Day3, Page22-34



But the thing that bugs me the most about Manny is the nickname he has for me.

bug sb. 困扰某人

造句:I only did it to bug my parents.


...he could't pronounce "brother",...

vt. 发声、发音

造句:How do youpronounceyour name?


So tonight after dinner when Dad started hassling me about going outside...


造句:She's always hassling me to stop smoking.


But my trick kind of backfired,...


造句:Many students stay up all day and night without rest,but that may have backfired.


Right in the middle of our game, Mrs. Craig came around the corner and caught us red-handed.

表示:正在作案的,catch sb red-handed当场抓住某人

造句:Tom was caught red-handed taking the money.


1、I don't know if I mentiond this before, but I am super good at video game.

句型:I don't know if I mentiond this before,...

仿写:I don't know if I mentiond this before,but the treeis more than 100 years old.

2、I'm getting a little sick of playing Formula One Racing with Rowley,...

句型:getting a little sick of

仿写:I'm getting a little sick ofdoing so much homework every day.


Today,diary of a wimpy kid mailed me. Just in a few days, I really pretty love this English book, very naive, very interesting. I buy paper book, on the one hand, make notes, and  the other hand, I can read to children. I expect that Eric could be lead us to read second volumes, third volumes.

In my opinion, the world is never too many books. We can through books get more  experience, summary ,and different life. This is the cheapest way to improve yourself. I hope I can continue to keep this good habit and finish reading 30 books at the end of the year. By the way, I have read 12 books already.


1、nickname 绰号

2、manny 男保姆

3、toss 扔(向上抛,随意的) 区别:throw广泛适用于扔掉、抛弃

4、colleague一般指公司同事 区别:workmate指一起做一件事的人,美国人一般不用这个词。

5、cereal bowl 麦片碗

6、potty 便壶

7、appetite 食欲、欲望、胃口

8、sneak 偷偷的走

9、soccer英式足球 区别:football常指美式橄榄球

10、logic 逻辑、(做某事的)道理


chest 和breast 是整个胸部;bosom指人的胸怀,男女通用;男人一般用chest和breast 的都行.

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