


void SurfaceFlinger::onFirstRef()


    sp sfVsyncSrc = new DispSyncSource(&mPrimaryDispSync,
            sfVsyncPhaseOffsetNs, true, "sf");
    mSFEventThread = new EventThread(sfVsyncSrc);


void MessageQueue::setEventThread(const sp<EventThread>& eventThread)
    mEventThread = eventThread;
    mEvents = eventThread->createEventConnection();
    mEventTube = mEvents->getDataChannel();
    mLooper->addFd(mEventTube->getFd(), 0, Looper::EVENT_INPUT,
            MessageQueue::cb_eventReceiver, this);



        const sp<EventThread>& eventThread)
    : count(-1), mEventThread(eventThread), mChannel(new BitTube())



EventThread::EventThread(const sp& src)
    : mVSyncSource(src),
      mVsyncHintSent(false) {

    for (int32_t i=0 ; i
        mVSyncEvent[i].header.type = DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC;
        mVSyncEvent[i] = 0;
        mVSyncEvent[i].header.timestamp = 0;
        mVSyncEvent[i].vsync.count =  0;
    struct sigevent se;
    se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
    se.sigev_value.sival_ptr = this;
    se.sigev_notify_function = vsyncOffCallback;
    se.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
    timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &se, &mTimerId);



bool EventThread::threadLoop() {
    DisplayEventReceiver::Event event;
    Vector< sp > signalConnections;
    signalConnections = waitForEvent(&event);

    // dispatch events to listeners...
    const size_t count = signalConnections.size();
    for (size_t i=0 ; iconst sp& conn(signalConnections[i]);
        // now see if we still need to report this event
        status_t err = conn->postEvent(event);
        if (err == -EAGAIN || err == -EWOULDBLOCK) {
            // The destination doesn't accept events anymore, it's probably
            // full. For now, we just drop the events on the floor.
            // FIXME: Note that some events cannot be dropped and would have
            // to be re-sent later.
            // Right-now we don't have the ability to do this.
            ALOGW("EventThread: dropping event (%08x) for connection %p",
                    event.header.type, conn.get());
        } else if (err < 0) {
            // handle any other error on the pipe as fatal. the only
            // reasonable thing to do is to clean-up this connection.
            // The most common error we'll get here is -EPIPE.
    return true;



// This will return when (1) a vsync event has been received, and (2) there was
// at least one connection interested in receiving it when we started waiting.
Vector< sp > EventThread::waitForEvent(
        DisplayEventReceiver::Event* event)
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    Vector< sp > signalConnections;

    do {
        bool eventPending = false;
        bool waitForVSync = false;

        size_t vsyncCount = 0;
        nsecs_t timestamp = 0;
        for (int32_t i=0 ; iif (timestamp) {
                // we have a vsync event to dispatch
                *event = mVSyncEvent[i];
                mVSyncEvent[i].header.timestamp = 0;
                vsyncCount = mVSyncEvent[i].vsync.count;

        if (!timestamp) {
            // no vsync event, see if there are some other event
            eventPending = !mPendingEvents.isEmpty();
            if (eventPending) {
                // we have some other event to dispatch
                *event = mPendingEvents[0];

        // find out connections waiting for events
        size_t count = mDisplayEventConnections.size();
        for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {
            sp connection(mDisplayEventConnections[i].promote());
            if (connection != NULL) {
                bool added = false;
                if (connection->count >= 0) {
                    // we need vsync events because at least
                    // one connection is waiting for it
                    waitForVSync = true;
                    if (timestamp) {
                        // we consume the event only if it's time
                        // (ie: we received a vsync event)
                        if (connection->count == 0) {
                            // fired this time around
                            connection->count = -1;
                            added = true;
                        } else if (connection->count == 1 ||
                                (vsyncCount % connection->count) == 0) {
                            // continuous event, and time to report it
                            added = true;

                if (eventPending && !timestamp && !added) {
                    // we don't have a vsync event to process
                    // (timestamp==0), but we have some pending
                    // messages.
            } else {
                // we couldn't promote this reference, the connection has
                // died, so clean-up!
                --i; --count;

        // Here we figure out if we need to enable or disable vsyncs
        if (timestamp && !waitForVSync) {
            // we received a VSYNC but we have no clients
            // don't report it, and disable VSYNC events
        } else if (!timestamp && waitForVSync) {
            // we have at least one client, so we want vsync enabled
            // (TODO: this function is called right after we finish
            // notifying clients of a vsync, so this call will be made
            // at the vsync rate, e.g. 60fps.  If we can accurately
            // track the current state we could avoid making this call
            // so often.)

        // note: !timestamp implies signalConnections.isEmpty(), because we
        // don't populate signalConnections if there's no vsync pending
        if (!timestamp && !eventPending) {
            // wait for something to happen
            if (waitForVSync) {
                // This is where we spend most of our time, waiting
                // for vsync events and new client registrations.
                // If the screen is off, we can't use h/w vsync, so we
                // use a 16ms timeout instead.  It doesn't need to be
                // precise, we just need to keep feeding our clients.
                // We don't want to stall if there's a driver bug, so we
                // use a (long) timeout when waiting for h/w vsync, and
                // generate fake events when necessary.
                bool softwareSync = mUseSoftwareVSync;
                nsecs_t timeout = softwareSync ? ms2ns(16) : ms2ns(1000);
                if (mCondition.waitRelative(mLock, timeout) == TIMED_OUT) {
                    if (!softwareSync) {
                        ALOGW("Timed out waiting for hw vsync; faking it");
                    // FIXME: how do we decide which display id the fake
                    // vsync came from ?
                    mVSyncEvent[0].header.type = DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC;
                    mVSyncEvent[0] = DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY;
                    mVSyncEvent[0].header.timestamp = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
            } else {
                // Nobody is interested in vsync, so we just want to sleep.
                // h/w vsync should be disabled, so this will wait until we
                // get a new connection, or an existing connection becomes
                // interested in receiving vsync again.
    } while (signalConnections.isEmpty());

    // here we're guaranteed to have a timestamp and some connections to signal
    // (The connections might have dropped out of mDisplayEventConnections
    // while we were asleep, but we'll still have strong references to them.)
    return signalConnections;

  Vsync怎么产生的呢?之前有提到HWComposer的构造函数会注册一些回调函数到hwc层:hook_invalidate和hook_vsync。其中hook_vsync就是产生硬件Vsync后进行的回调函数。产生硬件Vsync的代码在厂家的hwc HAL层代码中,我们直接看回调函数的代码。
  HWComposer::vsync带回了两个参数:第一个参数是display id,第二个参数是Vsync产生的时间戳。mEventHandler表示的就是SurfaceFlinger。


void HWComposer::vsync(int disp, int64_t timestamp) {
    if (uint32_t(disp) < HWC_NUM_PHYSICAL_DISPLAY_TYPES) {
            Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);

            // There have been reports of HWCs that signal several vsync events
            // with the same timestamp when turning the display off and on. This
            // is a bug in the HWC implementation, but filter the extra events
            // out here so they don't cause havoc downstream.
            if (timestamp == mLastHwVSync[disp]) {
                ALOGW("Ignoring duplicate VSYNC event from HWC (t=%" PRId64 ")",

            mLastHwVSync[disp] = timestamp;

        char tag[16];
        snprintf(tag, sizeof(tag), "HW_VSYNC_%1u", disp);
        ATRACE_INT(tag, ++mVSyncCounts[disp] & 1);

        mEventHandler.onVSyncReceived(disp, timestamp);



void SurfaceFlinger::onVSyncReceived(int type, nsecs_t timestamp) {
    bool needsHwVsync = false;

    { // Scope for the lock
        Mutex::Autolock _l(mHWVsyncLock);
        if (type == 0 && mPrimaryHWVsyncEnabled) {
            needsHwVsync = mPrimaryDispSync.addResyncSample(timestamp);

    if (needsHwVsync) {
    } else {



bool DispSync::addResyncSample(nsecs_t timestamp) {
    Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);

    size_t idx = (mFirstResyncSample + mNumResyncSamples) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
    mResyncSamples[idx] = timestamp;

    if (mNumResyncSamples < MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES) {
    } else {
        mFirstResyncSample = (mFirstResyncSample + 1) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;


    if (mNumResyncSamplesSincePresent++ > MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES_WITHOUT_PRESENT) {

    if (kIgnorePresentFences) {
        // If we don't have the sync framework we will never have
        // addPresentFence called.  This means we have no way to know whether
        // or not we're synchronized with the HW vsyncs, so we just request
        // that the HW vsync events be turned on whenever we need to generate
        // SW vsync events.
        return mThread->hasAnyEventListeners();

    return mPeriod == 0 || mError > kErrorThreshold;

  当定义了宏RUNNING_WITHOUT_SYNC_FRAMEWORK或者app Vsync相移和SurfaceFlinger vsync相移均为0时,kIgnorePresentFences 为true;否则为false。


// Ignore present (retire) fences if the device doesn't have support for the
// sync framework, or if all phase offsets are zero.  The latter is useful
// because it allows us to avoid resync bursts on devices that don't need
// phase-offset VSYNC events.
static const bool kIgnorePresentFences = true;
static const bool kIgnorePresentFences = false;

  当样本时间戳数量大于等于3时,才会更新Vsync模型。更新Vsync模型的方式如下。1.周期mPeriod:从最旧的时间戳起,用第二旧的时间戳减去最旧的时间戳得到期间Vsync间隔时间;然后用第三旧的时间戳减去第二旧的时间戳得到期间Vsync的间隔时间。。。直到得到时间戳总数减1数量(mNumResyncSamples - 1)的Vsync间隔时间总和,求取其平均值即为周期mPeriod 。2.相移mPhase:以mPeriod 为周期,算出其角速度scale=2pi/mPeriod ,对于mNumResyncSamples个时间戳,分别计算出它们的相移角度samplePhase=时间戳%周期*角速度。sampleAvgX为相移角度的cos值的累加,sampleAvgY为相移角度的sin值的累加值。sampleAvgX和sampleAvgY分别为sampleAvgX和sampleAvgY的平均值。atan2(sampleAvgY, sampleAvgX)计算出平均每个时间戳的偏移角度,除以角速度就是相移mPhase,准确点叫相移时间。为确保mPhase为正数,当计算出的mPhase小于0时,为其加上mPeriod 得到一个新的mPhase值。最后通过updateModel将mPeriod 和mPhase设置到DispSyncThread里面。


void DispSync::updateModelLocked() {
    if (mNumResyncSamples >= MIN_RESYNC_SAMPLES_FOR_UPDATE) {
        nsecs_t durationSum = 0;
        for (size_t i = 1; i < mNumResyncSamples; i++) {
            size_t idx = (mFirstResyncSample + i) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
            size_t prev = (idx + MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES - 1) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
            durationSum += mResyncSamples[idx] - mResyncSamples[prev];

        mPeriod = durationSum / (mNumResyncSamples - 1);

        double sampleAvgX = 0;
        double sampleAvgY = 0;
        double scale = 2.0 * M_PI / double(mPeriod);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumResyncSamples; i++) {
            size_t idx = (mFirstResyncSample + i) % MAX_RESYNC_SAMPLES;
            nsecs_t sample = mResyncSamples[idx];
            double samplePhase = double(sample % mPeriod) * scale;
            sampleAvgX += cos(samplePhase);
            sampleAvgY += sin(samplePhase);

        sampleAvgX /= double(mNumResyncSamples);
        sampleAvgY /= double(mNumResyncSamples);

        mPhase = nsecs_t(atan2(sampleAvgY, sampleAvgX) / scale);

        if (mPhase < 0) {
            mPhase += mPeriod;

        if (kTraceDetailedInfo) {
            ATRACE_INT64("DispSync:Period", mPeriod);
            ATRACE_INT64("DispSync:Phase", mPhase);

        // Artificially inflate the period if requested.
        mPeriod += mPeriod * mRefreshSkipCount;

        mThread->updateModel(mPeriod, mPhase);



    void updateModel(nsecs_t period, nsecs_t phase) {
        Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
        mPeriod = period;
        mPhase = phase;



void EventThread::requestNextVsync(
        const sp<EventThread::Connection>& connection) {
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    if (connection->count < 0) {
        connection->count = 0;



// This will return when (1) a vsync event has been received, and (2) there was
// at least one connection interested in receiving it when we started waiting.
Vector< sp > EventThread::waitForEvent(
        DisplayEventReceiver::Event* event)
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    Vector< sp > signalConnections;

    do {
        bool eventPending = false;
        bool waitForVSync = false;

        size_t vsyncCount = 0;
        nsecs_t timestamp = 0;
        for (int32_t i=0 ; iif (timestamp) {
                // we have a vsync event to dispatch
                *event = mVSyncEvent[i];
                mVSyncEvent[i].header.timestamp = 0;
                vsyncCount = mVSyncEvent[i].vsync.count;

        if (!timestamp) {
            // no vsync event, see if there are some other event
            eventPending = !mPendingEvents.isEmpty();
            if (eventPending) {
                // we have some other event to dispatch
                *event = mPendingEvents[0];

        // find out connections waiting for events
        size_t count = mDisplayEventConnections.size();
        for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {
            sp connection(mDisplayEventConnections[i].promote());
            if (connection != NULL) {
                bool added = false;
                if (connection->count >= 0) {
                    // we need vsync events because at least
                    // one connection is waiting for it
                    waitForVSync = true;
                    if (timestamp) {
                        // we consume the event only if it's time
                        // (ie: we received a vsync event)
                        if (connection->count == 0) {
                            // fired this time around
                            connection->count = -1;
                            added = true;
                        } else if (connection->count == 1 ||
                                (vsyncCount % connection->count) == 0) {
                            // continuous event, and time to report it
                            added = true;

                if (eventPending && !timestamp && !added) {
                    // we don't have a vsync event to process
                    // (timestamp==0), but we have some pending
                    // messages.
            } else {
                // we couldn't promote this reference, the connection has
                // died, so clean-up!
                --i; --count;

        // Here we figure out if we need to enable or disable vsyncs
        if (timestamp && !waitForVSync) {
            // we received a VSYNC but we have no clients
            // don't report it, and disable VSYNC events
        } else if (!timestamp && waitForVSync) {
            // we have at least one client, so we want vsync enabled
            // (TODO: this function is called right after we finish
            // notifying clients of a vsync, so this call will be made
            // at the vsync rate, e.g. 60fps.  If we can accurately
            // track the current state we could avoid making this call
            // so often.)

        // note: !timestamp implies signalConnections.isEmpty(), because we
        // don't populate signalConnections if there's no vsync pending
        if (!timestamp && !eventPending) {
            // wait for something to happen
            if (waitForVSync) {
                // This is where we spend most of our time, waiting
                // for vsync events and new client registrations.
                // If the screen is off, we can't use h/w vsync, so we
                // use a 16ms timeout instead.  It doesn't need to be
                // precise, we just need to keep feeding our clients.
                // We don't want to stall if there's a driver bug, so we
                // use a (long) timeout when waiting for h/w vsync, and
                // generate fake events when necessary.
                bool softwareSync = mUseSoftwareVSync;
                nsecs_t timeout = softwareSync ? ms2ns(16) : ms2ns(1000);
                if (mCondition.waitRelative(mLock, timeout) == TIMED_OUT) {
                    if (!softwareSync) {
                        ALOGW("Timed out waiting for hw vsync; faking it");
                    // FIXME: how do we decide which display id the fake
                    // vsync came from ?
                    mVSyncEvent[0].header.type = DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC;
                    mVSyncEvent[0] = DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY;
                    mVSyncEvent[0].header.timestamp = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
            } else {
                // Nobody is interested in vsync, so we just want to sleep.
                // h/w vsync should be disabled, so this will wait until we
                // get a new connection, or an existing connection becomes
                // interested in receiving vsync again.
    } while (signalConnections.isEmpty());

    // here we're guaranteed to have a timestamp and some connections to signal
    // (The connections might have dropped out of mDisplayEventConnections
    // while we were asleep, but we'll still have strong references to them.)
    return signalConnections;



void EventThread::enableVSyncLocked() {
    if (!mUseSoftwareVSync) {
        // never enable h/w VSYNC when screen is off
        if (!mVsyncEnabled) {
            mVsyncEnabled = true;
    mDebugVsyncEnabled = true;

  EventThread继承自VSyncSource::Callback,这里将mCallback 设置成EventThread类型的入参。


    virtual void setCallback(const sp& callback) {
        Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
        mCallback = callback;



    virtual void setVSyncEnabled(bool enable) {
        // Do NOT lock the mutex here so as to avoid any mutex ordering issues
        // with locking it in the onDispSyncEvent callback.
        if (enable) {
            status_t err = mDispSync->addEventListener(mPhaseOffset,
            if (err != NO_ERROR) {
                ALOGE("error registering vsync callback: %s (%d)",
                        strerror(-err), err);
            //ATRACE_INT(mVsyncOnLabel.string(), 1);
        } else {
            status_t err = mDispSync->removeEventListener(
            if (err != NO_ERROR) {
                ALOGE("error unregistering vsync callback: %s (%d)",
                        strerror(-err), err);
            //ATRACE_INT(mVsyncOnLabel.string(), 0);


status_t DispSync::addEventListener(nsecs_t phase,
        const sp<Callback>& callback) {

    Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
    return mThread->addEventListener(phase, callback);

  addEventListenerd第一个参数是EventThread使用的Vsync偏移,由VSYNC_EVENT_PHASE_OFFSET_NS,SF_VSYNC_EVENT_PHASE_OFFSET_NS指定;第二个参数是是使用的DispSyncSource,将这两个参数保存在一个EventListener 对象中,并将EventListener 的mLastEventTime 设为当前事件减去半个Vsync周期的值,然后加入到mEventListeners的Vector中,然后唤醒DispSyncThread。


    status_t addEventListener(nsecs_t phase, const sp& callback) {
        Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < mEventListeners.size(); i++) {
            if (mEventListeners[i].mCallback == callback) {
                return BAD_VALUE;

        EventListener listener;
        listener.mPhase = phase;
        listener.mCallback = callback;

        // We want to allow the firstmost future event to fire without
        // allowing any past events to fire.  Because
        // computeListenerNextEventTimeLocked filters out events within a half
        // a period of the last event time, we need to initialize the last
        // event time to a half a period in the past.
        listener.mLastEventTime = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) - mPeriod / 2;



        return NO_ERROR;

  再看看DispSyncThread的threadLoop函数。第一次因为mPeriod == 0而导致的阻塞现在已经可以通行了。computeNextEventTimeLocked用来计算下一个 Vsync的时间戳。如果当前时间未到下一个 Vsync的时间戳,调用waitRelative等待相差的时间直到有人唤醒DispSyncThread。gatherCallbackInvocationsLocked收集所有符合要求的回调,在fireCallbackInvocations中执行这些回调。


    virtual bool threadLoop() {
        status_t err;
        nsecs_t now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
        nsecs_t nextEventTime = 0;

        while (true) {
            Vector callbackInvocations;

            nsecs_t targetTime = 0;

            { // Scope for lock
                Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);

                if (mStop) {
                    return false;

                if (mPeriod == 0) {
                    err = mCond.wait(mMutex);
                    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
                        ALOGE("error waiting for new events: %s (%d)",
                                strerror(-err), err);
                        return false;

                nextEventTime = computeNextEventTimeLocked(now);
                targetTime = nextEventTime;

                bool isWakeup = false;

                if (now < targetTime) {
                    err = mCond.waitRelative(mMutex, targetTime - now);

                    if (err == TIMED_OUT) {
                        isWakeup = true;
                    } else if (err != NO_ERROR) {
                        ALOGE("error waiting for next event: %s (%d)",
                                strerror(-err), err);
                        return false;

                now = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);

                if (isWakeup) {
                    mWakeupLatency = ((mWakeupLatency * 63) +
                            (now - targetTime)) / 64;
                    if (mWakeupLatency > 500000) {
                        // Don't correct by more than 500 us
                        mWakeupLatency = 500000;
                    if (kTraceDetailedInfo) {
                        ATRACE_INT64("DispSync:WakeupLat", now - nextEventTime);
                        ATRACE_INT64("DispSync:AvgWakeupLat", mWakeupLatency);

                callbackInvocations = gatherCallbackInvocationsLocked(now);

            if (callbackInvocations.size() > 0) {

        return false;


    Vector gatherCallbackInvocationsLocked(nsecs_t now) {
        Vector callbackInvocations;
        nsecs_t ref = now - mPeriod;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < mEventListeners.size(); i++) {
            nsecs_t t = computeListenerNextEventTimeLocked(mEventListeners[i],

            if (t < now) {
                CallbackInvocation ci;
                ci.mCallback = mEventListeners[i].mCallback;
                ci.mEventTime = t;
                mEventListeners.editItemAt(i).mLastEventTime = t;

        return callbackInvocations;



    void fireCallbackInvocations(const Vector& callbacks) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < callbacks.size(); i++) {


    virtual void onDispSyncEvent(nsecs_t when) {
        sp<VSyncSource::Callback> callback;
            Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex);
            callback = mCallback;

            if (mTraceVsync) {
                mValue = (mValue + 1) % 2;
                ATRACE_INT(mVsyncEventLabel.string(), mValue);

        if (callback != NULL) {



void EventThread::onVSyncEvent(nsecs_t timestamp) {
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    mVSyncEvent[0].header.type = DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC;
    mVSyncEvent[0] = 0;
    mVSyncEvent[0].header.timestamp = timestamp;


        // note: !timestamp implies signalConnections.isEmpty(), because we
        // don't populate signalConnections if there's no vsync pending
        if (!timestamp && !eventPending) {
            // wait for something to happen
            if (waitForVSync) {
                // This is where we spend most of our time, waiting
                // for vsync events and new client registrations.
                // If the screen is off, we can't use h/w vsync, so we
                // use a 16ms timeout instead.  It doesn't need to be
                // precise, we just need to keep feeding our clients.
                // We don't want to stall if there's a driver bug, so we
                // use a (long) timeout when waiting for h/w vsync, and
                // generate fake events when necessary.
                bool softwareSync = mUseSoftwareVSync;
                nsecs_t timeout = softwareSync ? ms2ns(16) : ms2ns(1000);
                if (mCondition.waitRelative(mLock, timeout) == TIMED_OUT) {
                    if (!softwareSync) {
                        ALOGW("Timed out waiting for hw vsync; faking it");
                    // FIXME: how do we decide which display id the fake
                    // vsync came from ?
                    mVSyncEvent[0].header.type = DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC;
                    mVSyncEvent[0] = DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY;
                    mVSyncEvent[0].header.timestamp = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
            } else {
                // Nobody is interested in vsync, so we just want to sleep.
                // h/w vsync should be disabled, so this will wait until we
                // get a new connection, or an existing connection becomes
                // interested in receiving vsync again.

