这篇2009年文章提出了动态因子图模型,用于时间序列建模。作者是图灵奖得主 Yann LeCun 的学生。
这篇2014年的文章将动态因子图模型用于风能预测。对比 DFG 模型与 ARIMA 模型在极短时间(未来六小时)风能预测的性能。
STNN 时空神经网络就是将 DFG 拓展成时空序列建模。
实际上就是隐变量模型,但考虑的应用场景是:隐变量是连续的、(可能)高维的,内在动力学过程是确定性的、(可能)高度非线性的。 隐变量与观测变量之间的关系也可以是非线性的。
无隐变量 Y t = f ( Y t − 1 , … , Y t − p ) + ϵ t Y_t = f(Y_{t-1}, \ldots, Y_{t-p}) + \epsilon_t Yt=f(Yt−1,…,Yt−p)+ϵt 当前时刻的值仅仅由最近的 p p p 个历史值确定。
有隐变量 Z t = f ( Z t − p t − 1 ) + ϵ t Y t = g ( Z t ) + w t Z_t = f(\mathbf{Z}_{t-p}^{t-1}) + \epsilon_t \\ Y_t = g(Z_t) + w_t Zt=f(Zt−pt−1)+ϵtYt=g(Zt)+wt 隐变量模型是对不完全观测数据建模的较合适的方法,即观测量 Y Y Y 不一定能反映动态过程的完整性质,它可能只是更高维状态 Z Z Z 的低维投影。
DFG 模型由两部分组成:观测模型、动态模型。
由于 Yann LeCun 主推基于能量的机器学习方法,这个模型的学习问题也是基于能量的思路,实际上就是抛开概率分布,一心做优化。
模型推断的目的是为了找到最优的隐状态序列 Z t a t b Z_{t_a}^{t_b} Ztatb 以最小化观测时间 [ t a , t b ] [t_a, t_b] [ta,tb] 内的能量:
E ( W d , W o , Y t a t b ) = ∑ t = t a t b E o ( t ) + E d ( t ) E(W_d, W_o, Y_{t_a}^{t_b}) = \sum_{t=t_a}^{t_b} E_o(t) + E_d(t) E(Wd,Wo,Ytatb)=t=ta∑tbEo(t)+Ed(t)
E d ( t ) ≡ min Z t E d ( W d , Z t − p t − 1 , Z t ) = min ∣ ∣ Z t ∗ − Z t ∣ ∣ 2 E o ( t ) ≡ min Z t E o ( W o , Z t , Y t ) = min ∣ ∣ Y t ∗ − Y t ∣ ∣ 2 E_d(t) \equiv \min_{Z_t} E_d(W_d, \mathbf{Z}_{t-p}^{t-1}, Z_t) = \min ||Z^*_t - Z_t||^2\\ E_o(t) \equiv \min_{Z_t} E_o(W_o, Z_{t}, Y_t) = \min ||Y^*_t - Y_t||^2 Ed(t)≡ZtminEd(Wd,Zt−pt−1,Zt)=min∣∣Zt∗−Zt∣∣2Eo(t)≡ZtminEo(Wo,Zt,Yt)=min∣∣Yt∗−Yt∣∣2
模型训练视为了找的最优的参数 W = [ W o , W d ] \mathbf{W} = [W_o, W_d] W=[Wo,Wd] 以最小化损失函数:
L ( W , Y , Z ) = E ( W , Y ) + R z ( Z ) + R ( W ) L(\mathbf{W}, Y, Z) = E(\mathbf{W}, Y) + R_z(Z) + R(\mathbf{W}) L(W,Y,Z)=E(W,Y)+Rz(Z)+R(W)
其中 R ( W ) R(\mathbf{W}) R(W) 是对参数的正则化, R z ( Z ) R_z(Z) Rz(Z) 是对隐状态的正则化,例如平滑性约束: R z ( Z t t + 1 ) = ∑ i ( z i , t + 1 − z i , t ) 2 R_z(Z_t^{t+1}) = \sum_i (z_{i,t+1} -z_{i,t})^2 Rz(Ztt+1)=∑i(zi,t+1−zi,t)2.
这可以视为 EM 算法的两步,
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import os
import random
import json
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import shutil
def rmse(x_pred, x_target, reduce=True):
if reduce:
return x_pred.sub(x_target).pow(2).sum(-1).sqrt().mean().item()
return x_pred.sub(x_target).pow(2).sum(-1).sqrt().squeeze()
def identity(input):
return input
class Logger(object):
def __init__(self, log_dir, name, chkpt_interval):
super(Logger, self).__init__()
os.makedirs(os.path.join(log_dir, name))
self.log_path = os.path.join(log_dir, name, 'logs.json')
self.model_path = os.path.join(log_dir, name, 'model.pt')
self.logs = defaultdict(list)
self.logs['epoch'] = 0
self.chkpt_interval = chkpt_interval
def log(self, key, value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, v in value.items():
self.log('{}.{}'.format(key, k), v)
def checkpoint(self, model):
if (self.logs['epoch'] + 1) % self.chkpt_interval == 0:
self.logs['epoch'] += 1
def save(self, model):
with open(self.log_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(self.logs, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
torch.save(model.state_dict(), self.model_path)
def dataset_factory(data_dir, name):
# get dataset
if name == 'lorentz':
opt, data = lorentz(data_dir, '{}.csv'.format(name))
raise ValueError('Non dataset named `{}`.'.format(name))
# split train / test
train_data = data[:opt.nt_train]
test_data = data[opt.nt_train:]
return opt, (train_data, test_data)
def lorentz(data_dir, file='lorentz.csv'):
# dataset configuration
opt = DotDict()
opt.nt = 200
opt.nt_train = 100
opt.nx = 3
opt.periode = opt.nt
# loading data
data = torch.Tensor(np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(data_dir, file))).view(opt.nt, opt.nx)
return opt, data
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, ninp, nhid, nout, nlayers, dropout):
super(MLP, self).__init__()
self.ninp = ninp
# modules
if nlayers == 1:
self.module = nn.Linear(ninp, nout)
modules = [nn.Linear(ninp, nhid), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout)]
nlayers -= 1
while nlayers > 1:
modules += [nn.Linear(nhid, nhid), nn.ReLU(), nn.Dropout(dropout)]
nlayers -= 1
modules.append(nn.Linear(nhid, nout))
self.module = nn.Sequential(*modules)
def forward(self, input):
return self.module(input)
class DFG(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, nx, nt, nz, nhid=0, nlayers=1,
activation='identity', device='cuda'):
super(DFG, self).__init__()
assert (nhid > 0 and nlayers > 1) or (nhid == 0 and nlayers == 1)
# attributes
self.nt = nt
self.nx = nx
self.nz = nz
# kernel
self.activation = F.tanh if activation == 'tanh' else identity if activation == 'identity' else None
# modules
self.factors = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(nt, nz))
self.dynamic = MLP(nz, nhid, nz, nlayers, 0)
self.decoder = nn.Linear(nz, nx, bias=False)
# init
self.factors.data.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
def update_z(self, z):
z = z.view(-1,self.nz)
z_next = self.dynamic(z)
return self.activation(z_next)
def decode_z(self, z):
x_rec = self.decoder(z)
return x_rec
def dec_closure(self, t_idx):
z_inf = self.factors[t_idx]
x_rec = self.decoder(z_inf)
return x_rec
def dyn_closure(self, t_idx):
z_input = self.factors[t_idx]
z_input = z_input.view(-1, self.nz)
z_gen = self.dynamic(z_input)
return self.activation(z_gen)
def generate(self, nsteps):
z = self.factors[-1]
z_gen = []
for t in range(nsteps):
z = self.update_z(z)
z_gen = torch.stack(z_gen).view(-1,self.nz)
x_gen = self.decode_z(z_gen)
return x_gen, z_gen
def factors_parameters(self):
yield self.factors
# parse
opt = DotDict()
opt.datadir = 'data'
opt.dataset = 'lorentz'
opt.outputdir = 'output_lorentz'
opt.xp = 'dfg'
opt.lr = 0.001
opt.beta1 = 0.9
opt.beta2 = 0.999
opt.eps = 1e-9
opt.wd = 1e-6
opt.wd_z = 1e-7
opt.xp = 'stnn_d'
opt.device = 0
opt.patience = 300
opt.l2_z = 0.01
opt.l1_rel = 0.01
opt.nz = 6
opt.nhid = 0
opt.nlayers = 1
opt.lambd = 1
opt.activation = 'identity'
opt.batch_size = 100
opt.nepoch = 10000
opt.manualSeed = random.randint(1, 10000)
# cudnn
if opt.device > -1:
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(opt.device)
device = torch.device('cuda:0')
device = torch.device('cpu')
if opt.device > -1:
# Data
# -- load data
setup, (train_data, test_data) = dataset_factory(opt.datadir, opt.dataset)
train_data = train_data.to(device)
test_data = test_data.to(device)
for k, v in setup.items():
opt[k] = v
# -- train inputs
t_idx = torch.arange(1,opt.nt_train, out=torch.LongTensor()).contiguous()
if os.path.exists(opt.outputdir):
# Model
model = DFG(opt.nx, opt.nt_train, opt.nz, opt.nhid, opt.nlayers,
# Optimizer
params = [{'params': model.factors_parameters(), 'weight_decay': opt.wd_z},
{'params': model.dynamic.parameters()},
{'params': model.decoder.parameters()}]
optimizer = optim.Adam(params, lr=opt.lr, betas=(opt.beta1, opt.beta2), eps=opt.eps, weight_decay=opt.wd)
if opt.patience > 0:
lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, patience=opt.patience)
# Logs
logger = Logger(opt.outputdir, opt.xp, opt.nt_train)
with open(os.path.join(opt.outputdir, opt.xp, 'config.json'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(opt, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
# Training
lr = opt.lr
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
pb = tqdm(range(opt.nepoch))
for e in pb:
# ------------------------ Train ------------------------
# --- decoder ---
idx_perm = torch.randperm(opt.nt_train-1).to(device)
batches = idx_perm.split(opt.batch_size)
logs_train = defaultdict(float)
for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
# data
input_t = t_idx[batch]
x_target = train_data[input_t]
# closure
x_rec = model.dec_closure(input_t)
mse_dec = F.mse_loss(x_rec, x_target)
# backward
# step
# log
logger.log('train_iter.mse_dec', mse_dec.item())
logs_train['mse_dec'] += mse_dec.item() * len(batch)
# --- dynamic ---
idx_perm = torch.randperm(opt.nt_train-1).to(device)
batches = idx_perm.split(opt.batch_size)
for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
# data
input_t = t_idx[batch]
# closure
z_inf = model.factors[input_t]
z_pred = model.dyn_closure(input_t - 1)
# loss
mse_dyn = z_pred.sub(z_inf).pow(2).mean()
loss_dyn = mse_dyn * opt.lambd
if opt.l2_z > 0:
loss_dyn += opt.l2_z * model.factors[input_t - 1].sub(model.factors[input_t]).pow(2).mean()
# backward
# step
# log
logger.log('train_iter.mse_dyn', mse_dyn.item())
logs_train['mse_dyn'] += mse_dyn.item() * len(batch)
logs_train['loss_dyn'] += loss_dyn.item() * len(batch)
# --- logs ---
logs_train['mse_dec'] /= opt.nt_train
logs_train['mse_dyn'] /= opt.nt_train
logs_train['loss_dyn'] /= opt.nt_train
logs_train['loss'] = logs_train['mse_dec'] + logs_train['loss_dyn']
logger.log('train_epoch', logs_train)
# ------------------------ Test ------------------------
with torch.no_grad():
x_pred, _ = model.generate(opt.nt - opt.nt_train)
score_ts = rmse(x_pred, test_data, reduce=False)
score = rmse(x_pred, test_data)
logger.log('test_epoch.rmse', score)
logger.log('test_epoch.ts', {t: {'rmse': scr.item()} for t, scr in enumerate(score_ts)})
# checkpoint
logger.log('train_epoch.lr', lr)
pb.set_postfix(loss=logs_train['loss'], rmse_test=score, lr=lr)
# schedule lr
if opt.patience > 0 and score < 10:
lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']
if lr <= 1e-5:
with torch.no_grad():
prediction, _ = model.generate(100)
mse = rmse(prediction, test_data)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure('Test plots', figsize=(17, 4), dpi=90)
with open(os.path.join(opt.outputdir, opt.xp, 'logs.json'), 'r') as f:
logs = json.load(f)
plt.plot([logs['test_epoch.ts.{}.rmse'.format(ts)][-1] for ts in range(100)], label=opt.xp, alpha=0.8)
plt.title('Prediction RMSE')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.imshow(test_data.squeeze().cpu().numpy().T, aspect='auto', cmap='jet')
plt.title('ground truth')
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.imshow(prediction.squeeze().cpu().numpy().T, aspect='auto', cmap='jet')
plt.title('{} prediction'.format('DFG'))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.imshow(test_data.sub(prediction).abs().cpu().numpy().T, aspect='auto')
plt.title('absolute error')