Raft源码分析(二) - Role转换


分布式一致性/分布式存储等开源技术探讨, GitHub:https://timequark.github.io/

  • Raft源码分析 - 关于

  • Raft源码分析(一) - State

  • Raft源码分析(二) - Role转换

先来看一下raft白皮书中的 role 角色转换图:

Raft源码分析(二) - Role转换_第1张图片




Raft源码分析(二) - Role转换_第2张图片


raft 中的 Role 角色共有三类

  • Leader



    (2)存储 Log 数据

    (3)向集群其它节点发送 heartbeat 心跳请求,确保集群通信正常

    (4)向Follower发送Log Entry数据,完成 Replication 冗余


    (6)Log Compation(raftos目前不完备)


    Leader 会不停的向集群其它节点发送 heartbeat 心跳,且每个心跳请求都有一个 ID (int类型递增),如果收到过半节点的 append_entries_response,则重置 step_down_timer 定时器;如果没有收到过半节点的回应,累计次数超过 step_down_missed_heartbeats 次,step_down_timer 会被触发,Leader 退化为 Follower 。

  • Candidate

    只用来做 election 选举。

    首先,term + 1,voted_for 置为自身的 ID,给自己投1票,然后广播 request_vote 请求。收到过半 vote_granted 为 True 的 response 后,升级为 Leader。如果定时器触发前,没有赢得过半的投票,则直接转变成 Follower 角色。

    下面小节会具体分析 request_vote 请求携带的参数。

  • Follower

    接收来自 Leader 的 append_entries 请求、来自 Candidate 的 request_vote 请求。这里要注意以下几点:

    (1)Follower.start 时, init_storage 方法只能第一次加载时才对 term 置 0,但每次都会重置 voted_for。

    (2)on_receive_append_entries 只有在顺利通过 @validate_term、@validate_commit_index 验证时,才会重置 election_timer,否则就有退化为 Candidate 进行重新选举的可能。

    (3)on_receive_request_vote 只有在没有投过票,并且来自 Candidate 的 last_log_term、last_log_index 有效时,才会回应 vote_granted 为 True。

    (4)on_receive_request_vote 没有重置 election_timer 动作。因为作为 Follower 自身,并不知道此次选举是否会有新的 Leader 生成,只能通过有效的 on_receive_request_vote 才能感知 Leader 的存在。



class Leader(BaseRole):
    """Raft Leader
    Upon election: send initial empty AppendEntries RPCs (heartbeat) to each server;
    repeat during idle periods to prevent election timeouts

    — If command received from client: append entry to local log, respond after entry applied to state machine
    - If last log index ≥ next_index for a follower: send AppendEntries RPC with log entries starting at next_index
    — If successful: update next_index and match_index for follower
    — If AppendEntries fails because of log inconsistency: decrement next_index and retry
    — If there exists an N such that N > commit_index, a majority of match_index[i] ≥ N,
    and log[N].term == self term: set commit_index = N

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.heartbeat_timer = Timer(config.heartbeat_interval, self.heartbeat)
        self.step_down_timer = Timer(
            config.step_down_missed_heartbeats * config.heartbeat_interval,

        # Heartbeat 时自加1
        self.request_id = 0
        # 收到 append_entries_response 时,根据 request_id ,判定是否有过半 Follower 回应
        self.response_map = {}

    def start(self):

        # LIUHAO: Trigger leader call 'append_entries' automatically


    def stop(self):

    # init_log 是在 start() 方法而不是 __init__ 方法中调用,
    # Candidate 升级为 Leader 时,只有 next_index、match_index 会重新初始化,其它数据保持不变
    def init_log(self):
        # LIUHAO
        # - Initiate next_index of each follower to leader's last_log_index+1. Leader will try to broadcast 'append_entries' command to each follower with lastest log data.
        #         If follower reply not 'success', next_index will descrease automatically.
        #         If follower reply 'success', leader will update 'match_index' to 'last_log_index' of follower.
        # - 'self.state.cluster' doesn't include this node refer to register.py:register
        self.log.next_index = {
            follower: self.log.last_log_index + 1 for follower in self.state.cluster

        # LIUHAO
        # - Initiate match_index to 0. match_index will catch up to the 'next_index' of each server after leader broadcasting 'append_entries' commands and receives 'success' response
        self.log.match_index = {
            follower: 0 for follower in self.state.cluster

    async def append_entries(self, destination=None):
        """AppendEntries RPC — replicate log entries / heartbeat
            destination — destination id

        Request params:
            term — leader’s term
            leader_id — so follower can redirect clients
            prev_log_index — index of log entry immediately preceding new ones
            prev_log_term — term of prev_log_index entry
            commit_index — leader’s commit_index

            entries[] — log entries to store (empty for heartbeat)

        # Send AppendEntries RPC to destination if specified or broadcast to everyone
        # 支持 send 单点或 broadcast 广播消息
        destination_list = [destination] if destination else self.state.cluster
        for destination in destination_list:
            data = {
                'type': 'append_entries',

                'term': self.storage.term,
                'leader_id': self.id, # LIUHAO: It's just a leader_id. When a Follower receives 'append_entries' message, the Follower will update its Leader property.
                'commit_index': self.log.commit_index,

                'request_id': self.request_id

            next_index = self.log.next_index[destination]
            prev_index = next_index - 1

            if self.log.last_log_index >= next_index:
                # Follower 节点数据未同步时,这里仅仅只同步 1 个 entry
                data['entries'] = [self.log[next_index]]

                # heartbeat 心跳,不携带数据
                data['entries'] = []

            # Follower 需要检查上一个 Log Entry 的 index、term 是否与 Leader 匹配,确保 Follower 数据的一致性
                'prev_log_index': prev_index,
                'prev_log_term': self.log[prev_index]['term'] if self.log and prev_index else 0

            asyncio.ensure_future(self.state.send(data, destination), loop=self.loop)

    def on_receive_append_entries_response(self, data):
        sender_id = self.state.get_sender_id(data['sender'])

        # Count all unqiue responses per particular heartbeat interval
        # and step down via  if leader doesn't get majority of responses for
        #  heartbeats

        if data['request_id'] in self.response_map:

            if self.state.is_majority(len(self.response_map[data['request_id']]) + 1):
                # 回应过半,重置 step_down_timer,删除 response_map 中 request_id 的请求记录
                del self.response_map[data['request_id']]

        if not data['success']:
            # LIUHAO: next_index is descreasing. Maybe in order to tolerant the follower to recover log data and catch up Leader
            # next_index[follower] 自减 1,供下一次 append_entries 使用
            self.log.next_index[sender_id] = max(self.log.next_index[sender_id] - 1, 1)

            # LIUHAO: Trace next_index, match_index for follower inside Leader.
            # append_entries 成功时,
            # next_index[follower_id] 更新为Follower的last_log_index+1,
            # match_index[follower_id]更新为Follower的last_log_index
            self.log.next_index[sender_id] = data['last_log_index'] + 1
            self.log.match_index[sender_id] = data['last_log_index']
            # 更新commit_index

        # Send AppendEntries RPC to continue updating fast-forward log (data['success'] == False)
        # or in case there are new entries to sync (data['success'] == data['updated'] == True)
        if self.log.last_log_index >= self.log.next_index[sender_id]:
            # LIUHAO: Continue to send data to the follower
            # 继续向 Follower 同步数据
            asyncio.ensure_future(self.append_entries(destination=sender_id), loop=self.loop)

    def update_commit_index(self):
        commited_on_majority = 0

        # 在当前[commit_index+1, last_log_index+1)范围内遍历,Leader中的 index 已得到 match_index 半数以
        # 上 Follower 回应,并且,log[index]['term'] 与最新 storage.term 相同时,更新 commit_index
        for index in range(self.log.commit_index + 1, self.log.last_log_index + 1):
            commited_count = len([
                1 for follower in self.log.match_index
                if self.log.match_index[follower] >= index

            # If index is matched on at least half + self for current term — commit
            # That may cause commit fails upon restart with stale logs
            is_current_term = self.log[index]['term'] == self.storage.term
            if self.state.is_majority(commited_count + 1) and is_current_term:
                commited_on_majority = index


        if commited_on_majority > self.log.commit_index:
            self.log.commit_index = commited_on_majority

    # Write 接口
    async def execute_command(self, command):
        """Write to log & send AppendEntries RPC"""
        self.apply_future = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop)

        entry = self.log.write(self.storage.term, command)
        asyncio.ensure_future(self.append_entries(), loop=self.loop)

class Candidate(BaseRole):
    """Raft Candidate
    — On conversion to candidate, start election:
        — Increment self term
        — Vote for self
        — Reset election timer
        — Send RequestVote RPCs to all other servers
    — If votes received from majority of servers: become leader
    — If AppendEntries RPC received from new leader: convert to follower
    — If election timeout elapses: start new election

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # election 超时后,自动转变成 Follower
        self.election_timer = Timer(self.election_interval, self.state.to_follower)
        self.vote_count = 0

    def start(self):
        """Increment current term, vote for herself & send vote requests"""
        # 开始 election 时,term 自加 1,且给自己投一票
            'term': self.storage.term + 1,
            'voted_for': self.id

        self.vote_count = 1

        # 发送拉票消息

        # 启动 election timer

    def stop(self):

    def request_vote(self):
        """RequestVote RPC — gather votes
            term — candidate’s term
            candidate_id — candidate requesting vote
            last_log_index — index of candidate’s last log entry
            last_log_term — term of candidate’s last log entry
        data = {
            'type': 'request_vote',

            'term': self.storage.term,
            'candidate_id': self.id,
            'last_log_index': self.log.last_log_index,
            'last_log_term': self.log.last_log_term
        # 向集群中其它所有节点广播 request_vote 消息,不论其它节点的 Role 是 Leader、Folloer、还是 Candidate,
        # 每个节点各自到什么时间,做什么事,
        # 因此 BaseRole 中抽象了以下几个方法的空实现,来应对可能接收到的各中消息的可能:
        # - on_receive_request_vote(self, data)
        # - on_receive_request_vote_response(self, data)
        # - on_receive_append_entries(self, data)
        # - on_receive_append_entries_response(self, data)

    def on_receive_request_vote_response(self, data):
        """Receives response for vote request.
        If the vote was granted then check if we got majority and may become Leader

        if data.get('vote_granted'):
            self.vote_count += 1

            # 得到过半投票后,Candidate 切换成 Leader
            if self.state.is_majority(self.vote_count):

    def on_receive_append_entries(self, data):
        """If we discover a Leader with the same term — step down"""
        # LIUHAO
        # Confusion here. When 'storage.term' < data['term'], @validate_term will keep 'storage.term' update and change self to Follower.
        # Then the code here will change self to Follower again. What I thought is that 'split vote' case may happen.
        # This doesn't make any problem ??? . Whatever....
        # 这里有个二次切换 Follower 的问题,情景如下:
        #   集群中有两个以上的 Candidate 在选举,例如叫 A、B,且 A.term > B.term;
        #   当A选举成功,A 成为 Leader,紧接着向 B 发送 append_entries 消息,Candidate B 在
        #   on_receive_append_entries 中 @validate_term 将 B.term := A.term,且切换成 Follower,
        #   这里判断 B.term == A.term,会再次切换成 Follower
        # 上面描述的情景是有一定概率出现的,由于 Follower 的 election_interval 的随机性,再加上网络状态良好的话,
        # 所以,出现上面情景的概率不会高。
        if self.storage.term == data['term']:

    def election_interval():
        return random.uniform(*config.election_interval)




class Candidate(BaseRole):
    """Raft Candidate
    — On conversion to candidate, start election:
        — Increment self term
        — Vote for self
        — Reset election timer
        — Send RequestVote RPCs to all other servers
    — If votes received from majority of servers: become leader
    — If AppendEntries RPC received from new leader: convert to follower
    — If election timeout elapses: start new election

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # election 超时后,自动转变成 Follower
        self.election_timer = Timer(self.election_interval, self.state.to_follower)
        self.vote_count = 0

    def start(self):
        """Increment current term, vote for herself & send vote requests"""
        # 开始 election 时,term 自加 1,且给自己投一票
            'term': self.storage.term + 1,
            'voted_for': self.id

        self.vote_count = 1

        # 发送拉票消息

        # 启动 election timer

    def stop(self):

    def request_vote(self):
        """RequestVote RPC — gather votes
            term — candidate’s term
            candidate_id — candidate requesting vote
            last_log_index — index of candidate’s last log entry
            last_log_term — term of candidate’s last log entry
        data = {
            'type': 'request_vote',

            'term': self.storage.term,
            'candidate_id': self.id,
            'last_log_index': self.log.last_log_index,
            'last_log_term': self.log.last_log_term
        # 向集群中其它所有节点广播 request_vote 消息,不论其它节点的 Role 是 Leader、Folloer、还是 Candidate,
        # 每个节点各自到什么时间,做什么事,
        # 因此 BaseRole 中抽象了以下几个方法的空实现,来应对可能接收到的各中消息的可能:
        # - on_receive_request_vote(self, data)
        # - on_receive_request_vote_response(self, data)
        # - on_receive_append_entries(self, data)
        # - on_receive_append_entries_response(self, data)

    def on_receive_request_vote_response(self, data):
        """Receives response for vote request.
        If the vote was granted then check if we got majority and may become Leader

        if data.get('vote_granted'):
            self.vote_count += 1

            # 得到过半投票后,Candidate 切换成 Leader
            if self.state.is_majority(self.vote_count):

    def on_receive_append_entries(self, data):
        """If we discover a Leader with the same term — step down"""
        # LIUHAO
        # Confusion here. When 'storage.term' < data['term'], @validate_term will keep 'storage.term' update and change self to Follower.
        # Then the code here will change self to Follower again. What I thought is that 'split vote' case may happen.
        # This doesn't make any problem ??? . Whatever....
        # 这里有个二次切换 Follower 的问题,情景如下:
        #   集群中有两个以上的 Candidate 在选举,例如叫 A、B,且 A.term > B.term;
        #   当A选举成功,A 成为 Leader,紧接着向 B 发送 append_entries 消息,Candidate B 在
        #   on_receive_append_entries 中 @validate_term 将 B.term := A.term,且切换成 Follower,
        #   这里判断 B.term == A.term,会再次切换成 Follower
        # 上面描述的情景是有一定概率出现的,由于 Follower 的 election_interval 的随机性,再加上网络状态良好的话,
        # 所以,出现上面情景的概率不会高。
        if self.storage.term == data['term']:

    def election_interval():
        return random.uniform(*config.election_interval)




class Follower(BaseRole):
    """Raft Follower

    — Respond to RPCs from candidates and leaders
    — If election timeout elapses without receiving AppendEntries RPC from current leader
    or granting vote to candidate: convert to candidate

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # 注意这里的 election_interval 是随机生成的,随机范围参照 config.py
        self.election_timer = Timer(self.election_interval, self.start_election)

    def start(self):
        # 初始化 storage (term、voted_for)

    def stop(self):

    def init_storage(self):
        """Set current term to zero upon initialization & voted_for to None"""
        # 仅仅首次初始化为0,storage 文件生成后,这里逻辑全程不会再进入
        if not self.storage.exists('term'):
                'term': 0,

        # 清空 voted_for
            'voted_for': None

    def election_interval():
        return random.uniform(*config.election_interval)

    def on_receive_append_entries(self, data):
        # LIUHAO: Update 'leader_id' to 'leader' property of Class State!
        #         We can have a look at description in Class State. Like the following part:
        #         #  if state is leader
        #         #  if state is follower
        #         #  if leader is not chosen yet
        #         leader = None

        # Reply False if log doesn’t contain an entry at prev_log_index whose term matches prev_log_term
            prev_log_index = data['prev_log_index']
            # 检查Leader侧提供的Follower的prev_log_index、Leader的term,与本地相比,是否有效
            # 如果无效,则直接返回 False
            # 注意:
            # raft白皮书有提到,无效时,可以携带Follower的 last_log_index,给到 Leader 侧,这样做可以使
            # Leader 侧快速定位 Follower 的 next_index,进而减少Leader侧无效的 append_entries 通信次数
            if prev_log_index > self.log.last_log_index or (
                prev_log_index and self.log[prev_log_index]['term'] != data['prev_log_term']
                response = {
                    'type': 'append_entries_response',
                    'term': self.storage.term,
                    'success': False,

                    'request_id': data['request_id']
                # 异步回应Leader
                asyncio.ensure_future(self.state.send(response, data['sender']), loop=self.loop)
        except IndexError:

        # If an existing entry conflicts with a new one (same index but different terms),
        # delete the existing entry and all that follow it
        # 将Leader发过来的entries数据,存至Log中 new_index 开始的位置
        new_index = data['prev_log_index'] + 1
            # 有冲突时,直接擦除至尾部,向Leader看齐
            if self.log[new_index]['term'] != data['term'] or (
                self.log.last_log_index != prev_log_index
        except IndexError:
            # LIUHAO: TODO
            # 'log.write' will append entries to its tail. Should we reply Leader False message???

        # It's always one entry for now
        for entry in data['entries']:
            self.log.write(entry['term'], entry['command'])

        # Update commit index if necessary
        # 注意这里的条件,Follower的commit_index 小于 Leader的commit_index时,才更新
        # 问题:
        # Follower的commit_index 大于 Leader的commit_index时,如何处理?
        # 思考:
        # 大于的情形有可能是 Follower 曾经是 Leader,commit_index 比较新 ,因为某些原因降级成 Follower。
        # 但是,这种情形也不合理,因为 Leader 的 commit_index 只有收到过半Follower的 append_entries_response 后才会更新,
        # 如此,Follower 的 commit_index 一定是小于 Leader 的 commit_index,直至 Leader 同步完最后一个 last_log_index 
        # 的 entry,Follower 的 commit_index 等于 Leader 的 commit_index(因为  Leader 的 update_commit_index 遍历范围
        # [commit_index+1, last_log_index+1) 时 index 最大值为 last_log_index )。 
        if self.log.commit_index < data['commit_index']:
            self.log.commit_index = min(data['commit_index'], self.log.last_log_index)

        # Respond True since entry matching prev_log_index and prev_log_term was found
        response = {
            'type': 'append_entries_response',
            'term': self.storage.term,
            'success': True,

            'last_log_index': self.log.last_log_index, # LIUHAO: Here, 'log.last_log_index' will be updated for that more than 1 entry be appended to the Log list 
            'request_id': data['request_id']
        asyncio.ensure_future(self.state.send(response, data['sender']), loop=self.loop)

        # 重置选举定时器

    def on_receive_request_vote(self, data):
        # LIUAHO: Insure that Follower has not voted for any Candidate
        if self.storage.voted_for is None and not data['type'].endswith('_response'):

            # Candidates' log has to be up-to-date

            # If the logs have last entries with different terms,
            # then the log with the later term is more up-to-date. If the logs end with the same term,
            # then whichever log is longer is more up-to-date.

            if data['last_log_term'] != self.log.last_log_term:
                up_to_date = data['last_log_term'] > self.log.last_log_term
                up_to_date = data['last_log_index'] >= self.log.last_log_index

            if up_to_date:
                    'voted_for': data['candidate_id']

            response = {
                'type': 'request_vote_response',
                'term': self.storage.term,
                'vote_granted': up_to_date

            asyncio.ensure_future(self.state.send(response, data['sender']), loop=self.loop)

    def start_election(self):

def leader_required(func):

    async def wrapped(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        # 确保或等待当前集群中存在 Leader
        await cls.wait_for_election_success()
        # 如果 Leader 不是自己,抛出异常
        if not isinstance(cls.leader, Leader):
            raise NotALeaderException(
                'Leader is {}!'.format(cls.leader or 'not chosen yet')

        return await func(cls, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

