Modular characters are a method of storing compressed integer values. They are used in the object map to
indicate both handle offsets and file location offsets. They consist of a stream of bytes, terminating when
the high bit of the byte is 0.
In each byte, the high bit is a flag; when set, it indicates that another byte follows. The concept is not
difficult to understand, but is a little difficult to explain. Let’s look at an example.
Assume the next two bytes in the file are:
10000010 00100100
We read bytes until we reach a byte with a high bit of 0. Obviously the second byte meets that criterion.
Since we are reading from least significant to most significant, let's reverse the order of the bytes so that
they read MSB to LSB from left to right.
假设文件中的下两个字节是:因为我们是从最重要的到最重要的阅读,让我们逆转的字节,从左至右读到LSB MSB的顺序。
Now we drop the high order flag bits:
And then re-group the bits from right to left, padding on the left with 0's:
Result = 2 + 18*256 = 4610
Here’s another example using the basic formF1101001 F0010111 F1100110 00110101:
11101001 10010111 11100110 00110101
这里的另一个例子使用的基本formf1101001 f0010111 f1100110 00110101:
11101001 10010111 11100110 00110101
We read bytes until we reach a byte with a high bit of 0. Obviously the fourth byte meets that criterion.
Since we are reading from least significant to most significant, let's reverse the order of the bytes so that
they read MSB to LSB from left to right.
Now we drop the high order flag bits:
And then re-group the bits from right to left, padding on the left with 0's:
This process is further complicated by the fact that if the final byte (high bit 0) also has the 64 bit (0x40)
set, this means to negate the number.
This is a negative number: 10000101 01001011
Since we are reading from least significant to most significant, let's reverse the order of the bytes so that
they read MSB to LSB from left to right.
We then clear the bit that was used to represent the negative number, and note that the result must be
Now we drop the high order flag bits:
And then re-group the bits from right to left, padding on the left with 0's:
Result: 133+5*256=1413, which we negate to get –1413
Modular chars are also used to store handle offsets in the object map. In this case there is no negation
used; handles in the object map are always in increasing order.
Modular shorts work just like modular chars -- except that the base module is a short instead of a char.
There are only two cases to worry about here (from a practical point of view), because, in the case of
shorts, two modules make a long, and since these are used only to indicate object sizes, a maximum
object size of 1 GB is probably correct.
00110001 11110100 10001101 00000000.
Reverse the order of the shorts:
模块化的 shorts 就像模块化的字符一样工作——只是基本模块是短的,而不是char。
Reverse the order of the bytes in each short:
Drop the high order flag bit of each short:
And then re-group the bits from right to left, padding on the left with 0's:
Result: 62513+70*65536=4650033