演示效果: https://jsfiddle.net/bangking007/c6ud4vb0/1/
author : benson
date : 2019.02.20 1435
Vue.component("TreeTable", {
data() {
return {
//chooseson: true, //全选
key: true, //单个点击直到全部选中
chooseall: false,
props: {
/* eslint-disable */
data: {
type: [Array, Object],
required: true
columns: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
evalFunc: Function,
evalArgs: Array,
expandAll: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
tree_width: {
type: String,
default: 150
select_fld: {
type: String,
//default: "id"
default: ""
// 如果数据源是靠字父级字段来表示树的话,primary_fld和parent_fld必须同时传入,并指定root_value
primary_fld: {
type: String,
default: "id",
required: true
parent_fld: {
type: String,
//default: "parent_id"
default: ""
// 根级节点值
root_value: {
type: [String, Number],
//default: "parent_id"
default: ""
// 可选,子节点数的字段,如果含有此字段,将会加快加载速度
child_count_fld: {
type: String,
//default: "childCount"
default: ""
computed: {
// 格式化数据源
formatData: function() {
let result = [];
let tmp;
let func = this.evalFunc;
if (this.is_source_table) {
// 数据源是一个表格数组,依靠关键字段和父级id组成关系
tmp = 0;
func = this.tableToTree;
} else if (Array.isArray(this.data)) {
tmp = this.data;
} else {
tmp = [this.data];
const args = this.evalArgs ? [result, tmp, this.expandAll].concat(this.evalArgs) : [result, tmp, this.expandAll];
//return func.apply(null, args);
func.apply(null, args);
return result;
// 判断数据源是否使用父级字段来表示的二维的表格树
is_source_table: function() {
return this.primary_fld && this.parent_fld;
methods: {
//代替原来的 treeToArray函数
tableToTree: function(tResult, tStartRecno, expandAll, parent, level, item) {
const that = this;
let parent_value = that.root_value;
let _level = 1;
let record = null;
let child = null;
const marLTemp = []
let tmp = []
if (parent) {
parent_value = parent[that.primary_fld];
_level = level;
//Array.from(data).forEach(function(record) {
for (let i = tStartRecno, count = that.data.length; i < count; i++) {
record = that.data[i];
if (record[that.parent_fld] !== parent_value) {
if (record._expanded === undefined) {
Vue.set(record, '_expanded', expandAll)
Vue.set(record, '_level', _level)
// 如果有父元素
if (parent) {
Vue.set(record, 'parent', parent)
// 如果父元素有偏移量,需要计算在this的偏移量中
// 偏移量还与前面同级元素有关,需要加上前面所有元素的长度和
if (!marLTemp[_level]) {
marLTemp[_level] = 0
Vue.set(record, '_marginLeft', marLTemp[_level] + parent._marginLeft)
Vue.set(record, '_width', record[item] / parent[item] * parent._width)
// 在本次计算过偏移量后加上自己长度,以供下一个元素使用
marLTemp[_level] += record._width
} else {
// 如果为根
// 初始化偏移量存储map
marLTemp[record[that.primary_fld]] = []
// map中是一个数组,存储的是每级的长度和
// 初始情况下为0
marLTemp[record[that.primary_fld]][_level] = 0
Vue.set(record, '_marginLeft', 0)
Vue.set(record, '_width', 1)
// 表含有表示子节点数量的字段
let is_seek_child = 1;
if (that.child_count_fld) {
is_seek_child = record[that.child_count_fld];
if (is_seek_child) {
const next_recno = i + 1;
const next_level = _level + 1;
child = that.tableToTree(tResult, next_recno, expandAll, record, next_level, item);
if (child.length > 0) {
//tmp = tmp.concat(child);
if (!record.child) {
Vue.set(record, 'child', child);
return tmp
next_brother: function(tRow) {
const that = this;
let id = tRow[that.primary_fld],
targetIdx = -1,
source = (tRow.parent) ? tRow.parent.child : that.formatData;
result = null;
targetIdx = source.findIndex(function(value, index, arr) {
return value[that.primary_fld] === id;
if (targetIdx < source.length) {
result = source[targetIdx];
return result;
// 添加节点
// 1.不传递tRow,表示在表尾追加根节点
// 2.传递tRow,默认是在当前节点下添加子节点
// 3. 传递tRow ,并且 tIsInsert 大于或等于1,表示在当前节点前插入一节点
append: function(tRow, tIsInsert) {
const that = this;
let scatter = {},
new_id = (new Date()).getTime().toString(),
id = (tRow)?tRow[that.primary_fld]:"";
scatter[that.primary_fld] = new_id;
if (tRow && tIsInsert) {
let targetIdx = that.data.findIndex(function(value, index, arr) {
return value[that.primary_fld] === id;
if (id >= 0) {
if (that.parent_fld) {
scatter[that.parent_fld] = tRow[that.parent_fld];
if (tRow.parent) {
scatter.parent = tRow.parent;
that.data.splice(targetIdx, 0, scatter);
} else {
scatter[that.parent_fld] = (tRow)?id:that.root_value;
delete: function(tRow) {
let that = this,
node = null,
parent = null,
id = tRow[that.primary_fld];
if (tRow.child && tRow.child.length > 0) {
tRow.child.forEach((v, i) => {
let targetIdx = that.data.findIndex(function(value, index, arr) {
return value[that.primary_fld] === id;
that.data.splice(targetIdx, 1);
node = tRow;
//while (node["parent"]) {
if (node["parent"]) {
node = node["parent"];
targetIdx = node.child.findIndex(function(value, index, arr) {
return value[that.primary_fld] === id;
if (targetIdx >= 0) {
node.child.splice(targetIdx, 1);
if (tRow.parent) {
showRow: function(row) {
const show = row.row.parent ?
row.row.parent._expanded && row.row.parent._show :
row.row._show = show;
return show ?
"animation:treeTableShow 1s;-webkit-animation:treeTableShow 1s;" :
// 切换下级是否展开
toggleExpanded: function(trIndex) {
const record = this.formatData[trIndex];
record._expanded = !record._expanded;
// 图标显示
iconShow(index, tScope) {
const record = tScope.row;
return index === 0 && record.child && record.child.length > 0;
setchildtobeselect(arr, key) {
const that = this;
arr.forEach((v, i) => {
//v.checks = key;
v[that.select_fld] = key;
// v._expanded = key;//选中后展开子项
if (v.child) {
this.setchildtobeselect(v.child, v[that.select_fld]);
isallchecked(arr) {
const that = this;
arr.forEach((v, i) => {
if (!v[that.select_fld]) {
this.key = false;
if (v.child) {
// 节点下的子节点,全部都没有被选中或子节点个数为0时返回true,否则返回false
is_all_false(tNode) {
const that = this;
let result = true;
if (!Array.isArray(tNode.child)) {
return result;
tNode.child.forEach((v, index) => {
// 只要有一个兄弟是true,终止递归
if (v[that.select_fld]) {
result = false;
return result; //终止此次循环,减少循环次数
return result;
// 如果节点为被选状态,通过检查子节点是否有被选中,否则修正它
refresh_node_select(tNode) {
const that = this;
let node = tNode;
while (true) {
// 选中?
if (node[that.select_fld]) {
if (that.is_all_false(node)) {
node[that.select_fld] = false;
} else {
if (node["parent"]) {
node = node["parent"];
} else {
toselect(row) {
const that = this;
let node = null;
// row._expanded = row.checks;//选中后是否展开
if (row.child) {
this.setchildtobeselect(row.child, row[that.select_fld]);
this.key = true; //重置为true,防止上次已经是false的状态
if (!row[that.select_fld]) {
//this.setparentfalse(this.formatData, row[that.primary_fld], row._level); //设置父级选中的状态为false
if (row.parent) {
that.chooseall = false;
//document.getElementById("chooseall").checked = false;
} else {
node = row;
while (node["parent"]) {
node = node["parent"];
if (!node[that.select_fld]) {
node[that.select_fld] = true;
//this.setparenttrue(this.formatData, row[that.primary_fld], row._level); //设置父级选中的状态为true
if (this.key) {
that.chooseall = true;
//document.getElementById("chooseall").checked = true; //设置全选框的状态
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
var that = this;
//const all = document.getElementById("chooseall");
template: `
{{ scope.$index }}
{{ scope.row[column.value] }}
{{ scope.row.id }}
@keyframes treeTableShow {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
@-webkit-keyframes treeTableShow {
from {
opacity: 0;
to {
opacity: 1;
.ms-tree-space {
position: relative;
top: 1px;
display: inline-block;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 1;
width: 18px;
height: 14px;
.ms-tree-space::before {
content: "";
.processContainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
table td {
line-height: 26px;
.tree-ctrl {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
color: #2196f3;
margin-left: -18px;