
  • 一个dos批处理脚本,通过关键字搜索注册表并删除,坑很多,语法也很怪异,详情看注释
@echo off
chcp 65001 >NUL

set key_word="hello"
set recursive=1
set end_key_word=End

::now let us do it.
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

call :search_del_reg_func HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
call :search_del_reg_func HKEY_CURRENT_USER
call :search_del_reg_func HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
call :search_del_reg_func HKEY_USERS
call :search_del_reg_func HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG
goto :end_print

::search and delete the regedit function
set search_path=%1
set reg_cmd="REG QUERY %search_path% /f %key_word% /s "
::not recursive
if %recursive%==0 (
    echo Scanning normally...   key_word:%key_word%  Root Path: %search_path%
    set reg_cmd="REG QUERY  %search_path% /f %key_word% "
)else (
    echo Scanning recursivly...  key_word:%key_word%  Root Path: %search_path%

FOR /F  "tokens=* " %%a IN ('%reg_cmd%') do (   
    call :for_func %%a %%b
goto :eof

:: for loop's block
set item="%1"
set flags=%item:~1,3%
set flags=%flags:"=%
if "%flags%"=="%end_key_word%" (
    goto end_flags

if "%flags%"=="" (
    goto end_flags

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set item="%1"
set /p choice=Really delete[**%1**]? y=yes n=no:
if "!choice!"=="y" goto delete_reg
if "!choice!"=="yes" goto delete_reg
if "!choice!"=="n" goto not_del_reg
if "!choice!"=="no" goto not_del_reg
goto not_del_reg

reg delete %item% /f
echo WARNNING: You just deleted reg[%item%]!!!!!
goto end_flags

echo INFO: You omit this reg [%item%]!!!
goto end_flags


goto :eof

echo "-------------------------------------OVER---------------------------------------------------"
