



为什么以Spring Cache为例呢,原因有两个

  1. Spring框架是web开发最常用的框架,值得开发者去阅读代码,吸收思想

  2. 缓存是企业级应用开发必不可少的,而随着系统的迭代,我们可能会需要用到内存缓存、分布式缓存。那么Spring Cache作为胶水层,能够屏蔽掉我们底层的缓存实现。

一句话解释Spring Cache: 通过注解的方式,利用AOP的思想来解放缓存的管理。

step1 查看文档

首先通过查看官方文档,概括了解Spring Cache https://docs.spring.io/spring-


  1. 两个接口抽象 Cache, CacheManager,具体的实现都是基于这两个抽象实现。典型的SPI机制,和eat your dog food。当需要提供接口给外部调用,首先自己内部的实现也必须基于同样一套抽象机制

The cache abstraction does not provide an actual store and relies on
abstraction materialized by the org.springframework.cache.Cache and
org.springframework.cache.CacheManager interfaces.

  1. Spring Cache提供了这些缓存的实现,如果没有一种 CacheManage,或者 CacheResolver,会按照指定的顺序去实现

If you have not defined a bean of type CacheManager or a CacheResolver named
cacheResolver (see CachingConfigurer), Spring Boot tries to detect the
following providers (in the indicated order): 1.Generic 2.JCache (JSR-107)
(EhCache 3, Hazelcast, Infinispan, and others) 3.EhCache 2.x 4.Hazelcast
5.Infinispan 6.Couchbase 7.Redis 8.Caffeine 9.Simple

step2 run demo

对Spring Cache有了一个大概的了解后,我们首先使用起来,跑个demo。


      1. @Component

  2. public class CacheSample {

  3.     @Cacheable(cacheNames = "users")

  4.     public Map getUser(final Collection userIds) {

  5.         System.out.println("not cache");

  6.         final Map mapUser = new HashMap<>();

  7.         userIds.forEach(userId -> {

  8.             mapUser.put(userId, User.builder().userId(userId).name("name").build());

  9.         });

  10.         return mapUser;

  11.     }


      1. @Configuration

  2. public class CacheConfig {

  3.     @Primary

  4.     @Bean(name = { "cacheManager" })

  5.     public CacheManager getCache() {

  6.       return new ConcurrentMapCacheManager("users");

  7.     }


      1. @RestController

  2. @RequestMapping("/api/cache")

  3. public class CacheController {

  4.     @Autowired

  5.     private CacheSample cacheSample;

  6.     @GetMapping("/user/v1/1")

  7.     public List getUser() {

  8.         return cacheSample.getUser(Arrays.asList(1L,2L)).values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

  9.     }

  10.     }

step3 debug 查看实现


会先根据cache key找缓存数据,没有的话put进去。

      1. // Check if we have a cached item matching the conditions

  2. Cache.ValueWrapper cacheHit = findCachedItem(contexts.get(CacheableOperation.class));

  3.   4. // Collect puts from any @Cacheable miss, if no cached item is found

  5. List cachePutRequests = new LinkedList<>();

  6. if (cacheHit == null) {

  7.    collectPutRequests(contexts.get(CacheableOperation.class),

  8.          CacheOperationExpressionEvaluator.NO_RESULT, cachePutRequests);

  9. }

step4 实现扩展

知道如何使用Spring Cache后,我们需要进一步思考,就是如何扩展。那么带着问题出发。比如Spring

      1.   @Cacheable(cacheNames = "users")

  2.     public Map getUser(final Collection userIds) {

所以我们要实现对Spring Cache进行扩展。step3中我们已经大致了解了Spring

      1. @Aspect

  2. @Component

  3. public class CacheExtenionAspect {

  4.   5.     @Autowired

  6.     private CacheExtensionManage cacheExtensionManage;

  7.   8.     /**

  9.      * 返回的结果中缓存命中的从缓存中获取,没有命中的调用原来的方法获取

  10.      * @param joinPoint

  11.      * @return

  12.      */

  13.     @Around("@annotation(org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable)")

  14.     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

  15.     public Object aroundCache(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {

  16.   17.         // 修改掉Collection值,cacheResult需要重新构造一个

  18.         args[0] = cacheResult.getMiss();

  19.         try {

  20.             final Map notHit = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cacheResult.getMiss()) ? null

  21.                     : (Map) (method.invoke(target, args));

  22.             final Map hits = cacheResult.getHit();

  23.             if (Objects.isNull(notHit)) {

  24.                 return hits;

  25.             }

  26.             // 设置缓存

  27.             cacheResult.getCache().putAll(notHit);

  28.             hits.putAll(notHit);

  29.             return hits;

  30.     }

  31. }

然后扩展 Cache, CacheManage重写Cache的查找缓存方法,返回新的CacheResult

      1.   public static Object lookup(final CacheExtension cache, final Object key) {

  2.         if (key instanceof Collection) {

  3.             final Collection originalKeys = ((Collection) key);

  4.             if (originalKeys == null || originalKeys.isEmpty()) {

  5.                 return CacheResult.builder().cache(cache).miss(

  6.                         Collections.emptySet())

  7.                         .build();

  8.             }

  9.             final List keys = originalKeys.stream()

  10.                     .filter(Objects::nonNull).collect(Collectors.toList());

  11.             final Map hits = cache.getAll(keys);

  12.             final Set miss = new HashSet(keys);

  13.             miss.removeAll(hits.keySet());

  14.             return CacheResult.builder().cache(cache).hit(hits).miss(miss).build();

  15.         }

  16.         return null;

  17.     }


      1.     @Builder

  2.     @Setter

  3.     @Getter

  4.     static class CacheResult {

  5.         final CacheExtension cache;

  6.         // 命中的缓存结果

  7.         final Map hit;

  8.         // 需要重新调用源方法的keys

  9.         private Set miss;

  10.     }

然后扩展CacheManager,没什么重写,就是自定义一种manager类型 为缓存指定新的CacheManager

      1.   @Primary

  2.   @Bean

  3.   public CacheManager getExtensionCache() {

  4.         return new CacheExtensionManage("users2");

  5.   }


