今天同事的电脑出了问题,之前他装了Linux及Win7的双系统,后来不小心把启动分区弄坏了,没办法修复,因此就只好重装了,但是重装的过程中,引导完之后老是出现错误提示:Task Sequence:

Windows 7x64 Wipe/Image - CN has failed with the server code (0x800700A1). For more information please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.  

我估计是分区表被破坏了,然后用了一堆分区软件才把这个修复好,因为硬盘空间太大了,320G,很多旧的分区软件不支持,用PM的话无法读取,显示错误,很多奇怪的问题。所以最后结合了好几个软件才把这个问题解决了,先用DISKGEN删除了所有分区,然后用DM重建分区,由于这个是N老的软件,建分区时每个才2点几G,自动建立近10个,然后用PM终于可以识别了,删除了所有分区,重新建立了两个分区,在DOS下测试可以检测得到。然后用SCCM启动盘引导开始装系统,可是在装系统那步有出现了问题,提示0x80070032的错误,在内部trouble ticket系统里面搜索得到如下提示:

error code: 0x800700A1, 0x80070032, and 0x80070490
"The specified path is invalid" or "Unable to find a partition on the system disk that can be set as active".
We get this error message typically right after the Computername step. This is always a partitioning failure and is fixed by manually diskparting the machine . Typically this occurs with machines that were previously linux. Please note that we do not buy windows licenses for these linux machines so they typically should not be p_w_picpathd with Windows per compliance.


Diskpart is the Disk Partitioning/Formatting command line utility for Windows.
To easily access it, use a winpe boot disk/Amazon boot key/cd (hit f8 during the SCCM p_w_picpath wizard) command window and enter the following:
This will get you another prompt that looks like DISKPART>

   1. list disk - this will show the known drives on your PC.
   2. select disk <#> Choose the hard drive and not your boot device ;)
   3. clean
   4. create partition primary
   5. select partition 1
   6. active
   7. format fs=ntfs quick
   8. assign
   9. exit 
