

'        Dim pGeometry As IGeometry
'        Dim pacGeo As IGeoFeatureLayer
'        Set pacGeo = m_pActiveLayer
'        If pacGeo.FeatureClass.ShapeType = esriGeometryPolygon Then
            Set pGeometry = Me.MapControl1.TrackPolygon
'        End If
        If pGeometry Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

        Dim pInputTable As ITable
        Set pInputTable = m_pActiveLayer
        Dim pOverlayTable As ITable
        Dim pTmpMapLyr As IFeatureLayer
        Set pTmpMapLyr = New FeatureLayer
        Dim wks As IFeatureWorkspace
        Dim wsf As IWorkspaceFactory
        Set wsf = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory
        'wsf.Create "c:", "tmp", Nothing, 0
        Set wks = wsf.OpenFromFile("c:tmp", 0)
        Set pTmpMapLyr.SpatialReference = m_pMap.SpatialReference
        Set pTmpMapLyr.FeatureClass = wks.OpenFeatureClass("test1")
'        Dim lyfc As IFeatureClass
'        Set lyfc = pTmpMapLyr.FeatureClass

        Dim pOutBuff As IFeatureBuffer
        Dim pOutFeat As IFeature
'        pOutFeat.FeatureType = esriFTSimple
        Dim pOutCurTmp As IFeatureCursor
        Set pOutCurTmp = pTmpMapLyr.FeatureClass.Insert(True)
        Set pOutBuff = pTmpMapLyr.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer
        Set pOutFeat = pOutBuff
        Set pOutFeat.Shape = pGeometry

        pOutCurTmp.InsertFeature pOutBuff
'        Set pOverlayTable = pGeometry
        Set pOverlayTable = pTmpMapLyr
        ' Error checking
        If pInputTable Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Table QI failed"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If pOverlayTable Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Table QI failed"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set wks = Nothing
        ' Set output location and feature class name
        Dim pNewWSName As IWorkspaceName
        Set pNewWSName = New WorkspaceName
         pNewWSName.WorkspaceFactoryProgID = "esriCore.ShapeFileWorkspaceFactory.1"
        ' Define the output feature class name
        Dim pFeatClassName As IFeatureClassName
        Set pFeatClassName = New FeatureClassName
        Dim pDatasetName As IDatasetName
        Set pDatasetName = pFeatClassName
        pDatasetName.Name = m_pActiveLayer.Name & "_his"
        Set pDatasetName.WorkspaceName = pNewWSName
        ' Set the tolerance. Passing 0.0 causes the default tolerance to be used.
        ' The default tolerance is 1/10,000 of the extent of the data frame's spatial domain
        Dim pTol As Double
        pTol = 0#
        ' Perform the union
        Dim pBGP As IBasicGeoprocessor
        Set pBGP = New BasicGeoprocessor
        Dim pOutputFeatClass As IFeatureClass
        pBGP.SpatialReference = m_pMap.SpatialReference
        Set pOutputFeatClass = pBGP.Clip(pInputTable, False, pOverlayTable, False, pTol, pFeatClassName) 
        Dim pOutCur As IFeatureCursor
        Set pOutCur = pOutputFeatClass.Search(Nothing, False)    '相交的要素
        Dim pfeatureOut As IFeature
        Dim pfeatureIn As IFeature
        Set pfeatureOut = pOutCur.NextFeature
        Dim pFInClass As IFeatureClass
        Dim pInCursor As IFeatureCursor
        Dim pFilter As ISpatialFilter
'        Dim pFeatureLayer As IGeoFeatureLayer
        Set pFeatureLayer = m_pActiveLayer
        Set pFInClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass
        Dim pTopo As ITopologicalOperator
        Dim pGeom As IGeometry
        Dim mArea As IArea
        Do While Not pfeatureOut Is Nothing
                Set pFilter = New SpatialFilter
                With pFilter
                Set .Geometry = pfeatureOut.Shape
                .GeometryField = "SHAPE"
                .SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelIntersects
                Set .OutputSpatialReference(.GeometryField) = m_pMap.SpatialReference
                End With
                Set pInCursor = pFInClass.Update(pFilter, False)   '叠加分析出的图元,准备更新的
                Set pfeatureIn = pInCursor.NextFeature
                Do While Not pfeatureIn Is Nothing
                    Set pTopo = pfeatureIn.Shape
                    Set pGeom = pfeatureIn.Shape
                    Set pGeom = pTopo.Difference(pfeatureOut.Shape)    '叠加的差异部分
                    If Not pGeom Is Nothing And pGeom.IsEmpty = False Then
'                    Set mArea = pGeom
'                    If (mArea.Area > 100) Then
                        Set pfeatureIn.Shape = pGeom
'                        pfeatureIn.Delete
                    End If
                    Set pfeatureIn = pInCursor.NextFeature

            Set pfeatureOut = pOutCur.NextFeature

