【words & phrases】
startup n.初创公司
V. to draw on (a bank account) in excess of the credit balance 透支(银行账户)
1. adj. Dire is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is. 严重的; 可怕的强调
2. adj. If you describe something as dire, you are emphasizing that it is of very low quality. 质量低劣的
adj. If you are unscathed after a dangerous experience, you have not been injured or harmed by it. 未受伤的; 未受伤害的
conspicuously adv. 明显地
1. N-COUNT An incumbent is someone who holds an official post at a particular time. 在职者
2. adj. Incumbent is also an adjective. 在职的
3. adj. If it is incumbent on or upon you to do something, it is your duty or responsibility to do it. 有责任履行的
eg. She felt it was incumbent on herself to act immediately.她感到立即采取行动是她义不容辞的责任。
1. adj. Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed. 有弹性的
...an armchair of some resilient plastic material.…一把由某种弹性塑料制成的扶手椅。
Do you feel that your muscles do not have the strength and resilience that they should have?你觉得你的肌肉不具备它应有的力量和弹性了吗?
3. adj. People and things that are resilient are able to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events. 立即复原的
eg. When the U.S. stock market collapsed in October 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most resilient.当美国股市在1987年10月崩盘时,日本股市是最快复苏的。
1. adj. Something that is cumbersome is large and heavy and therefore difficult to carry, wear, or handle. 笨重的
2. adj. A cumbersome system or process is very complicated and inefficient. 不方便的; 缺乏效率的
eg ...an old and cumbersome computer system.…陈旧而效率低下的计算机系统。
1. V-T To kick-start a process that has stopped working or progressing is to take a course of action that will quickly start it going again. 重振
eg. The president has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates.总统已经决定通过大幅度降低利率重振经济。
2.N-COUNT 重振
eg.The housing market needs a kick-start.房产市场需要重振。
3. V-T If you kick-start a motorcycle, you press the lever that starts it with your foot. 脚踏启动
eg. He lifted the bike off its stand and kick-started it.他把摩托车从展台上搬下来并用脚发动了它。
n. 证明;鉴定;证实
1. adj. A sophisticated machine, device, or method is more advanced or complex than others. 高级的; 复杂的
Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.蜜蜂所使用的交流系统是昆虫中最复杂的之一。
2. adj. Someone who is sophisticated is comfortable in social situations and knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important. 老练的; 久经世故的
Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.克劳德是个有魅力、见多识广的伙伴。
1.N-UNCOUNT If something has reached rock bottom, it is at such a low level that it cannot go any lower. 最低谷eg.Morale in the armed forces was at rock bottom.那时军队的士气处在最低谷。2.adj. A rock-bottom price or level is a very low one, mainly in advertisements. 底线的 (价格、水平)表赞许eg.What they do offer is a good product at a rock-bottom price.他们真正提供的是一种以价格在底线的优质产品。
consultancy n.咨询公司
dumb pipes
adj. 证明的;已显示的;显然的
v. 显示;证明(manifest的过去分词)
legitimate1. adj. Something that is legitimate is acceptable according to the law. 合法的2. adj. If you say that something such as a feeling or claim is legitimate, you think that it is reasonable and justified. 合理的eg. That's a perfectly legitimate fear.那是种完全合乎逻辑的恐惧
1.adj. Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy. 健壮的2. adj. Robust views or opinions are strongly held and forcefully expressed. 强有力的 (观点、见解)eg. The Secretary of State has made a robust defence of the agreement.国务卿对这项协议进行了强有力的辩护。fraud
n. 欺诈;骗子;骗局
N-VAR A confrontation is a dispute, fight, or battle between two groups of people. 争执; 对抗
eg. The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with governments.