Flutter 关于Mac Catalyst的支持情况



最近想要了解下Flutter是否支持苹果的Mac Catalyst,在苹果的官网可以看到关于Mac Catalyst的一些介绍:Create a version of your iPad app that users can run on a Mac device.。显而易见,这是苹果推出的打通Macos和iPad生态的一个项目。那么,具有跨端一致性的Flutter是否支持呢?


想到这个问题,我就去Flutter的issue看了下,找到了一个关于Flutter是否支持Mac Catalyst的讨论:[macOS] Project Catalyst support。


if the work was done for iPad, then you would get multi window support on the Mac via Catalyst

Flutter for macOS does not use Catalyst, so this is not the case.

Will it make things more complicated?

It’s another engine build configuration to maintain forever, and another configuration that would need ongoing testing and support. It would also need tooling support, adding ongoing complexity there.

Also, what will happen if we check the box for catalyst capability if Flutter doesn’t support it?

The application will not compile.

大体情况就是说,目前Flutter团队开发的Flutter for Macos不是基于Mac Catalyst,并且也没有投入人力进去,因为支持Mac Catalyst需要投入很多的资源。

而且,哪怕开启了Mac Catalyst支持,也不能将Flutter编译进去。


  • Mac Catalyst
  • Create a version of your iPad app that users can run on a Mac device.
  • Creating a Mac Version of Your iPad App
  • Apple Developer Forums
