Information about


This page record information about

Format of a Text Log Section Body

Event_category field strings: 		SetupAPI operation
			"ndv: "		New device wizard
			"dvi: "		Device installation
			"sig: "		Verify digital signatures
			"inf: "		Manage INF files
			"sto: "		Manage the driver store
			"flq: "		Manage file queues
			"pol: "		?? Driver package policy check
			"bak: "		Backup data
			"cpy: "		Copy files
			"idb: "		?? Install drivers database management
			"ump: "		User-mode PnP manager

Parent Device ID

For software device, the parent device ID is often set to: "Parent device: HTREE\ROOT\0".

2: kd> !devnode 0 1
Dumping IopRootDeviceNode (= 0xffffb5895edc9970)
DevNode 0xffffb5895edc9970 for PDO 0xffffb5895eebfd90
  InstancePath is "HTREE\ROOT\0"
  State = DeviceNodeStarted (0x308)
  Previous State = DeviceNodeEnumerateCompletion (0x30d)
  DevNode 0xffffb5895edc9ca0 for PDO 0xffffb5895eec0d70
    InstancePath is "ROOT\volmgr\0000"

In SwDeviceCreate function, the pszParentDeviceInstance parameter can be set to "HTREE\ROOT\0".


MSDN: Format of a Text Log Section Body



