
In.struct: The structure of this document(本文档的结构)

Each rule (guideline, suggestion) can have several parts:


。The rule itself -- e.g., no naked new


。A rule reference number -- e.g., C.7 (the 7th rule related to classes). Since the major sections are not inherently ordered, we use letters as the first part of a rule reference "number". We leave gaps in the numbering to minimize "disruption" when we add or remove rules.


。Reasons (rationales) -- because programmers find it hard to follow rules they don't understand

原因(根据)-- 程序员很难在没有理解规则的情况下遵守规则。

。Examples -- because rules are hard to understand in the abstract; can be positive or negative

示例 -- 抽象的规则不容易被理解;示例可能是正面的,也可能是反面的。

。Alternatives -- for "don't do this" rules


。Exceptions -- we prefer simple general rules. However, many rules apply widely, but not universally, so exceptions must be listed


。Enforcement -- ideas about how the rule might be checked "mechanically"


。See alsos -- references to related rules and/or further discussion (in this document or elsewhere)


。Notes (comments) -- something that needs saying that doesn't fit the other classifications

注意(注释)-- 无法归到其他分类却需要阐述的内容。

。Discussion -- references to more extensive rationale and/or examples placed outside the main lists of rules

讨论 -- 置于主规则清单之外的进一步展开的根据和/或例子。

Some rules are hard to check mechanically, but they all meet the minimal criteria that an expert programmer can spot many violations without too much trouble. We hope that "mechanical" tools will improve with time to approximate what such an expert programmer notices. Also, we assume that the rules will be refined over time to make them more precise and checkable.


A rule is aimed at being simple, rather than carefully phrased to mention every alternative and special case. Such information is found in the Alternative paragraphs and the Discussion sections. If you don't understand a rule or disagree with it, please visit its Discussion. If you feel that a discussion is missing or incomplete, enter an Issueexplaining your concerns and possibly a corresponding PR.


This is not a language manual. It is meant to be helpful, rather than complete, fully accurate on technical details, or a guide to existing code. Recommended information sources can be found in the references.



In.sec: Major sections(主要分区)

。In: Introduction(介绍)

。P: Philosophy(基本原则)

。I: Interfaces(接口)

。F: Functions(函数)

。C: Classes and class hierarchies(类和继承)

。Enum: Enumerations(枚举)

。R: Resource management(资源管理)

。ES: Expressions and statements(表达式和陈述)

。Per: Performance(性能)

。CP: Concurrency and parallelism(并发和相似性)

。E: Error handling(错误处理)

。Con: Constants and immutability(常量和不变性)

。T: Templates and generic programming(模板和泛型编程)

。CPL: C-style programming(C风格编程)

。SF: Source files(源代码)

。SL: The Standard Library(标准库)

Supporting sections:

。A: Architectural ideas(结构方面的想法)

。NR: Non-Rules and myths(伪规则和传言)

。RF: References(参考资料)

。Pro: Profiles(规则侧面)

。GSL: Guidelines support library(指南支持库)

。NL: Naming and layout rules(命名和布局规则)

。FAQ: Answers to frequently asked questions(常见问题回答)

。Appendix A: Libraries(库)

。Appendix B: Modernizing code(现代化代码)

。Appendix C: Discussion(讨论)

。Appendix D: Supporting tools(支持工具)


。To-do: Unclassified proto-rules(未完事项:未分类规则原型)

These sections are not orthogonal.



Each section (e.g., "P" for "Philosophy") and each subsection (e.g., "C.hier" for "Class Hierarchies (OOP)") have an abbreviation for ease of searching and reference. The main section abbreviations are also used in rule numbers (e.g., "C.11" for "Make concrete types regular").





