

item部分是memcached的存储结构,所有的读写修改等操作都是通过对item的处理来进行的,另外对于缓存来说,其能够使用的内存空间是有限的,如果将请求数少或者过期的数据清理后将内存腾出来也是必备的一个功能,这里面memcached的策略主要就是LRU方式和lazy expiration方法,这篇里面只会涉及lazy expiration方法;不考虑LRU方法的原因是作为缓存系统核心的方法,会在后面单独起一篇专门介绍。



  1. 根据key值查找hashtable;
  2. hashtable会返回该key对应的item的地址,注意是地址,直接找到的就是slabs中的存储位置(新增数据这一步没有);
  3. 根据找的item的地址,根据item的存储结构,执行对响应字段修改。



typedef struct _stritem {
    /* Protected by LRU locks */
    struct _stritem *next;   
    struct _stritem *prev;     //这两个用于LRU,暂时不管
    /* Rest are protected by an item lock */
    struct _stritem *h_next;    /* hash chain next */
    rel_time_t      time;       /* least recent access */
    rel_time_t      exptime;    /* expire time */
    int             nbytes;     /* size of data */
    unsigned short  refcount;   //引用次数
    uint8_t         nsuffix;    /* length of flags-and-length string */
    uint8_t         it_flags;   /* ITEM_* above */
    uint8_t         slabs_clsid;/* which slab class we're in */
    uint8_t         nkey;       /* key length, w/terminating null and padding */
    /* this odd type prevents type-punning issues when we do
     * the little shuffle to save space when not using CAS. */
    union {
        uint64_t cas;  //cas数,用于一致性,校验使用
        char end;
    } data[];
    /* if it_flags & ITEM_CAS we have 8 bytes CAS */
    /* then null-terminated key */
    /* then " flags length\r\n" (no terminating null) */
    /* then data with terminating \r\n (no terminating null; it's binary!) */
} item;




int item_is_flushed(item *it) {
    rel_time_t oldest_live = settings.oldest_live;  //设置的item最老的存在时间
    uint64_t cas = ITEM_get_cas(it);  //获取item的cas
    uint64_t oldest_cas = settings.oldest_cas;   //设置的最老的cas
    if (oldest_live == 0 || oldest_live > current_time)
        return 0;  //如果没有设置oldest_live,或者最老的却比现在的时间还早,则没有冲洗
    if ((it->time <= oldest_live)
            || (oldest_cas != 0 && cas != 0 && cas < oldest_cas)) {
        return 1;  //如果item的最后访问时间在最老时间之前,或者cas存在且item的cas在最老的cas之前,则应该被冲洗
    return 0;


static size_t item_make_header(const uint8_t nkey, const int flags, const int nbytes,
                     char *suffix, uint8_t *nsuffix) {
    /* suffix is defined at 40 chars elsewhere.. */
    *nsuffix = (uint8_t) snprintf(suffix, 40, " %d %d\r\n", flags, nbytes - 2); //这里是计算(flag, value)大小信息所占用的字节数,nbytes包括value的长度和\r\n的长度
    return sizeof(item) + nkey + *nsuffix + nbytes;


item *do_item_alloc(char *key, const size_t nkey, const int flags,const rel_time_t exptime, const int nbytes, const uint32_t cur_hv) {
    int i;
    uint8_t nsuffix;
    item *it = NULL;
    char suffix[40];
    unsigned int total_chunks;
    size_t ntotal = item_make_header(nkey + 1, flags, nbytes, suffix, &nsuffix);   //得到所需要的内存大小
    if (settings.use_cas) {  //为了简化分析,不考虑CAS策略
        ntotal += sizeof(uint64_t);

    unsigned int id = slabs_clsid(ntotal);   //获取可以存放该item的slabclass层级
    if (id == 0)
        return 0;   //没有找到可以存放,直接返回

    /* If no memory is available, attempt a direct LRU juggle/eviction */
    /* This is a race in order to simplify lru_pull_tail; in cases where
     * locked items are on the tail, you want them to fall out and cause
     * occasional OOM's, rather than internally work around them.
     * This also gives one fewer code path for slab alloc/free
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        /* Try to reclaim memory first */
        if (!settings.lru_maintainer_thread) {
            lru_pull_tail(id, COLD_LRU, 0, false, cur_hv);
        it = slabs_alloc(ntotal, id, &total_chunks, 0); //这里去获取一个可以存放当前数据的内存地址
        if (settings.expirezero_does_not_evict)
            total_chunks -= noexp_lru_size(id);
        if (it == NULL) {
            if (settings.lru_maintainer_thread) {
                lru_pull_tail(id, HOT_LRU, total_chunks, false, cur_hv);
                lru_pull_tail(id, WARM_LRU, total_chunks, false, cur_hv);
                lru_pull_tail(id, COLD_LRU, total_chunks, true, cur_hv);
            } else {
                lru_pull_tail(id, COLD_LRU, 0, true, cur_hv);
        } else {

    if (i > 0) {
        itemstats[id].direct_reclaims += i;

    if (it == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    assert(it->slabs_clsid == 0);
    //assert(it != heads[id]);

    /* Refcount is seeded to 1 by slabs_alloc() */
    it->next = it->prev = it->h_next = 0;   //初始化item
    /* Items are initially loaded into the HOT_LRU. This is '0' but I want at
     * least a note here. Compiler (hopefully?) optimizes this out.
    if (settings.lru_maintainer_thread) {
        if (exptime == 0 && settings.expirezero_does_not_evict) {
            id |= NOEXP_LRU;
        } else {
            id |= HOT_LRU;
    } else {
        /* There is only COLD in compat-mode */
        id |= COLD_LRU;
    it->slabs_clsid = id;     //设置该item存在的对应slabclass层

    DEBUG_REFCNT(it, '*');
    it->it_flags = settings.use_cas ? ITEM_CAS : 0;//设置标记
    it->nkey = nkey;    //设置key的长度
    it->nbytes = nbytes;   //设置VALUE的长度
    memcpy(ITEM_key(it), key, nkey);  //将key内容拷贝到内存
    it->exptime = exptime;  //设置过期时间
    memcpy(ITEM_suffix(it), suffix, (size_t)nsuffix);  //拷贝前缀到内存
    it->nsuffix = nsuffix;  //设置前缀的长度
    return it;   //返回item地址


void item_free(item *it) {
    size_t ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);  //计算占用的内存大小
    unsigned int clsid;
    assert((it->it_flags & ITEM_LINKED) == 0);
    assert(it != heads[it->slabs_clsid]);
    assert(it != tails[it->slabs_clsid]);
    assert(it->refcount == 0);

    /* so slab size changer can tell later if item is already free or not */
    clsid = ITEM_clsid(it);   //计算对应slabclass层级
    DEBUG_REFCNT(it, 'F');
    slabs_free(it, ntotal, clsid);   //释放该内存到空闲列表


bool item_size_ok(const size_t nkey, const int flags, const int nbytes) {
    char prefix[40];
    uint8_t nsuffix;

    size_t ntotal = item_make_header(nkey + 1, flags, nbytes,
                                     prefix, &nsuffix);
    if (settings.use_cas) {
        ntotal += sizeof(uint64_t);

    return slabs_clsid(ntotal) != 0;


int do_item_link(item *it, const uint32_t hv) {
    MEMCACHED_ITEM_LINK(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, it->nbytes);
    assert((it->it_flags & (ITEM_LINKED|ITEM_SLABBED)) == 0);
    it->it_flags |= ITEM_LINKED;   //修改为已绑定
    it->time = current_time;     //访问时间更新

    STATS_LOCK();             //状态信息不关心
    stats.curr_bytes += ITEM_ntotal(it);
    stats.curr_items += 1;
    stats.total_items += 1;

    /* Allocate a new CAS ID on link. */
    ITEM_set_cas(it, (settings.use_cas) ? get_cas_id() : 0);       //设置cas
    assoc_insert(it, hv);   //插入到hashtable中
    item_link_q(it);    //添加到LRU数组heads和tails

    return 1;


void do_item_unlink(item *it, const uint32_t hv) {
    MEMCACHED_ITEM_UNLINK(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, it->nbytes);
    if ((it->it_flags & ITEM_LINKED) != 0) {
        it->it_flags &= ~ITEM_LINKED;   //修改标记位
        STATS_LOCK();   //状态信息不关心
        stats.curr_bytes -= ITEM_ntotal(it);
        stats.curr_items -= 1;
        assoc_delete(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, hv);   //从hashtable中删除
        item_unlink_q(it);  //从LRU数组heads和tails数组中移除
        do_item_remove(it); //释放item占用内存


void do_item_remove(item *it) {
    MEMCACHED_ITEM_REMOVE(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, it->nbytes);
    assert((it->it_flags & ITEM_SLABBED) == 0);
    assert(it->refcount > 0);

    if (refcount_decr(&it->refcount) == 0) {   //等待引用计数减到0才释放


void do_item_update(item *it) {
    MEMCACHED_ITEM_UPDATE(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, it->nbytes);
    if (it->time < current_time - ITEM_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {   //只有当item在允许间隔之后才更新
        assert((it->it_flags & ITEM_SLABBED) == 0);

        if ((it->it_flags & ITEM_LINKED) != 0) {
            it->time = current_time;
            if (!settings.lru_maintainer_thread) {
                item_unlink_q(it);   //更新的是LRU数组,如果有lru线程,不需要自己进行更新


int do_item_replace(item *it, item *new_it, const uint32_t hv) {
    MEMCACHED_ITEM_REPLACE(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, it->nbytes,
                           ITEM_key(new_it), new_it->nkey, new_it->nbytes);
    assert((it->it_flags & ITEM_SLABBED) == 0);

    do_item_unlink(it, hv);   //首先移除旧的item
    return do_item_link(new_it, hv);  //添加新的item


item *do_item_get(const char *key, const size_t nkey, const uint32_t hv) {
    item *it = assoc_find(key, nkey, hv);  //通过hashtable找到item的地址
    if (it != NULL) {
        refcount_incr(&it->refcount);   //增加引用计数
        /* Optimization for slab reassignment. prevents popular items from
         * jamming in busy wait. Can only do this here to satisfy lock order
         * of item_lock, slabs_lock. */
        /* This was made unsafe by removal of the cache_lock:
         * slab_rebalance_signal and slab_rebal.* are modified in a separate
         * thread under slabs_lock. If slab_rebalance_signal = 1, slab_start =
         * NULL (0), but slab_end is still equal to some value, this would end
         * up unlinking every item fetched.
         * This is either an acceptable loss, or if slab_rebalance_signal is
         * true, slab_start/slab_end should be put behind the slabs_lock.
         * Which would cause a huge potential slowdown.
         * Could also use a specific lock for slab_rebal.* and
         * slab_rebalance_signal (shorter lock?)
        /*if (slab_rebalance_signal &&
            ((void *)it >= slab_rebal.slab_start && (void *)it < slab_rebal.slab_end)) {
            do_item_unlink(it, hv);
            it = NULL;
    int was_found = 0;

    if (settings.verbose > 2) {
        int ii;
        if (it == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "> NOT FOUND ");
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "> FOUND KEY ");
        for (ii = 0; ii < nkey; ++ii) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%c", key[ii]);

    //这里说明下,memcached采用两种更新方式,一个是LRU算法,还有一个就是lazy expiration,也就是等到访问该item的时候判断是否过期
    if (it != NULL) {
        if (item_is_flushed(it)) {   //判断该item是否应该被冲洗
            do_item_unlink(it, hv);   //从hashtable和LRU数组中移除该item
            do_item_remove(it);   //释放该item的内存
            it = NULL;
            if (was_found) {
                fprintf(stderr, " -nuked by flush");
        } else if (it->exptime != 0 && it->exptime <= current_time) {   //item超过设定的存活时间,移除!
            do_item_unlink(it, hv); 
            it = NULL;
            if (was_found) {
                fprintf(stderr, " -nuked by expire");
        } else {
            it->it_flags |= ITEM_FETCHED|ITEM_ACTIVE;
            DEBUG_REFCNT(it, '+');

    if (settings.verbose > 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    return it;


item *do_item_touch(const char *key, size_t nkey, uint32_t exptime,
                    const uint32_t hv) {
    item *it = do_item_get(key, nkey, hv);
    if (it != NULL) {
        it->exptime = exptime;  //修改存活时间
    return it;


enum store_item_type do_store_item(item *it, int comm, conn *c, const uint32_t hv) {
    char *key = ITEM_key(it);
    item *old_it = do_item_get(key, it->nkey, hv);  //查找key对应的item的地址
    enum store_item_type stored = NOT_STORED;

    item *new_it = NULL;
    int flags;

    if (old_it != NULL && comm == NREAD_ADD) {
        /* add only adds a nonexistent item, but promote to head of LRU */
    } else if (!old_it && (comm == NREAD_REPLACE
        || comm == NREAD_APPEND || comm == NREAD_PREPEND))
        /* replace only replaces an existing value; don't store */
    } else if (comm == NREAD_CAS) {
        /* validate cas operation */
        if(old_it == NULL) {
            // LRU expired
            stored = NOT_FOUND;
        else if (ITEM_get_cas(it) == ITEM_get_cas(old_it)) {
            // cas validates
            // it and old_it may belong to different classes.
            // I'm updating the stats for the one that's getting pushed out

            item_replace(old_it, it, hv);
            stored = STORED;
        } else {

            if(settings.verbose > 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "CAS:  failure: expected %llu, got %llu\n",
                        (unsigned long long)ITEM_get_cas(old_it),
                        (unsigned long long)ITEM_get_cas(it));
            stored = EXISTS;
    } else {
         * Append - combine new and old record into single one. Here it's
         * atomic and thread-safe.
        if (comm == NREAD_APPEND || comm == NREAD_PREPEND) {
             * Validate CAS
            if (ITEM_get_cas(it) != 0) {
                // CAS much be equal
                if (ITEM_get_cas(it) != ITEM_get_cas(old_it)) {
                    stored = EXISTS;

            if (stored == NOT_STORED) {
                /* we have it and old_it here - alloc memory to hold both */
                /* flags was already lost - so recover them from ITEM_suffix(it) */

                flags = (int) strtol(ITEM_suffix(old_it), (char **) NULL, 10);

                new_it = do_item_alloc(key, it->nkey, flags, old_it->exptime, it->nbytes + old_it->nbytes - 2 /* CRLF */, hv);

                if (new_it == NULL) {
                    /* SERVER_ERROR out of memory */
                    if (old_it != NULL)

                    return NOT_STORED;

                /* copy data from it and old_it to new_it */

                if (comm == NREAD_APPEND) {
                    memcpy(ITEM_data(new_it), ITEM_data(old_it), old_it->nbytes);
                    memcpy(ITEM_data(new_it) + old_it->nbytes - 2 /* CRLF */, ITEM_data(it), it->nbytes);
                } else {
                    /* NREAD_PREPEND */
                    memcpy(ITEM_data(new_it), ITEM_data(it), it->nbytes);
                    memcpy(ITEM_data(new_it) + it->nbytes - 2 /* CRLF */, ITEM_data(old_it), old_it->nbytes);

                it = new_it;

        if (stored == NOT_STORED) {
            if (old_it != NULL)
                item_replace(old_it, it, hv);
                do_item_link(it, hv);   //这里面才是真正添加到hashtable中的执行者

            c->cas = ITEM_get_cas(it);

            stored = STORED;

    if (old_it != NULL)
        do_item_remove(old_it);         /* release our reference */
    if (new_it != NULL)

    if (stored == STORED) {
        c->cas = ITEM_get_cas(it);

    return stored;
