论文Fast connected-component labeling 阅读

Fast connected-component labeling

由Lifeng He 发表在Pattern Recognition 42 (2009)的文章

Conventional two-raster-scan algorithms

在第一遍raster scan之后,算法需要记录各个label之间的关系,找出其中属于同一个component的label,有三种方法:

  1. 使用一个LxL的表,L表示label的数量。首先都初始化为0,如果label i和j是属于同一个component,那么就把表中的元素Xij=1
  2. 使用union find tres。如果label i和j属于同一个component,就把二者对应的union find tree连接起来
  3. 使用set结构来保存。如果label i和j属于同一个component,就把二者对应的set合兵


Outline of our proposed algorithm


Because the method by using equivalent label sets and the representative label table for resolving label equivalences is simple and
efficient, we also use the method for resolving label equivalence in our algorithm.
By this method, in the first scan, all provisional labels that belong to a connected component found at this point will be combined in the same equivalent label set and hold the same representative label. That is, all labels in an equivalent label set are equivalent. Therefore, when processing an object pixel, in the case where there is at least one object pixel in the mask, instead of assigning the minimum label in the mask to the object pixel, we can assign an arbitrary provisional label in the mask to it. This simplifies the labeling operation by avoiding calculation of the minimum label in the mask.




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其中c1, c2, c3, and c4 分别表示b(x - 1, y),b(x - 1, y - 1), b(x, y - 1), and b(x + 1, y - 1), 表格中结果为1表示需要进行resolve操作,0表示不需要。根据这个表,可以推导出,不需要进行resolve操作的情况为c3 | !c4 | !c1 & !c2,根据这个结果,从而推导出最优的判断逻辑:

论文Fast connected-component labeling 阅读_第3张图片



  • 不同图像大小的时的对比
  • 不同前景object占图像比例时的对比
  • 不同的图片类型的对比

论文Fast connected-component labeling 阅读_第4张图片

论文Fast connected-component labeling 阅读_第5张图片

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