

  • 数据背景介绍
  • 数据下载
  • 数据编码格式
  • 数据解析
  • 单层全连接网络
  • 三层全连接网络

本文档最后两部分 单层全连接网络三层全连接网络仅有代码实现,没有相应的公式推导,公式推导可参考以下两个文档,配合阅读更容易理解:
Softmax以及Cross Entropy Loss求导


MNIST,一般被称为手写数字,读法可能是 /‘em nist’/,是CNN界的hello world。


CNN的奠基之作,LeCun同学1998年的Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition 就是基于MNIST做的工作。

以现在的深度学习发展程度随便就能把MNIST玩爆,但是因为其简单,数据量小,上手容易,所以作为初学而言大家还是喜欢玩一下,学习一个新的框架的时候也喜欢用MNIST试水,就好像大家学一门新的编程语言时总喜欢先在屏幕上打印个hello world一样。




train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz: training set images (9912422 bytes), 训练集图像
train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz: training set labels (28881 bytes), 训练集标签
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz:  test set images (1648877 bytes), 测试集图像
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz:  test set labels (4542 bytes), 测试集标签





TRAINING SET LABEL FILE (train-labels-idx1-ubyte):

[offset] [type]     [value]     [description]`
`0000   32 bit integer 0x00000801(2049) magic number (MSB first)`
`0004   32 bit integer 60000      number of items`
`0008   unsigned byte  ??        label`
`0009   unsigned byte  ??        label`
`xxxx   unsigned byte  ??        label
The labels values are 0 to 9.

TRAINING SET IMAGE FILE (train-images-idx3-ubyte):

[offset] [type]     [value]     [description]`
`0000   32 bit integer 0x00000803(2051) magic number`
`0004   32 bit integer 60000      number of images`
`0008   32 bit integer 28        number of rows`
`0012   32 bit integer 28        number of columns`
`0016   unsigned byte  ??        pixel`
`0017   unsigned byte  ??        pixel`
`xxxx   unsigned byte  ??        pixel

Pixels are organized row-wise. Pixel values are 0 to 255. 0 means background (white), 255 means foreground (black).

TEST SET LABEL FILE (t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte):

[offset] [type]     [value]     [description]`
`0000   32 bit integer 0x00000801(2049) magic number (MSB first)`
`0004   32 bit integer 10000      number of items`
`0008   unsigned byte  ??        label`
`0009   unsigned byte  ??        label`
`xxxx   unsigned byte  ??        label

The labels values are 0 to 9.

TEST SET IMAGE FILE (t10k-images-idx3-ubyte):

[offset] [type]     [value]     [description]`
`0000   32 bit integer 0x00000803(2051) magic number`
`0004   32 bit integer 10000      number of images`
`0008   32 bit integer 28        number of rows`
`0012   32 bit integer 28        number of columns`
`0016   unsigned byte  ??        pixel`
`0017   unsigned byte  ??        pixel`
`xxxx   unsigned byte  ??        pixel

Pixels are organized row-wise. Pixel values are 0 to 255. 0 means background (white), 255 means foreground (black).

下面以train set对规则进行解释:

在TRAINING SET LABEL FILE中,1-4 bytes是一个magic number,值为2049,好像并没有什么很特殊的含义;5-8 bytes是数据量,值为60000;从第9 byte开始,每一byte代表一个实例的标签,值为0~9中的一个。

在TRAINING SET IMAGE FILE中,1-4 bytes是一个magic number,值为2051;5-8 bytes是数据量,值为60000;9-12 bytes是图像的行数,值为28;13-16 bytes是图像的列数,值为28;从第17 byte开始,每一byte代表图像中的一个像素,像素的排列顺序是按行排列(row-wise),像素值范围是0~255,0代表背景(白色),255代表前景(黑色)。


下面计算4个文件的大小,计算大小有助于加深理解上面的文件编码,可以“右键 - 属性”查看文件大小对计算结果进行确认。

TRAINING SET LABEL FILE (train-labels-idx1-ubyte)

4个bytes: magic number
4个bytes: number of items
60000个bytes: 每个byte为一个label
共计: 4 + 4 + 60000 = 60008 bytes

TRAINING SET IMAGE FILE (train-images-idx3-ubyte)

4个bytes: magic number
4个bytes: number of items
4个bytes: number of rows
4个bytes: number of columns
28*28*60000: 28*28是一个图像的大小,共60000个
共计: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 28*28*60000 = 47040016 bytes

TEST SET LABEL FILE (t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte)

4个bytes: magic number
4个bytes: number of items
10000个bytes: 每个byte为一个label
共计: 4 + 4 + 10000 = 10008 bytes

TEST SET IMAGE FILE (t10k-images-idx3-ubyte)

4个bytes: magic number
4个bytes: number of items
4个bytes: number of rows
4个bytes: number of columns
28*28*10000: 28*28是一个图像的大小,共10000个
共计: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 28*28*10000 = 7840016 bytes




Functions to convert between Python values and C structs.
    Python bytes objects are used to hold the data representing the C struct
    and also as format strings (explained below) to describe the layout of data
    in the C struct.
    The optional first format char indicates byte order, size and alignment:
      @: native order, size & alignment (default)
      =: native order, std. size & alignment
      <: little-endian, std. size & alignment
      >: big-endian, std. size & alignment
      !: same as >
    The remaining chars indicate types of args and must match exactly;
    these can be preceded by a decimal repeat count:
      x: pad byte (no data); 1 byte
      c:char; 1 byte
      b:signed byte; 1 byte
      B:unsigned byte; 1 byte
      ?: _Bool; 1 byte
      h:short; 2 bytes
      H:unsigned short; 2 bytes
      i:int; 4 bytes
      I:unsigned int; 4 bytes
      l:long; 4 bytes
      L:unsigned long; 4 bytes
      f:float; 4 bytes
      d:double; 8 bytes
      q:long long; 8 bytes
      Q:unsigned long long; 8 bytes
    Whitespace between formats is ignored.


unpack(format, buffer, /)
	Return a tuple containing values unpacked according to the format string.
	The buffer's size in bytes must be calcsize(format).


All the integers in the files are stored in the MSB first (high endian) format used by most non-Intel processors. Users of Intel processors and other low-endian machines must flip the bytes of the header.

high-endian,应该就是big-endian的意思。所以unpackformat就应当写为">i"">B"等,如果有多个的话就用">5B"之类的,也可以使用正则表达式,比如">%dB"%(item_number * rows * cols)

解析函数如下,如果要执行下面main中的内容保存图像的话,那么需要安装opencv-python,安装方法是在cmd中输入pip install opencv-python

文件名 (下面还要用到该文件)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
functions to parse the mnist dataset.
Convert the data into png format and save to the disk in the __main__ part

import os
import struct
import numpy as np
import cv2

def parse_mnist_images(filename):
       Parse mnist image file and output the images as a 3D numpy.array with a
       shape of (image_number, rows, cols), uint8 type
        filename: filename of image file
        The parsed images as a 3D numpy.array
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fid:
        file_content =
        item_number = struct.unpack('>i', file_content[4:8])[0]
        rows = struct.unpack('>i', file_content[8:12])[0]
        cols = struct.unpack('>i', file_content[12:16])[0]
        # 'item_number * rows * cols' is the number of bytes
        images = struct.unpack(
            '>%dB' % (item_number * rows * cols), file_content[16:])
        images = np.uint8(np.array(images))
        # np.reshape: the dimension assigned by -1 will be computed according
        # to the first input (images) and other dimensions (rows, cols)
        images = np.reshape(images, [-1, rows, cols])
    return images

def parse_mnist_labels(filename):
       Parse mnist label file and output the labels as a numpy.array with a
       shape of (image_number,), int32 type
        filename: filename of label file
        The parsed labels as a numpy.array
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fid:
        file_content =
        item_number = struct.unpack('>i', file_content[4:8])[0]
        # 'item_number' is the number of bytes
        labels = struct.unpack('>%dB' % item_number, file_content[8:])
        labels = np.array(labels)
    return labels

def make_one_hot_labels(labels):
        Transform classification labels which is in terms of numbers into 
        one hot type
        labels in terms of number
        One hot labels, composed of 0 and 1
    classes = np.unique(labels)
    assert len(classes) == classes.argmax() - classes.argmin() + 1
    labels_one_hot = (labels[:, None] == np.arange(10)).astype(np.int32)
    return labels_one_hot

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # parse labels
    labels_train = parse_mnist_labels('./MNIST_DATA/train-labels.idx1-ubyte')
    labels_test = parse_mnist_labels('./MNIST_DATA/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte')

    # parse images and save as png files
    path_train = './MNIST_DATA/train_images/'
    os.makedirs(path_train, exist_ok=True)
    images = parse_mnist_images('./MNIST_DATA/train-images.idx3-ubyte')
    for index, image in enumerate(images):
        cv2.imwrite(path_train + '%05d_%d.png' %
                    (index, labels_train[index]), image)

    path_test = './MNIST_DATA/test_images/'
    os.makedirs(path_test, exist_ok=True)
    images = parse_mnist_images('./MNIST_DATA/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte')
    for index, image in enumerate(images):
        cv2.imwrite(path_test + '%05d_%d.png' %
                    (index, labels_test[index]), image)



Softmax以及Cross Entropy Loss求导


  • 因为我们这里使用全连接网络进行实验,所以需要把数据reshape成长度为784(28*28)的行向量
  • 数据需要做normalization,这里简单除以了255将数据normalize到[0, 1]之间,否则可能需要非常仔细地调整weight和bias的初始化范围以及学习率才能收敛。这里多扯两句, s o f t m a x softmax softmax函数中需要做exp()运算,如果图片值太大,导致exp()的输入过大,那么输出就会超出float型的范围而溢出,在这种简单的神经网络里,这种溢出是导致训练发散的常见原因。

( z 0 z_0 z0表示一个batch的输入数据,第一个维度是batch,第二个维度是拉平了的图像数据,长度为 28 ∗ 28 = 784 28*28=784 2828=784)
z 1 = z 0 ∗ w e i g h t + b i a s S ( z 1 ) = S o f t m a x ( z 1 ) \begin{aligned} z_1 &= z_0 * weight + bias\\[2ex] S(z_1) &= Softmax(z_1) \end{aligned} z1S(z1)=z0weight+bias=Softmax(z1)

( d x dx dx表示某个量的梯度,所谓梯度都是 L o s s Loss Loss对该变量的偏导,如 d w = ∂ L o s s / ∂ w dw = \partial Loss / \partial w dw=Loss/w,使用链式求导法则来推导,下式中变量中间的点表示矩阵乘法)
d z 1 = S ( z 1 ) − l a b e l s d w = z 0 T ⋅ d z 1 d b = m e a n ( d z 1 ,   a x i s = 0 ) \begin{aligned} dz_1 &= S(z_1) - labels \\[2ex] dw &= z_0^T \cdot dz_1 \\[2ex] db &= mean(dz_1,\ axis=0) \end{aligned} dz1dwdb=S(z1)labels=z0Tdz1=mean(dz1, axis=0)

w = w − α ∗ d w b = b − α ∗ d b \begin{aligned} w &= w- \alpha * dw \\[2ex] b &= b - \alpha * db \end{aligned} wb=wαdw=bαdb


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Train and test the mnist dataset.
Using one fully connection layer and softmax activation, optimized with a
cross entropy loss

import numpy as np
from parse_mnist import parse_mnist_images
from parse_mnist import parse_mnist_labels
from parse_mnist import make_one_hot_labels

def uniform_random(shape, min_limit, max_limit):
        Generate uniform random numbers between [min_limit, max_limit] with a 
        certain shape
        shape: shape of output
        min_limit: minimum of random number
        max_limit: maximum of random number
        Uniform random numbers between [min_limit, max_limit] with a certain 
    return (max_limit - min_limit) * np.random.random(shape) + min_limit

def shuffle_data(images, labels_one_hot):
        Random shuffle the images and labels_one_hot, note that image number
        should be placed at the first axis
        images: images tensor, with number as the first axis
        labels_one_hot: one hot labels, with number as the first axis
        Random shuffled images and labels_one_hot
    images_shuffle = np.zeros_like(images)
    labels_shuffle = np.zeros_like(labels_one_hot)
    idx_shuffle = np.arange(images.shape[0])
    images_shuffle = images[idx_shuffle]
    labels_shuffle = labels_one_hot[idx_shuffle]
    return images_shuffle, labels_shuffle

def softmax(data):
        Compute softmax of data. the first axis of data is batch_size
        data: data to be activated by softmax
        The softmax of data
    exp_data = np.exp(data)
    sum_exp_data = np.sum(exp_data, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    return exp_data / sum_exp_data

def evaluate(images_test, labels, weight, bias):
        Evaluate the accuracy of test set
        images_test: images of test set
        labels: labels of test set
        weight: weight of fully connection layer
        bias: bias of fully connection layer
        Accuracy of test set
    z1 = np.matmul(images_test, weight) + bias
    softmax_z1 = softmax(z1)
    # argmax() return the index of max value
    labels_predict = softmax_z1.argmax(axis=1)
    is_right = labels_predict == labels
    return np.mean(is_right)

# load images
images_train = parse_mnist_images('./MNIST_DATA/train-images.idx3-ubyte')
images_test = parse_mnist_images('./MNIST_DATA/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte')
images_train = np.reshape(images_train, [images_train.shape[0], -1])
images_test = np.reshape(images_test, [images_test.shape[0], -1])
images_train = np.float32(images_train) / 255.0
images_test = np.float32(images_test) / 255.0

# load labels
labels_train = parse_mnist_labels('./MNIST_DATA/train-labels.idx1-ubyte')
labels_test = parse_mnist_labels('./MNIST_DATA/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte')
labels_train_one_hot = make_one_hot_labels(labels_train)

# parameters
EPOCH = 10
num_train = images_train.shape[0]
single_image_size = images_train.shape[1]
weight = uniform_random([single_image_size, 10], -0.02, 0.02)
bias = np.zeros([1, 10])

# training and evaluation
for ep in range(EPOCH):
    print('epoch', ep + 1)
    images_shuffle, labels_shuffle = shuffle_data(images_train,
    for i in range(0, num_train, BATCH_SIZE):
        # get a batch of data. images_batch is z0 in the formula
        images_batch = images_shuffle[i:i + BATCH_SIZE, :]
        labels_batch = labels_shuffle[i:i + BATCH_SIZE, :]
        # forward propagation
        z1 = np.matmul(images_batch, weight) + bias
        softmax_z1 = softmax(z1)
        # cross entropy loss, the loss is actually not used
        loss = -np.sum(labels_batch * softmax_z1) / BATCH_SIZE
        # backward propagation
        dz1 = softmax_z1 - labels_batch
        dweight = np.matmul(images_batch.T, dz1)
        dbias = np.mean(dz1, axis=0)
        # update paramters
        weight -= LEARNING_RATE * dweight
        bias -= LEARNING_RATE * dbias

    acc = evaluate(images_test, labels_test, weight, bias)
    print('accuracy: ', acc)



Softmax以及Cross Entropy Loss求导



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
train mnist using three fully connection layers and relu activation, except for
the last layer with softmax, optimized by minimizing cross entropy loss

import numpy as np
from parse_mnist import parse_mnist_images
from parse_mnist import parse_mnist_labels
from parse_mnist import make_one_hot_labels

def uniform_random(shape, min_limit, max_limit):
        Generate uniform random numbers between [min_limit, max_limit] with a 
        certain shape
        shape: shape of output
        min_limit: minimum of random number
        max_limit: maximum of random number
        Uniform random numbers between [min_limit, max_limit] with a certain 
    return (max_limit - min_limit) * np.random.random(shape) + min_limit

def shuffle_data(images, labels_one_hot):
        Random shuffle the images and labels_one_hot, note that image number
        should be placed at the first axis
        images: images tensor, with number as the first axis
        labels_one_hot: one hot labels, with number as the first axis
        Random shuffled images and labels_one_hot
    images_shuffle = np.zeros_like(images)
    labels_shuffle = np.zeros_like(labels_one_hot)
    idx_shuffle = np.arange(images.shape[0])
    images_shuffle = images[idx_shuffle]
    labels_shuffle = labels_one_hot[idx_shuffle]
    return images_shuffle, labels_shuffle

def relu(features):
        relu activation of features. NOT in-place
        features: features to be activated by relu
        The relu of features
    output = np.copy(features)
    output[features < 0] = 0
    return output

def drelu(features):
        derivatives of relu activation for features
        features: input of derivatives
        derivatives of relu activation for features
    output = np.copy(features)
    output[features > 0] = 1
    output[features <= 0] = 0
    return output

def softmax(data):
        Compute softmax of data. the first axis of data is batch_size
        data: data to be activated by softmax
        The softmax of data
    exp_data = np.exp(data)
    sum_exp_data = np.sum(exp_data, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    return exp_data / sum_exp_data

def evaluate(images_test, labels, w1, b1, w2, b2, w3, b3):
        Evaluate the accuracy of test set
        images_test: images of test set
        labels: labels of test set
        weight: weight of fully connection layer
        bias: bias of fully connection layer
        Accuracy of test set
    z1 = np.matmul(images_test, w1) + b1
    a1 = relu(z1)
    z2 = np.matmul(a1, w2) + b2
    a2 = relu(z2)
    z3 = np.matmul(a2, w3) + b3
    softmax_z3 = softmax(z3)
    # argmax() return the index of max value
    labels_predict = softmax_z3.argmax(axis=1)
    is_right = labels_predict == labels
    return np.mean(is_right)

# load images
images_train = parse_mnist_images('./MNIST_DATA/train-images.idx3-ubyte')
images_test = parse_mnist_images('./MNIST_DATA/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte')
images_train = np.reshape(images_train, [images_train.shape[0], -1])
images_test = np.reshape(images_test, [images_test.shape[0], -1])
images_train = np.float32(images_train) / 255.0
images_test = np.float32(images_test) / 255.0

# load labels
labels_train = parse_mnist_labels('./MNIST_DATA/train-labels.idx1-ubyte')
labels_test = parse_mnist_labels('./MNIST_DATA/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte')
labels_train_one_hot = make_one_hot_labels(labels_train)

# parameters
EPOCH = 10
num_train = images_train.shape[0]
single_image_size = images_train.shape[1]
w1 = uniform_random([single_image_size, NUM_NODES], -0.002, 0.002)
b1 = np.zeros([1, NUM_NODES])
w2 = uniform_random([NUM_NODES, NUM_NODES], -0.002, 0.002)
b2 = np.zeros([1, NUM_NODES])
w3 = uniform_random([NUM_NODES, 10], -0.02, 0.02)
b3 = np.zeros([1, 10])

# training and evaluation
for ep in range(EPOCH):
    print('epoch', ep + 1)
    images_shuffle, labels_shuffle = shuffle_data(images_train,
    for i in range(0, num_train, BATCH_SIZE):
        # get a batch of data
        images_batch = images_shuffle[i:i + BATCH_SIZE, :]
        labels_batch = labels_shuffle[i:i + BATCH_SIZE, :]
        # forward propagation, activation is NOT in-place
        z1 = np.matmul(images_batch, w1) + b1
        a1 = relu(z1)
        z2 = np.matmul(a1, w2) + b2
        a2 = relu(z2)
        z3 = np.matmul(a2, w3) + b3
        softmax_z3 = softmax(z3)

        # cross entropy loss, the loss is actually not used
        loss = -np.sum(labels_batch * softmax_z3) / BATCH_SIZE

        # backward propagation
        dz3 = softmax_z3 - labels_batch

        dw3 = np.matmul(a2.T, dz3)
        db3 = np.mean(dz3, axis=0)
        da2 = np.matmul(dz3, w3.T)
        dz2 = da2 * drelu(z2)

        dw2 = np.matmul(a1.T, dz2)
        db2 = np.mean(dz2, axis=0)
        da1 = np.matmul(dz2, w2.T)
        dz1 = da1 * drelu(z1)

        dw1 = np.matmul(images_batch.T, dz1)
        db1 = np.mean(dz1, axis=0)

        # update paramters
        w1 -= LEARNING_RATE * dw1
        b1 -= LEARNING_RATE * db1
        w2 -= LEARNING_RATE * dw2
        b2 -= LEARNING_RATE * db2
        w3 -= LEARNING_RATE * dw3
        b3 -= LEARNING_RATE * db3

    acc = evaluate(images_test, labels_test, w1, b1, w2, b2, w3, b3)
    print('accuracy: ', acc)
