最近在看深度学习在推荐算法上应用,本篇是hulu公司同事的ICML的文章A Neural Autoregressive Approach to Collaborative Filtering,介绍了利用NADE进行电影推荐的方法,在NETFX的数据集上取得了不错的结果,本文主要是学习和记录笔记,学习NADE-CF,并记录所涉及的一些算法,供后续查看方便。
RBM主要参考受限波尔兹曼机简介-张春霞,同时也参考核复制了博客的很多内容 深度学习读书笔记之RBM(限制波尔兹曼机)。在这里主要简介RBM涉及的几个计算公式,方便后边实现的理解。
学习RBM的任务是求出参数 θ 的值, 以拟合给定的训练数据。 参数 θ 可以通过最大
化RBM在训练集昨假设包含T个样本昩上的对数似然函数学习得到, 即
python code 参考训练过程
def train(self, data, max_epochs = 1000):
Train the machine.
data: A matrix where each row is a training example consisting of the states of visible units.
num_examples = data.shape[0]
# Insert bias units of 1 into the first column.
data = np.insert(data, 0, 1, axis = 1)
for epoch in range(max_epochs):
# Clamp to the data and sample from the hidden units.
# (This is the "positive CD phase", aka the reality phase.)
pos_hidden_activations = np.dot(data, self.weights)
pos_hidden_probs = self._logistic(pos_hidden_activations)
pos_hidden_states = pos_hidden_probs > np.random.rand(num_examples, self.num_hidden + 1)
# Note that we're using the activation *probabilities* of the hidden states, not the hidden states
# themselves, when computing associations. We could also use the states; see section 3 of Hinton's
# "A Practical Guide to Training Restricted Boltzmann Machines" for more.
pos_associations = np.dot(data.T, pos_hidden_probs)
# Reconstruct the visible units and sample again from the hidden units.
# (This is the "negative CD phase", aka the daydreaming phase.)
neg_visible_activations = np.dot(pos_hidden_states, self.weights.T)
neg_visible_probs = self._logistic(neg_visible_activations)
neg_visible_probs[:,0] = 1 # Fix the bias unit.
neg_hidden_activations = np.dot(neg_visible_probs, self.weights)
neg_hidden_probs = self._logistic(neg_hidden_activations)
# Note, again, that we're using the activation *probabilities* when computing associations, not the states
# themselves.
neg_associations = np.dot(neg_visible_probs.T, neg_hidden_probs)
# Update weights.
self.weights += self.learning_rate * ((pos_associations - neg_associations) / num_examples)
error = np.sum((data - neg_visible_probs) ** 2)
print("Epoch %s: error is %s" % (epoch, error))
如果详细的了解过程,可以看一下github上代码Restricted Boltzmann Machines in Python
有了以上对RBM的介绍和认识,接下来的RBM-CF的原理就很好理解了。Restricted Boltzmann Machines in Python是Hinton大牛在2007ICML上提出的,在netfext上也取得了不错的效果。下面就详细的介绍一下算法。
NADE是Hugo Larochelle在2011年提出,论文The Neural Autoregressive Distribution Estimator。具体引入NADE的原因还不是特别懂,看论文
We describe a new approach for modeling the distribution of high-dimensional vectors of discrete variables. This model is inspired by the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), which has been shown to be a powerful model of such distributions. However, an RBM typically does not provide a tractable distribution estimator, since evaluating the probability it assigns to some given observation requires the computation of the so-called partition function, which itself is intractable for RBMs of even moderate size.
将RBM贝叶斯网络化,v为可见层节点, vparent(i) 可以理解为 vi 的网络中的隐层节点。那么可见层的分布为:
在以上铺垫后,就是讲应用加入到模型就行了。先定义一些参数 ru=rumo1,rumo2,..,rumoD 为用户的评分序列, rumoi 为用户的评分,在1-k之间。