problems installing libdc1394v2
asked Feb 25 '11

updated Mar 3 '11

Hello everyone. I am new to ROS and am currently working on getting the Bumblebee2 node (By Soonhac Hong, source: to work properly in Ubuntu 10.10 for my Pt grey Bumblebee2 stereo camera . When I use rosmake to build the bumblebee2 package I am consistently getting an error:
"Failed to invoke /opt/ros/cturtle/ros/bin/rospack deps-manifests bumblebee2
[rospack] couldn't find dependency [libdc1394v2] of [bumblebee2]
[rospack] missing dependency"
This results in a successful build of 5 packages with one failure...
So I I tried installing libdc1394v2 as per instructions on the distributor's website... I am still having the same problem.
If it isn't already obvious, I am also quite new to Ubuntu and I'm not even certain if I am installing this package properly. I followed the instructions, any idea why I am still having problems launching this node? I apologize if I sound like a complete idiot here, I am very eager to learn more but I am at a loss as to what I need to do to educate myself. I feel like it may be my lack of Ubuntu knowledge and not a lack of ROS knowledge that is holding me back.
I have attempted to run the camera using coriander... I receive an error that states that it does not detect any camera connected to the bus. The camera works properly in a Windows environment.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks
Following the instructions of user joq, I edited the manifest.xml file in the bumblebee2 package and created a rosdep.yaml files with gedit. I am now getting a new error:
"ros@ros-SG45:~$ rosdep install bumblebee2
Failed to find stack for package [libdc1394-dev]
Failed to load rosdep.yaml for package [libdc1394-dev]:Cannot locate installation of package libdc1394-dev: [rospack] couldn't find package [libdc1394-dev]. ROS_ROOT[/opt/ros/cturtle/ros] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH[/home/ros/bumblebee2:/opt/ros/cturtle/stacks]
executing this script:
set -o errexit
No Packages to install"
I was under the impression that the ros-cturtle-camera-drivers were installed when I installed the ROS + base version in the first place. If this is incorrect, then how do I determine if these drivers are already installed / how do I install them? If ros-cturtle-camera-drivers were the name of a package I would know what to do, but it isn't (as far as my search has told me) so I'm not sure what software you are referring to specifically.
I have gone through all of the bus permission troubleshooting per joq's advice as well, to no avail. The camera still is not working with coriander, and I also tried it using Kino. No luck. However, I was presented with another issue when attempting to add a raw1394 specific udev rule, as described at (
"ros@ros-SG45:~$ modprobe -r raw1394 && modprobe raw1394
FATAL: Error removing raw1394 (/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-generic-pae/kernel/drivers/ieee1394/raw1394.ko): Operation not permitted"
I'm just running into problem after problem here!
Thanks again!