The Japanese parents who apologise for their children



President of Toshiba, Hisao Tanaka (table centre), chairman Masashi Muromachi (table left) and corporate executive vice president Keizo Maeda (table right) bow at the beginning of a press conference at the company's headquarters in Tokyoon 21 July2015

2015年7月21日,东京,Toshiba 总裁Hisao Tanaka, 主席Masashi Muromachi, 和公司执行副总裁Keizo Maeda 在公司总部举办会议的开始鞠躬道歉。

Japan's press demand public apologies, whether by perpetrators or people connected to them


Apologies are common in Japan, indeed it is virtually a cliche about the country. But 2016 has seen some controversial public acts of contrition - notably parents standing up before the public to say sorry for their adult children's alleged criminal offences.


Yuzuha Oka explores what lies behind this phenomenon.

Japan's corporate apology culture is already well known and deeply rooted.

Many people will be aware of the shazai kaiken, or "apology press conferences", where business chiefs read a profoundly apologetic statement lowering their heads and bowing deeply to their audiences.

Yuzuha Oka探索这个现象背后隐藏了什么。


人们应该听说过shazai kaiken 或”道歉新闻发布会“,公司领导宣读言辞恳切的道歉声明,并对听众低头鞠躬。

你可能感兴趣的:(The Japanese parents who apologise for their children)