Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks for Civil Applications: A Communications Viewpoint


  • 目前UAV通信的需求和应用分类
  • Mobility 的几个限制因素
  • Device Autonomy
    • 无人机路径由谁决定?
    • 自动化水平决定了UAV和remote controlled (RC)之间信息交换(exchange)的需求量
    • 收集来的数据被送往:
    • 飞行安全性
  • Mission Autonomy
    • 中心化计算路径的好处:
    • 分布式计算路径的好处:
    • mission autonomy 的衡量:
    • mission data

文章题目:Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks for Civil Applications: A Communications Viewpoint




Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks for Civil Applications: A Communications Viewpoint_第1张图片

Mobility 的几个限制因素

  1. Thus, not only may the terrain over which the UAVs are flying change frequently, but also the altitude of flight may have to be varied to avoid obstacles and collisions.

  2. It is stated that even though high altitudes correspond to a larger field of view, the currently available sensors are constrained in their accuracy, and hence prevent the UAVs from flying beyond certain altitude levels.

  3. Thus, for higher detection probabilities, the UAVs may be constrained in their flight altitudes and speeds.

  4. Wind speed at higher altitude is also a limiting factor, as commercially available UAVs are currently unable to sustain stable operation during high winds and other adverse weather conditions.

Device Autonomy

remote controlled (RC)


It is important to note that to ensure safety, UAVs are obligated by law to stay in RC range for human intervention in case of an emergency.
UAVs can fly autonomously following pre-computed or adaptive waypoints. These waypoints can be decided by a central processing entity, like a base station, and then sent over a communication link to the UAV.
The UAV can also decide its path on-the-fly by using the information collected from the environment (terrain, obstacles, as well as presence of other UAVs) via on-board sensors.
无人机可以按照预先计算的或自适应的航路点自主飞行:(1) 这些航路点可以由中央处理实体(如基站)确定,然后通过通信链路发送到UAV。 (2) 无人机还可以通过机载传感器使用从环境中收集的信息(地形,障碍物以及其他无人机的存在)动态决定其路径。

自动化水平决定了UAV和remote controlled (RC)之间信息交换(exchange)的需求量

For instance, when there is no device autonomy, and a human operator is responsible for the control and navigation of the UAV through an RC, the traffic that is required to be exchanged between the UAV and the RC unit is the control traffic.
If we go a step further in the level of control autonomy, where a central entity can provide waypoints to the UAV to fly autonomously, the data exchange requirements change and also include support for coordination traffic. For fully autonomous devices, where the next waypoint to fly is decided on-board the UAV itself, the UAV is required to be equipped with some sensors to locate itself related to obstacles and other UAVs in its vicinity. In this case, the RC traffic exchange is accompanied by the demand for sensed data exchange as well.
对于完全自主的设备,要在无人机上确定下一个要飞行的航点,则无人机必须配备一些传感器,以定位与障碍物和附近其他无人机有关的自身。 在这种情况下,RC流量交换也伴随着对感知数据交换的需求。


This sensed data is to be provided to the on-board processing unit, and may also be provided to a central entity (for decision making by ground personnel).
in case of, for example, a disaster situation, or for providing a higher level of redundancy to ensure safety). Additionally, some coordination traffic exchange may be required amongst the decision-making UAVs for acquiring knowledge of the individual path plans of the neighboring UAVs.


For a fail safe communication system design, it is important to consider the basic control information exchange requirements that enable device autonomy.
例如 The device performs emergency landing if no command is received in a duration of 2 seconds.

Mission Autonomy

Mission autonomy relates to the coordination between the entities in the network, including UAVs, base stations and other devices forming part of the network.


Having a central decision making entity (DME) offers a simpler solution than a distributed system : in terms of design and processing power required on-board each device.


Distributed decision making may offer superior solutions in situations where avoiding a single point of failure is desired.
Also, parallel processing on-board multiple devices may be a desirable attribute to increase time efficiency.

mission autonomy 的衡量:

An offline, centralized decision provides the least amount of mission autonomy, while an online decision, made in a distributed manner, ensures highest level of mission autonomy.

telemetry 遥测技术;
Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks for Civil Applications: A Communications Viewpoint_第2张图片
Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks for Civil Applications: A Communications Viewpoint_第3张图片
In case of maximum information exchange, additionally, sensed data needs to be exchanged.

mission data

We divide the exchanged mission data into telemetry, coordination, and sensed data.

  1. telemetry includes the inertial measurement unit (IMU) and global positioning system (GPS) information [71].
  2. Coordination data is any data that needs to be exchanged for coordinating the entities in the network. This may include synchronization information, flight path decisions, routing information, etc.
  3. sensed data encompasses anything that is used to measure the physical environment. The information exchange before the mission starts (offline decision dissemination) and RC data exchange is not considered here.
