersky', 'Malwarebytes', 'McAfee', 'Microsoft', 'PaloAltoNetworks', 'ReaQta', 'Secureworks', 'SentinelOne', 'Symantec', 'TrendMicro', 'VMware']




结论: 绝大多数厂商都已经覆盖了100个以上攻击动作步骤的检出,说明各厂商产品对ATT&CK技术矩阵分类的攻击动作相关告警跟进力度都很大。

In [11]:

def check_all_Detection():  
    flag_list = []
    flag_data = copy.deepcopy(all_data)
    def check_deep_Detection(DetectionNote):
        Detection = 0
        for xl in DetectionNote:
            if xl['DetectionType']=='None':
                Detection = 0
                Detection = +1
        return Detection

    for i,d in flag_data.items():
        d['Detections'] =  d['Detections'].apply(lambda x: check_deep_Detection(x)) 
        d_count =d['Detections'].sum()       
        flag_list.append( (i,d_count) )
    return flag_list

flag_list =check_all_Detection()
flag_df = pd.DataFrame( flag_list ).sort_values(1,ascending=True)
ax = flag_df.plot(kind='barh',figsize=(110,70),x=0, y=1, fontsize=65)
for i in ax.patches:
    #ax.text(i.get_width(), i.get_y() + 0.2, '{:.0%}'.format(i.get_width()/140), fontsize=70)
    ax.text(i.get_width(), i.get_y() + 0.2, i.get_width() , fontsize=70)
my_x_ticks = np.arange(0, 160, 40)

APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第3张图片




In [12]:

def check_custom_Detection( check_list ):    
    flag_list = []
    flag_data = copy.deepcopy(all_data)
    def check_deep1_Detection(DetectionNote):
        Detection = 0
        for xl in DetectionNote:
            for cl in check_list:
                if xl['DetectionType']== cl:
                    Detection = +1
        return Detection

    for i,d in flag_data.items():
        d['Detections'] =  d['Detections'].apply(lambda x: check_deep1_Detection(x)) 
        d_count =d['Detections'].sum()   
        flag_list.append( (i,d_count) )
    tel_df = pd.DataFrame( flag_list ).sort_values(1,ascending=True).round(1)
    ax = tel_df.plot(kind='barh',figsize=(110,70),x=0, y=1, fontsize=65)
    for i in ax.patches:
        ax.text(i.get_width(), i.get_y() + 0.2, i.get_width() , fontsize=70)
    my_x_ticks = np.arange(0, 100, 20)

In [13]:


APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第4张图片




In [14]:


APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第5张图片



  • None 无检出 0分
  • Telemetry 遥测型检出 0.5分
  • MSSP 安全运营型检出 0.6分
  • General 通用型检出 0.7分
  • Tactic 战术型检出和Technique 技术型检出 均为1分





In [15]:

def check_flag_Detection():  
    flag_list = []
    flag_data = copy.deepcopy(all_data)
    def check_deep1_Detection(DetectionNote):
        Detection = 0
        for xl in DetectionNote:
            if xl['DetectionType']=='None':
                Detection = 0
            elif xl['DetectionType']=='N/A':
                Detection = 0
            elif xl['DetectionType']== 'Telemetry':
                Detection = 0.5
            elif xl['DetectionType']== 'MSSP':
                Detection = 0.6
            elif xl['DetectionType']== 'General':
                Detection = 0.7
            elif xl['DetectionType']== ('Tactic' or 'Technique'):
                Detection = 1
        return Detection

    for i,d in flag_data.items():
        d['Detections'] =  d['Detections'].apply(lambda x: check_deep1_Detection(x)) 
        d_count =d['Detections'].sum()   
        flag_list.append( (i,d_count) )
    tel_df = pd.DataFrame( flag_list ).sort_values(1,ascending=True).round(1)
    ax = tel_df.plot(kind='barh',figsize=(110,70),x=0, y=1, fontsize=65)
    for i in ax.patches:
        ax.text(i.get_width(), i.get_y() + 0.2, i.get_width() , fontsize=70)
    my_x_ticks = np.arange(0, 100, 20)

In [16]:


APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第6张图片



APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第7张图片


APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第8张图片


APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第9张图片


APT29 ATT&CK知识库评测分析指南_第10张图片


